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Help with modding SP campaign

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I am attempting to make a minor change to every level in the SP campaign to include more weapons for selection from the briefing screen. I have read this thread and it was incredibly helpful to get me started:


I thought I had made all modifications correctly but when I run the new campaign the weapon selection screen remains unchanged. I have gone through the code several times and my syntax is correct (I think).

These are the steps I followed:

1) Extract missions_e.pbo from C:\Games\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\Addons (my installation dir)

2) Navigate to the campaign sub-folder and then the missions sub-folder and finally into CE1_GoodMorningTStan.Takistan folder for this example

3) Open description.ext and edit the class Weapons and class Magazines section so it resembles something like this:

class Weapons 
class m240_scoped_EP1 {count = 10;};
class SCAR_L_CQC {count = 10;};
class SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO {count = 10;};
class AK_107_kobra          {count = 10;};
class AK_107_GL_kobra	    {count = 10;};
class AK_107_GL_pso	    {count = 10;};
class AK_107_pso            {count = 10;};
class AK_74                 {count = 10;};
class AK_74_GL              {count = 10;};
class AK_47_M               {count = 10;};
class AK_47_S               {count = 10;};
class AKS_74_kobra          {count = 10;};
class AKS_74_pso            {count = 10;};
class AKS_74_U              {count = 10;};
class AKS_74_UN_kobra       {count = 10;};
class Bizon                 {count = 10;};
class bizon_silenced        {count = 10;};
class G36a                  {count = 10;};
class G36C                  {count = 10;};
class G36_C_SD_eotech       {count = 10;};
class G36K                  {count = 10;};
class M1014                 {count = 10;};
class M16A2                 {count = 10;};
class M16A2GL               {count = 10;};
class M16A4                 {count = 10;};
class M16A4_GL              {count = 10;};
class M16A4_ACG_GL          {count = 10;};
class M16A4_ACG             {count = 10;};
class M4A1                  {count = 10;};
class M4A1_HWS_GL           {count = 10;};
class M4A1_HWS_GL_camo      {count = 10;};
class M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo   {count = 10;};
class M4A1_RCO_GL           {count = 10;};
class M4A1_Aim              {count = 10;};
class M4A1_Aim_camo         {count = 10;};
class M4A1_AIM_SD_camo      {count = 10;};
class MP5A5                 {count = 10;};
class MP5SD                 {count = 10;};
class Saiga12K              {count = 10;};
class VSS_vintorez          {count = 10;};
class M8_carbine            {count = 10;};
class M8_carbineGL          {count = 10;};
class M8_compact            {count = 10;};
class MG36                  {count = 10;};
class Mk_48                 {count = 10;};
class M240                  {count = 10;};
class M249                  {count = 10;};
class Pecheneg              {count = 10;};
class PK                    {count = 10;};
class RPK_74                {count = 10;};
class M8_SAW                {count = 10;};
class Huntingrifle          {count = 10;};
class DMR                   {count = 10;};
class KSVK                  {count = 10;};
class M107                  {count = 10;};
class M24                   {count = 10;};
class M40A3                 {count = 10;};
class M4SPR                 {count = 10;};
class SVD                   {count = 10;};
class SVD_CAMO              {count = 10;};
class M8_sharpshooter       {count = 10;};
class Colt1911              {count = 10;};
class M9                    {count = 10;};
class M9SD                  {count = 10;};
class Makarov               {count = 10;};
class MakarovSD		    {count = 10;};
class Sa61_EP1		    {count = 10;};
class UZI_EP1		    {count = 10;};
       class UZI_SD_EP1	    {count = 10;};
class glock17_EP1	    {count = 10;};
class revolver_EP1	    {count = 10;};
class revolver_gold_EP1	    {count = 10;};
class Igla                  {count = 10;};
class Javelin               {count = 10;};
class M136                  {count = 10;};
class MetisLauncher         {count = 10;};
class RPG18                 {count = 10;};
class RPG7V                 {count = 10;};
class SMAW                  {count = 10;};
class Stinger               {count = 10;};
class Strela                {count = 10;};
class M32_EP1		    {count = 10;};
class M47Launcher_EP1	    {count = 10;};
class M79_EP1		    {count = 10;};
class MAAWS		    {count = 10;};
class Mk13_EP1		    {count = 10;};
class Magazines 
class 30Rnd_545x39_AK			{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_545x39_AKSD			{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_762x39_AK47			{count = 99;};
class 64Rnd_9x19_Bizon			{count = 99;};
class 64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon		{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_556x45_G36			{count = 99;};
class 100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag		{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_556x45_G36SD		{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag		{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD		{count = 99;};
class 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag		{count = 99;};
class 8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug		{count = 99;};
class 8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug		{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5			{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD			{count = 99;};
class 10Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS		{count = 99;};
class 20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS		{count = 99;};
class 100Rnd_762x51_M240		{count = 99;};
class 200Rnd_556x45_M249		{count = 99;};
class 100Rnd_762x54_PK			{count = 99;};
class 75Rnd_545x39_RPK			{count = 99;};
class 5x_22_LR_17_HMR			{count = 99;};
class 20Rnd_762x51_DMR			{count = 99;};
class 5Rnd_127x108_KSVK			{count = 99;};
class 10Rnd_127x99_m107			{count = 99;};
class 5Rnd_762x51_M24			{count = 99;};
class 10Rnd_762x54_SVD			{count = 99;};
class 7Rnd_45ACP_1911			{count = 99;};
class 15Rnd_9x19_M9			{count = 99;};
class 15Rnd_9x19_M9SD			{count = 99;};
class 8Rnd_9x18_Makarov			{count = 99;};
class 8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD		{count = 99;};
class 20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball		{count = 99;};
class 10Rnd_B_765x17_Ball		{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_9x19_UZI			{count = 99;};
class 30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD			{count = 99;};
class 17Rnd_9x19_glock17		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_45ACP			{count = 99;};
class Igla				{count = 99;};
class Javelin				{count = 99;};
class M136				{count = 99;};
class AT13				{count = 99;};
class RPG18				{count = 99;};
class PG7V				{count = 99;};
class PG7VL				{count = 99;};
class PG7VR				{count = 99;};
class OG7				{count = 99;};
class SMAW_HEAA				{count = 99;};
class SMAW_HEDP				{count = 99;};
class MAAWS_HEAT			{count = 99;};
class MAAWS_HEDP			{count = 99;};
class Stinger				{count = 99;};
class Strela				{count = 99;};
class Dragon_EP1			{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_HE_GP25			{count = 99;};
class FlareWhite_GP25			{count = 99;};
class FlareGreen_GP25			{count = 99;};
class FlareRed_GP25			{count = 99;};
class FlareYellow_GP25			{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25			{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25		{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25		{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25		{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_HE_M203			{count = 99;};
class FlareWhite_M203			{count = 99;};
class FlareGreen_M203			{count = 99;};
class FlareRed_M203			{count = 99;};
class FlareYellow_M203			{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_Smoke_M203			{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203		{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203		{count = 99;};
class 1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_HE_M203			{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_FlareWhite_M203		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_FlareGreen_M203		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_FlareRed_M203		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_FlareYellow_M203		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_Smoke_M203			{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_SmokeRed_M203		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203		{count = 99;};
class 6Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203		{count = 99;};
class HandGrenade			{count = 99;};
class HandGrenade_West			{count = 99;};
class HandGrenade_East			{count = 99;};
class SmokeShell			{count = 99;};
class SmokeShellRed			{count = 99;};
class SmokeShellGreen			{count = 99;};
class SmokeShellYellow			{count = 99;};
class SmokeShellOrange			{count = 99;};
class SmokeShellPurple			{count = 99;};
class SmokeShellBlue			{count = 99;};
class TimeBomb				{count = 99;};
class PipeBomb				{count = 99;};
class Mine				{count = 99;};
class MineE				{count = 99;};
class HandGrenade_Stone			{count = 99;};

