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Really Confused About Warfare

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EDIT: I decided to grow some brain cells and googled for the devhaven. Found the files section, now have questions about that.

1. For Warfare BE 2.067 I see three files; normal, OA, and CO. They are all "Lite". What's that about?

2. Does the "WFBE_ParametersSetter.zip" file allow me to modify the mission parameters more in depth than in the the lobby screen?

I'm trying to figure out which version of Warfare BE to download. I see two threads here, Warfare BE and Warfare BE ZGM (I think a modification of BE). I'm confused because in Warfare BE it links to the download of Warfare BE ZGM but not itself. This is frustrating because I don't want ZGM, I just wanna try Warfare BE. Could somebody explain to me what's going on here... I feel so stupid. :(

Oh and uhh... what's different about Warfare BE and vanilla Warfare?

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Well normal is for ArmA 2, OA is for Operation Arrowhead and CO is for Combined Operations. Parameters Setter lets you to change default parameters and import default parameters from older versions.

I dunno what DL links you found but this one works for me:


Difference between stock and BE warfare is like... everything:).

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Well normal is for ArmA 2, OA is for Operation Arrowhead and CO is for Combined Operations. Parameters Setter lets you to change default parameters and import default parameters from older versions.

I dunno what DL links you found but this one works for me:


Difference between stock and BE warfare is like... everything:).

Thanks for the information. Yes this is the devhaven link I was talking about. Why are all three versions "Lite" though? Is there a "Heavy" or "Full" version?

Sorry about the incompetence when it comes to Warfare. I haven't played Warfare at all since ArmA got patched to 1.08 and it was implemented there a few years back. Could you please elaborate a bit on what's different with BE and vanilla Warfare? Just some highlights you can think of off the top of your head would be great. Thanks again for the information.


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I dunno why they are lite but there is no "full" or "heavy" versions.

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WarfareV2_067Lite.zip - ArmA 2 standalone

WarfareV2_067LiteCO.zip - ArmA 2 + Operation Arrowhead (Combined Operations)

WarfareV2_067LiteOA.zip - Operation Arrowhead standalone

'Lite' is the full version (the only version), f'd if I know why... ask the strange one Benny.

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EDIT: I decided to grow some brain cells and googled for the devhaven. Found the files section, now have questions about that.

1. For Warfare BE 2.067 I see three files; normal, OA, and CO. They are all "Lite". What's that about?

2. Does the "WFBE_ParametersSetter.zip" file allow me to modify the mission parameters more in depth than in the the lobby screen?

I'm trying to figure out which version of Warfare BE to download. I see two threads here, Warfare BE and Warfare BE ZGM (I think a modification of BE). I'm confused because in Warfare BE it links to the download of Warfare BE ZGM but not itself. This is frustrating because I don't want ZGM, I just wanna try Warfare BE. Could somebody explain to me what's going on here... I feel so stupid. :(

Oh and uhh... what's different about Warfare BE and vanilla Warfare?

Download them all and try them ... I play a whole whack of them. Some support different islands (so far I've found, many various islands including Chenarus, Takistan, Shapur, Zagrabad, Duala, Panthera, Lingor, Quesh Kibrul, Sbproj, Fallujah, Tropica, FDF, Thirsk, Namalsk, Everon, Nicosia, Celly). There are 32 and 40 player versions of WBE, and possibly more (could this be what "lite" is? ), there are different sides, including USMC, PMC, BAF, Russia, Arma 2 and OA insurgents, Takistanis etc etc. The options may also vary depending on the vintage of the mission, who made it and what modifications they made (for better or worse).

Same with Insurgency/Evolution - they are just variations on a given theme. Warfare is MP humans among hundreds of AI friendlies and hostiles. Insurgency/Evolution is MP in missions among large number of hostiles. Domination is another MP Game mode (I haven't tried). All have different takes on MP-on-MP gaming. Don't worry what is what. Just give 'er!

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