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we have a huge problem with this file:


we have own addonpack and its worked til now fine without any crashes.

the server provider moved our server a week ago and changed the server enviroment:

from virtualised (xen) enviroment to AMD-Opteron ded server 64bit opsys ia32-lib the 32bites binaries

file structure is 100% same on new server

if fcwwiipkmortars.pbo addon is on server its can't start now.


Preprocessor failed on file fcwwiipkmortars\config.cpp - error 1.

(repeat: worked fine til now).

if i delete this addon, server is running but we cannot load in 80% of maps whats contains this addon... :=(

any idea why?

and one more q.:

anybody knows what this addon doing?

thanks for help

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Usually it means that it's looking for another addon script that it does not find.

In a mission that need CoC Arty by example, if you load the mission and forget to have the CoC Arty mod activated, this " Preprocessor failed " will appear at the start of the mission.

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Hey Inc,

This is a forward observer / mortar addon. I have an updated version of it, but like most WW2 stuff it's restructured and I'm sure class names are changed.

It's hard to believe so many missions depend on this addon.

All it adds is forward observers and mortars. This is also where the observers with missing lower torso was comming from.

If missions were made with this file in the addons folder it may have been mistaken included in the addons list at the begining of the mission.sqm.

Try to edit the misisons and remove "FCWWIIPkMortars" from the addons list.

Edited by Zulu1

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thanks of u all

yes i tried that i fixed some but 8 are still unplayable without.

but, im on it!

server is up again 29 missions running now.

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