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Skip loading of background movies...

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Hey guys, I remember there was a beta patch that allowed skipping the loading of the background "movie" that is going on in the menues...

What was the command again...? :-/

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With -world=empty, -skipIntro and -noSplash, things are nice and fast. How I wish for noSplash every time I boot up a console game FPDR

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Don't you think -skipIntro combined with -world=empty is kinda... Redundant? :p

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Don't you think -skipIntro combined with -world=empty is kinda... Redundant? :p

Once you load an island (editor, mission etc) - exiting back to the menu without -skipIntro will load an intro.

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News to me. :butbut:

But isn't using -world=empty kinda annoying? I do it only when I'm making quick changes to settings, not playing. You just have to load the whole map later. I'd rather get it out of the way at the start. :p

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Without -world=empty it loads desert map all the time (which is fast). What if you will be playing at any other map (which you will do 95% of the time)? You'll still have to load it.

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