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A new mod needs a team!

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ok, i'm not sure if this is good enough for you.

this is my first model, I've only been modelling for 2 days, so work it out for your own, If I don't get in..fine


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well that's normal, i had to add another block to the back because the plane was too short, if you add another thing and put it on your model it just gets a different colour, the geometry is all ok, but when you get it ingame with a texture you won't have the colour difference anymore.

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Lucaman knows about modelling wink.gif

Why dont you ask for Oxygen and provide the community with quality addons?

You dont have to have a mod to get oxygen

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Snake, what most people are trying to say about ur mod, which u dont seem to like is :

If ur mod has the same features that other mods are doing, what makes ur mod any better. More importantly, why would anyone want ur mod, if it has nothing new above the other mods.

Dont waste ur time making something that everyone else is making....cos noone is gonna download it. Be origional.

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DeZzErX has made an HH-60 (grey UH-60)

Expect a screenshot soon

Still need some bug fixes

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i'd like to help i alsoo joined the 2004 mod, o no it's renamed, can't remember the new name though.

Well i could give you a hand making missions and some simple weapon models (I just started modeling a couple of weeks ago)

You could check out my site:


I'd like to join

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I can help you look for resources, just lemme know what you need.

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Did you read my post properly, I said I could alsoo do mission editing.


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look at your e-mail, I could do some mission editing as well as a voice actor smile.gif

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