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Arma 2 OA edit default CTI missions

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Hi , I'm new to the forums and mission editing in Arma 2 OA. I've got a few questions and I've been looking for answers for a while, but it seems that I've got bad luck. So I came across this forum and I'm about to ask you a few questions :

1. Is there anyway to edit the default CTI missions (CTI 16 Mountain Warfare and CTI 24 Mountain Warfare),I mean add some scripts and change parameters?

2. If editing of the default CTI missions is available, is there anyway to script AI to help them buy and use aircraft ?

3. If editing of the default CTI missions is available, is there anyway to add civilians?

Please answer all the questions, as these questions are concerning me most.

Thanks !

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So nobody is willing to share knowledge with me?

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You can open missions with the pbo tools that are available, then open the mission with the editor and edit the mission, so 1 and 3 is easy.

question 2 is probably possible but I cant help.

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Thank you for your reply! Could you tell me the names of those tools? it would be very great! :bounce3:

BTW whats the location of the CTI maps? I can't seem to find them

Edited by RE-EM

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Thanks , it would be great if you could tell me the location of the maps :D I search around and can't understand a thing , what are the names of the pbo files ?:confused:

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Yay I found a ''tool'' that opens pbo's it's called ''Eliteness''. Could anyone provide me with further steps. I've opened missions.pbo file which is found in C:.../Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\Common , but where is any of the CTI maps ? All I see is different files that contain scripts for configurations for every mission. How do I edit particularly CTI 24 Mountain Warfare ?

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136 views and nobody wants to tell me at least the location of the CTI 24 mountain warfare file ? :eek: if you know the location pls share

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Thanks! :cheers: But will I find info on where to find the default missions? Because I still haven't found the mission I am looking for

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You will find the downloaded missions in folder MPMissionsCache on your HDD.


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No , I mean I need the default mission CTI 24 mountain warfare. It wasn't downloaded, it's an original mission and I can't find the pbo file of it.

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Oh my god... sorry... i didn`t get it... :o

You will find the mission in your ArmA:OA installation folder under in E:\ArmA 2\Expansion\Addons\missions_e.pbo and if you unpacked the file you will find it in missions_e\MPScenarios\MPE_MountainWarfare3Sided.Takistan.


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Thank you very much !!!!! :yay: :bounce3: Do you where I should edit the mission whether in-game mission editor or just edit by editing cfg's and other files?

Edited by RE-EM

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Thank you very very very much !!!!! :yay: :bounce3:

1.How to add custom addons and make them purchasable?

2.How to make AI buy aircraft?

3.How to add civilians? and make a penalty -300 SV and -1000$ for the squad for killing a civilian

Edited by RE-EM

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2. Edit Config_Teams.sqf and create some AI air teams. Find the list for AI commander team choices and put your new AI air team in to one of the slots. Start off with some choppers. Not sure if you have an airport setup, so fixed wing aircraft may need some more editing.

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Hi all, I tried to change the vehicles in my warfare mission, edited the Config_teams.sqf file and insert this line to InitCommon.sqf file: [] Call Compile PreprocessFile "Common\Config\Config_Teams.sqf";

And now the AI don't want to buy vehicles, and everybody just walk on foot.

Anyone can help me why this thing doesn't work?

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1.How to add custom addons and make them purchasable?

Been wondering this myself but always didnt bother asking as it would probably involve some kind of code which scares me a little :D

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