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Thats_Life 2.0

2nd player can't see tasks in COOP?

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If I play my coop mission I can see my tasks when I'm player 1, but if I'm player 2 I can't.

What do I need to do to make that possible?

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It'd help if you were able to provide some other information, such as the scripts within which the tasks are being created/assigned, etc, as well as how the game is hosted - i.e. are you running a dedicated server, or just off your machine, etc. That is important, too.

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It's because the task is probably created in this way:

task = player createsimpletask...

That way it is only created for the player 1 (the unit selected at the start). It won't show on player 2, because it was never created for him.

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It's because the task is probably created in this way:

task = player createsimpletask...

That way it is only created for the player 1 (the unit selected at the start). It won't show on player 2, because it was never created for him.

yes, that make sence. So the best way is to add the tasks also for player 2?

Or what is the best way to do that.

Does work only createsimpletask? So without player/player2?

I'll sleep 3 hours untill i check it out ;)

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There's a few options:

1. Most just create a script with the tasks, then run it on all clients.

ie, what you and shk said. Just create the task for both players. This one's the simplest. :)

2. Use a script package released by someone else that does it for you. (There's a few around).

3. The BIS way - functions module and RE. More explanation on that here. Example of use from one of my missions:

note: this way takes quite a bit of effort unless you're starting from scratch.

[objNull, leader GRP_INF, "per", rCREATETASKSET, "objDestination",
   ["Escort the resistance convoy to the southern border of Zargabad. Use your radio to signal the resistance to move up.", "Escort convoy", ""]] call RE;

//objNull means run on all machines.
//leader GRP_INF applies the objective to that group
//"per" means this command is run on JIP
//rCREATETASKSET is the function
//"objDestination" is the name of the objective
//Then finally, "description", "map name", "3d marker text"

Edited by bhaz

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I used the first one and I think it will work fine.

Just created a extra briefing for player 2.

I have only SP and COOP. So no need for all the extra.

But I keep it in mind for the future.


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When I see stuff like this, it confuses the heck out of me. Because I too only play SP/Coop.. and I still use 'Mikey's Briefing Template v0.02' (because that's what I found when I started). It reads like this -

tskobj2 = player createSimpleTask["Destroy the Chopper"];

and I can see tasks no matter which member of my squad I select. And when my friend hosts us in a coop game, he can see them too. Sure, I've run into issues sometimes, like when I had an addaction 'collect evidence' task ( and shk helped me iron it out, by using a collectevidence.sqf ) but most of the time they work.


BTW- I know I should start using something like shk's taskmaster, but I'm old, lazy, and change is bad.

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