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Create flying helicopters?

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Is there any way (while the mission is running) to create a manned helicopter that is flying in the air?

In the Editor you can position helicopters that are manned and flying in the air right from the beginning.

But how can you create such a helicopter with createUnit/vehicle?

When I try to use a script with heli1 = "AH1Z" createUNIT blabla I come up with a helicopter that pops up for a tenth second on map start and that disappers instantly again.

Sure you can

createVEHICLE a helicopter

createUNIT and moveindriver a pilot and

engineOn and setpos (x,y,above ground) the helicopter

But with this method you come up with a helicopter in the air whose engines get started immediately at map start, but it will fall to the ground since the rotor rotation needs still to increase.

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Mkay, now I know my mistake. I accidently doubled the [] for the position by putting an array-variable into these brackets.

Nevertheless the helicopter is not manned and you have to add pilot and gunner with createUnit and moveindriver etc.

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Nevertheless the helicopter is not manned and you have to add pilot and gunner with createUnit and moveindriver etc.

Yes sure! createvehicle command spawn only an empty vehicle ;)

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