4) Save description.ext

5) create .pbo from 'campaign' folder only and place in C:\Games\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\Campaigns

5a) I have also made a .pbo of the entire missions_e folder again just to try, but that created errors of its own when loading the campaign

6) Launch game. I navigate to Single Player >> Campaigns where I see my new campaign listed as I have renamed it. "Operation Arrowhead - REARMED"

7) Select the campaign and start a new game. Sit through the opening level. When I then arrive at the briefing screen for "Good Morning Takistan" I go to 'Units" select myself, choose gear, but the list is virtually empty. Only the weapons and ammo that were originally included in the level show up.

What am I missing? I scoured the folders from missions_e\campaign\missions for any other file where I could also indicate the weapons to be included, but I could find nothing.

Also a side question: I am using the great class library available here:


and I wanted to confirm that ALL of the items in that library are in vanilla, unmodded ARMA II: OA. I want to make sure before I blindly add them all to the include list. So far all of the weapons seem to match up with the weapons_e.pbo so I think I'm safe there.


I realize now that this belongs more in ARMA 2 EDITING > ArmA 2 & OA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. I didn't go far enough up the directory tree to see that category. If a Mod would kindly move it for me I would be much obliged.

Thank you

Edited by patrioticparadox
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One hundred and ten views and not a single person stopped to help someone new get going. No direction to head, no suggested reading, nothing!


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It's because only the team leader can select from the weapons pool. If you change the player to hitman, you will see the weapons. Or give Drake (the default player) a field commission to officer so he has more pull than hitman (that's the callsign of the group leader). I would also suggest editing the missions individually in the editor first, and testing them in preview mode. Hold down the shift key when you click preview and the briefing will come up.

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