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Need help with waking up script

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Hi all,

I've been trying to get this mission to work but I've had no success so far...

I want to wake up, in the cargo seat of a chinook with all the soldiers inside dead. I tried to move soldiers with health set to zero, but the game forces the bodies out of the helicopter [i used an empty helo for this attempt]

When I tried to use a BLUFOR helo, there were pilots inside of it and they got out, alive and kicking and just started to walk around.

I also cant get my character to start in the actual cargo, he keeps getting put in the co-pilot seat for some reason when I use assign cargo and moveincargo.

Also, can I spawn a flare at the crash site?

Please help :(

Edited by SOSyourself

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Create an empty helicopter and name it "pileOfJunk".

Create n+1 men and put this to every units init-field:

this moveInCargo pileOfJunk; this setDamage 1;

The unit who was placed in the editor earlier than the rest who you put into cargo gets the co-pilot seat. So first create the co-pilot and only after that create the player unit.

Put this line to your choppers init-field to create a red flare:

helpMeIAmOverHere = "F_40mm_Red" createVehicle [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 100];

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Alright so I just tested the flare... it worked, but is there a way I can have one like, on the ground, specifically a red chemlight from the ACE mod?

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Not sure if you can spawn chemlights. Your best bet is to browse through the official ACE web page. If I recall correctly there isn't any documentation how you can create chemlights. However, there is something about placing strobes.

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Thanks for the help. so far I have everything as I want it... I actually have one more question. Is there some way to play like a cinematic where your eyes slowly open, or the screen fades in from red/black?

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Put this in your init.sqf file

titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 10];
"dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;   
"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6];   
"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0;     
"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0];  
"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 7;

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does the order matter? ie. does it have to be placed before or after execVM "briefing.sqf";

EDIT: I just tested it out with it pasted after, and it works like a charm, exactly what I wanted!

Edited by SOSyourself

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