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Buddy List Joining?

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I searched for the answer to this question but didn't find it.

Has anyone made a launcher or an app that allows you to connect directly to the friend(s) you add to a Buddy List? Hopefully it shows which are online playing, too?

I think such a thing would help trusted groups of friend coalesce.

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No such thing in this game, not sure if its setup that way for the steam version but it is a good idea,

I remember that you can do that in RO, but Id reccomend you to post in the suggestions section and let the idea be heard, Im for it.

Same for the other idea someone came up with which i dont understand why its not in the game to begin

with but in mp if you like a server and want to paly on it regularly then there should be an option to

save the server like a bookmark, save to your favorites.

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