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How to use proxies in o2?

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Sup guys,

I need some help with proxies so I can use them in my buildings. I know what proxies are and what they do but I don't know how to set them up in o2.

Lets say I have a building and I want to place a table inside. The table is located in:


How would I place it using a proxy?

Also how do I place the table precisely where I want it to since I don't see it, only a triangle?

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To create a proxy object in O2 menu: Create -> Proxy

To make the proxy shape visible: select proxy, in O2 menu View -> Show Proxy Objects.

Note: Show proxy object doesn't work in "Use Direct3D" mode.

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Thanks man, now I know everything I needed to know :smile:

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Hm it seem that I have a problem,

I'm trying to proxy some BIS objects from the CA folder and I can see them in buldozer but I don't see them in game, I'm sure this is some model path issue.

How can I proxy BIS objects from the CA folder?

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Should be very easy.

Where is your CA folder?

In the root of P drive where it should be?

And when you add a proxy in O2, you are browsing the CA directory in P drive (virtual drive), not the real drive?

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Gnat;1822254']Should be very easy.

Where is your CA folder?

In the root of P drive where it should be?

And when you add a proxy in O2' date=' you are browsing the CA directory in P drive (virtual drive), not the real drive?[/quote']

Yes, my CA folder is in the virtual P:\ drive and everything works as it should when I place objects from it in Visitor 3 etc...

For example in O2 I'm trying to make proxies for the BIS bucket and mop.

Mop: P:\CA\misc2\FloorMop\floormop.p3d

Bucket: P:\CA\misc2\MetalBucket\MetalBucket.p3d

So I create a proxies for them just as [GLT]Myke said above and I can see the objects in o2 and Buldozer perfectly fine, I just dont see them in game.

I also converted the objects to MLOD because I thought if I leave them in ODOL I wont see them in o2 and it will be hard to move them where I want them to be.

And when you add a proxy in O2, you are browsing the CA directory in P drive (virtual drive), not the real drive?

Yes, I'm browsing the virtual drive.

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Youre using the BROWSE button in Create->Proxy to navigate to the mop and bucket p3d correct?

These proxies are not named and part of hiddenselections[] = are they?

---------- Post added at 23:22 ---------- Previous post was at 23:01 ----------

Special Mopbuck aerial seems to work for me ;)


Edited by [APS]Gnat

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Youre using the BROWSE button in Create->Proxy to navigate to the mop and bucket p3d correct?


These proxies are not named and part of hiddenselections[] = are they?


Special Mopbuck aerial seems to work for me

:biggrin: Nice one, maybe it because the objects are in MLOD, how did you get that mop and bucket on the plane did you put them in hiddenselections[]?

The buildings I have don't have any config, I just place them in Visitor so they appear on my island.

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how did you get that mop and bucket on the plane did you put them in hiddenselections[]?

Nop, just opened the model in O2, added two proxies, selecting the 2 objects from the CA directory, saved the model, BinPBO and then ran ArmAII / placed it in the editor.

The buildings I have don't have any config, I just place them in Visitor so they appear on my island.

Maybe its a building thing.

But buildings do have a config dont they?

Send me any old building and I'll see what happens at my end.

class CfgPatches {
class CABuildings2_A_Pub {
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CABuildings2"};

class CfgVehicles {
class HouseBase;	// External class reference

class House : HouseBase {
	class DestructionEffects;	// External class reference
class Ruins;	// External class reference

class Land_A_Pub_01 : House {
	scope = 1;
	armor = 600;
	model = "\Ca\buildings2\A_Pub\A_Pub_01";

	class HitPoints {
		class Hit1 {
			armor = 0.7;
			material = -1;
			name = "dam 1";
			visual = "damT1";
			passThrough = 0;
			convexComponent = "dam 1";

			class DestructionEffects {
				class Dust {
					simulation = "particles";
					type = "HousePartDust";
					position = "";
					intensity = 1;
					interval = 1;
					lifeTime = 0.01;

				class Dust2 : Dust {
					type = "HousePartDustLong";

				class Walls : Dust {
					type = "HousePartWall";

		class Hit2 {
			armor = 0.0008;
			material = -1;
			name = "dam 2";
			visual = "damT2";
			passThrough = 0;
			convexComponent = "dam 2";
			depends = "Hit1";

	class Damage {
		tex[] = {};
		mat[] = {"Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\Pub_ext01_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_half_Pub_ext01_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_full_Pub_ext01_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\Pub_ext02_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_half_Pub_ext02_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_full_Pub_ext02_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\Pub_int01_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_half_Pub_int01_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_full_Pub_int01_Multi.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\Pub_windows_Super.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_half_Pub_windows_Super.rvmat", "Ca\Buildings2\A_Pub\Data\destruct_full_Pub_windows_Super.rvmat"};

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Send me any old building and I'll see what happens at my end.

I PM'd you with the building where I'm trying out that mop and bucket. Try to see what happens, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

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OK, quick test (as its 1am for me), I see what you mean in Visitor, but is this just a Visitor preview problem?

Have you actually placed this building on a terrain, then saved/compiled the terrain to see what the building is actually like Ingame?

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Gnat;1822410']OK' date=' quick test (as its 1am for me), I see what you mean in Visitor, but is this just a Visitor preview problem?

Have you actually placed this building on a terrain, then saved/compiled the terrain to see what the building is [u']actually[/u] like Ingame?

Of course, Taviana island. It doesnt show up in game nor in Visitor.

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