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Death from porcupine buggery

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well.. maby not

I must now bitch about bad drivers!

1: people who pull out from a stop onto a 4 lane road and pull straight into your lane going 5mph.. these people deserve a battery acid enima..

2: people who slow to 2mp before entering the turn lane.. you would think the sonofabitch was mined!.. people like this should be tied up by their ears an beaten by a severed whale penis..

3: people who go 5 mph under the speed limit and refuse to let you pass them.. just because.. well you would deflate their ego or something.. these people should be forced to drive.. a shopping cart.

4: people who race... everthing! from red lights.. cars, trucks, old women in wheel chairs.. UPS, 18 wheelers..  theseguys should get a penile implant so they can actually make up for what they are trying to..

5: people... who tailgate you.. then pass you.. then immediatley slow down.. because they have to turn.. death by testicular mutilation is required..

6: swerving cellphone user.. fuck you die die die!

7: swerving non-cellphone user.. fuck you.. how did you get a license anyway!?

8: anyone over 70..  I would say death.. but patence is the key..

add more to the list!

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Fuckers who dont notice that the lane they are in is a right turn only lane- until the last second. THEN, without checking (surprise! ) they proceed to nearly smash the front of your car, because they are too fuckin out of it to A) know where they need to be on the damn road and B) to know where other cars are on the previously mentioned goddamned road...

I think punishment would be to do intern work at the Institute for the Study of Zoophilia- but then again the sumbitches are probably in to that sort of thing...  mad.gif

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I am sure that Wobble has one of these on his car tounge.gif


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1. People that anticipate making a turn and start slowing down like 5 blocks before they make it.

2. 4'11" Soccer moms in Ford Expeditions.

3. People that accelerate like they have to shift through 20 gears to get to 40 mph.

4. People with Gore/Leiberman 2000 bumper stickers.

5. People in parking lots who signal into parking spaces.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">People in parking lots who signal into parking spaces<span id='postcolor'>

What's wrong with that?

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">4'11" Soccer moms in Ford Expeditions.<span id='postcolor'>

Same with any SUV, especially a Lincoln Navigator.  mad.gif

My beefs:

1. People (mostly teenage guys) who try and drive their P.O.S. Hondas (or any shitty car) as fast as possible down the street in a pointless attempt to impress people.

2. People with shitty cars that have installed WAY too many sub-woofers to be practical, and drive down the street blasting their shitty music all over the place.

3. Fat ladies who drive around with a flat front driver-side tire  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif

4. People who don't look after their cars and let them fall into disrepair.

5. People who drive straight with the turn signal on.  mad.gif

6. People who leave their high-beams on as they pass you head on at night.

7. People who don't signal at all.

8. People who drive drunk.


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LOL, I have seen a bit of those while in Florida before, there are stickers for every brand name of gun. tounge.gif

I have seen more than one of the 'Insured by Colt' stickers in my lifetime. smile.gif

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spirit of this thread.

i'm the only decent driver, all of you suck! tounge.gif get off the road!

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Fat ladies who drive around with flat front driver side tire.


By the way, is there any way for me to be able to use this mad smiley on AIM?? mad.gif

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HAHAHAHAHA!! and greasy ghetto mexicans (no offence) in any pre 90s cameros..

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