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Size of the sea

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Im working on a map that is as big as something between Chernarus and Takistan roughly. That doesn't leave but about 1km of ocean around the island.

If i expanded my map to be 25 x 25 km, making the sea/ocean filling up that new area space, will it drain too much more resources? I was thinking that since it is only water it would pretty much just be empty space.

So will adding a bigger area around my island make much of a difference? I want to make sure I have room for ships/carriers to be out as far away from the island as possible. I guess i'm thinking that because outside of my map borders all you will see is water anyway. I mean it's already going to be there whether I streatch it out or not.

Too many maps have enemies extremely close together compared to real life. A carrier will be 20 or 30 miles away from the island.

Thanks for any help. It's my first attempt, and I am shooting for the stars with it that big instead of starting small. But I figure why invest all that time on a small map that I wont really use.

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I think it doesn't matters much.

Performance of land seems the same as performance of sea (which has land modeled under it anyway).

If you want to test the scenerios, I'm made and release 2 terrains that are almost perfect for the test.

Sands - 42km terrain thats all sand. Object count is small.

Waves - 42km terrain that mostly water. Its actually the SAME terrain as Sands, except dropped down into the sea. Object count very low.

Placing objects like LHDs BEYOND the normal borders of a map could be dangerous.

Also, with BIS's random terrain past borders, whether its land or sea or both, it very much depends on the height of the terrain near the actual borders.

If the terrain height near borders is not much different from sea level, your likely you to get sea AND land beyond the borders.

If the terrain is very high, your only likely to get land.

If the terrain is deep sea, your only likely to get more sea.

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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So do I have this right?

Adding 10 more kilometers to the ocean won't end up being a big deal compared to adding 10 more kilometers of land, which will require all that extra grass, rocks, buildings, trees, etc...

That was why i was saying everything outside of the border will just be ocean, and since we can still fly out there or move out of bounds, wouldn't it basically use the exact same resources, but allowing me to put something further away like your ships (that I love by the way) by creating a bigger border.

I just want to make sure I can have ships or aircraft to be able to start any mission away from the island so they don't start within range of the enemy.


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I would be surprised if you saw any performance drop by increasing the size of the map under these circumstances. So I would encourage you to do so as the your reasons seem quite valid. ;)


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