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v1.57 Freeze with 13% CPU usage

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I'm running Arma 2 CO (Steam) v1.57 and am finding that the game freezes when playing in multiplayer. It has not frozen during extended (several hours) use of the editor or 5-10 min sessions in the "preview" mode.

When the game freezes, the screen stays stuck on whatever frame it froze on. If I Alt+Tab out, I can't get back to Arma. Task Manager always seems to indicate that the process is using 13% CPU (clue perhaps?).

OS: Windows 7

CPU: i950

GPU: 580 GTX


MOBO: Asus P6X58D


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Sounds like the error i get. After an hour or so of warfare, the game would freeze, CPU would be low, but memory would be above 1,000,000K in the task manager. Its the out of memory issue by the sound of it, am afraid say.

If you check your Arma2/ARMA2OA .RPT file it will tell you. I found that by going into the Config File and Changing LocalVram to 0 then saving it and reloading the game, it will provide a temp fix, as it will redetect your memory.

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The only mods that are running are PMC and BAF.

Could it be a script in a mission?

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Have you tried what i suggested in my post above? If not give that a go first. I doubt it will be a mission script within BAF or PMC, as you will have the lite versions of both with the latest patches (1.57) even if you didnt buy the full versions, so all scripts etc will be there. As i said before your issue sounds exactly the same as the out of memory issue that i and others have experienced since patch 1.56.

Edited by teaboy

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Hi teaboy,

I used to get a CTD that would say "Out of memory", which has happened with 1.56 and I *think* at least once with 1.57. These freezes, however, do not cause a CTD. The process just hangs and needs to be ended via Task Manager. Could it still be an "Out of memory" error?

BTW here's my ArmA2OA.cfg:


























Note: The 580GTX has 1.5GB of onboard memory, so I think "localVRAM=1576468480;" is correct. I'll give your suggestion a try though! It definitely feels like when the video card has to pull some serious weight, that it freezes. It actually feels like a recursive loop that eventually locks everything up.

---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------

Just ran AIDA64 and I can see that i have 1536MB of VRAM, which works out to 1,610,612,736 bytes.

I'm about to try with "0" and see what it detects, but am wondering if I should hard-code it.

The issue with detection seems to be one of it detecting *more* VRAM than you have, rather than less (as in this case), no?

---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

Just changed the ArmA2OA.cfg to:


























Re-ran the game (Steam > Library > Arma AO -> Launch Combined Ops) and the values in the .cfg are still zeros. Weird?

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Sadly, the game has crashed again. It did manage to stay up for about 3 hours. Not sure if that's coincidence though, since it lasted that long before.

---------- Post added at 12:12 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 10:42 PM ----------

:( This sucks.

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The game usually crashes after that long of game play due to it's memory leaks. My game gets the "lag bug" (Game constantly gets 4-5 FPS) when it reaches 890-945 MB memory usage most of the time.

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Is it because I'm hosting that it happens to be before the other players?

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No, it can happen at any time to anyone, regardless of whether your hosting the game or not. 3hrs play time is pretty long and i doubt you will improve on that by much until they fix the memory issues.

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Should I be seeing the values in the CFG file changing from zeros back to whatever it has detected?

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Just Tested 1.57 and yes it should redetect the values, make sure your cfg file is not read only, as that will prevent the game from making changes to the file. If it still doesnt redetect the settings, then enter them manually and save the file.

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Baz: Did you have > 4GB of RAM and this issue, too?

teaboy: The values are back to:



Any suggestions on what I should hard-code these to? Both are less than the physical amounts, so I don't see how this would result in an out-of-memory issue. Should I lower them or increase them to match the exact physical limits?

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yes i had alot of problem with this game. i have 8GB of ram but after a month of mind melting serching i found the game works very badly with 8GB of ram lol.

my computer is only 3months old ther abouts,

GTX 480

8 GB DDR3 ram

i7 950 processor.

1 TB hardrive,

512 hardrive,

Mother board. P6T Deluxe V2 ASUS.

I have tryed everything i even got a new Graphics card a 2GB 5970 and it was still the same lol. i tryed the Ram setting which did help a little, i updated the hardwere, and did a complete fresh install of everthing and replaced my windows 7 HomePremium, with Ultimate, still noting, so i tested the ram to make sure it was all working ok. It was working perfect with other games. so i tryed it with just 4GB of ram and work like a dream, the motherboard is perfect too, so it has to be Arma, i see people on here every day with the same peoblem lol, i hope this helps you out, I know how bad it can get,

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baz: Thanks for confirming. Did you try setting max mem to 4GB in Windows 7 via "msconfig"? I'm wondering if that'll work rather than physically removing the DIMMs. I am going to try that approach this evening if I get a chance to play.

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yea mate i did. i tryed everything you can think of lol, i mean everything!

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