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ArmA2 Persistent Database Scripts - WIP

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You need to setup a MySQL database. Based on the logs, it can find the Databases.txt file but it can't make a connection to the database.

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You need to setup a MySQL database. Based on the logs, it can find the Databases.txt file but it can't make a connection to the database.

how do i create database for the MySQL 5.5 command line? or how do you set up the database?

now i get in the log arma2netmysql

Info: 15:22:51 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.

Info: 15:22:51 - Version number:

Info: 15:22:51 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:

Info: 15:22:51 - Loading databases...

Info: 15:22:51 - Type: mysql Database: menagerie IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: root Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons

Error: 15:22:52 - The number and/or format of the arguments passed in doesn't match.

Or should i use xammp instead of mysql5.5? setup mysql in xammp/phpmyadmin?

Edited by norsk2277

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I have not used XAMMP personally, however, any solution that combines MySQL and PHPMyAdmin may be worth looking into. PHPMyAdmin makes it REALLY easy to manage and create databases. Creating a database from the commandline is easy:

CREATE DATABASE yourdatabasename;

The tough part is figuring out what tables you need and how they are structured. However, the persistent database scripts has all this done for you.

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I have not used XAMMP personally, however, any solution that combines MySQL and PHPMyAdmin may be worth looking into. PHPMyAdmin makes it REALLY easy to manage and create databases. Creating a database from the commandline is easy:

CREATE DATABASE yourdatabasename;

The tough part is figuring out what tables you need and how they are structured. However, the persistent database scripts has all this done for you.

i have uploaded the presisentDB to the script

this is the error for arma2netmysql

Info: 15:22:51 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.

Info: 15:22:51 - Version number:

Info: 15:22:51 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:

Info: 15:22:51 - Loading databases...

Info: 15:22:51 - Type: mysql Database: menagerie IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: root Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons

Error: 15:22:52 - The number and/or format of the arguments passed in doesn't match.

Edited by norsk2277

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Hmm, that sounds like an error in the PDB scripts. Does the RPT file say what line it's on?

where is RPT log? here is all errors i can find

Arma2NETMySQL log

Info: 15:35:33 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
Info: 15:35:33 - Version number:
Info: 15:35:33 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:
Info: 15:35:33 - Loading databases...
Info: 15:35:33 - Type: mysql Database: arma IPAddress: localhost Port: 3306 Username: root Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons
Error: 15:35:34 - The number and/or format of the arguments passed in doesn't match.

Arma2NET log

10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.269
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info Loaded into process Arma2NetExplorer
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info Loading addins
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info Domain                        Name                Version   Publisher           Description
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQL   firefly2442         Runs MySQL procedure commands.
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQLCommand0.1.0.0   firefly2442         Runs raw MySQL/SQLite commands
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           CompareVersion   Scott_NZ            Compares two version strings and returns an integer indicating how they compare.
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           ClrVersion   Scott_NZ            Retrieves the version of the Common Language Runtime.
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           Version      Scott_NZ            Returns the version of Arma2NET.
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info CommandLinePlugin             CommandLine   Scott_NZ            Returns the command line used to start the application.
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info DateTimePlugin                DateTime     Scott_NZ            Returns the current date and time.
10/26/2012 15:35:33 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.3713087
10/26/2012 15:35:34 Error Caught exception of type System.ArgumentException
System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
10/26/2012 15:35:34 Error function: arma2netmysql
10/26/2012 15:35:34 Error maxResultSize: 4095

Arma2OAserver log

== C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== arma2oaserver.exe  -config=server.cfg -arma2netdev mod=@Arma2NET;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;
Exe timestamp: 2012/10/18 21:30:10
Current time:  2012/10/26 15:42:06

Version 1.62.95251
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl
Client: Nonnetwork object 1a1f8080.
Client: Nonnetwork object 19398040.
Error in expression <s = _this select 2;
_spawndelay = _this select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error position: <select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\Co18_PDB_ConvoyHell_v1-5-100.Takistan\mxr_scripts\spawn_groups\third_group.sqf, line 47
"UPSMON started"
"PDB-0 Mission Parameters"
"PDB-0    StartDate = 0"
"PDB-0    StartTime = 12"
"PDB-0    Lives = 6"
"PDB-0    MDifficulty = 2"
"PDB-0    MAircraft = 1"
"PDB-0    persistentDBHeader = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"
"PDB-0    mpdb_date_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_locations_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_log_enabled = 1"
["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]
"############################# Starting PDB for Co18 PDB Convoy Hell #############################"
Server: Object 2:972 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:973 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:988 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:989 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:990 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1005 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1006 not found (message 221)

and when i will see the log i have to go on arma2net explorer and write arma2netmysql for the log to appear

Edited by norsk2277

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i did another test and no logs in arma2net or arma2netmysql but i got a log from the arma2oaserver log

== C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== arma2oaserver.exe  -config=server.cfg -arma2netdev mod=expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@Arma2NET
Exe timestamp: 2012/10/18 21:30:10
Current time:  2012/10/26 20:36:50

Version 1.62.95251
Server error: Player without identity norsk22771 (id 59172072)
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl
Client: Nonnetwork object 19222040.
Client: Nonnetwork object 190ec080.
Error in expression <s = _this select 2;
_spawndelay = _this select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error position: <select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\Co18_PDB_ConvoyHell_v1-5-100.Takistan\mxr_scripts\spawn_groups\third_group.sqf, line 47
"UPSMON started"
"PDB-0 Mission Parameters"
"PDB-0    StartDate = 0"
"PDB-0    StartTime = 12"
"PDB-0    Lives = 6"
"PDB-0    MDifficulty = 2"
"PDB-0    MAircraft = 1"
"PDB-0    persistentDBHeader = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"
"PDB-0    mpdb_date_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_locations_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_log_enabled = 1"
["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]
"############################# Starting PDB for Co18 PDB Convoy Hell #############################"
Server: Object 2:971 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:972 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:987 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:988 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:989 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1004 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1005 not found (message 221)
"SERVER MSG: MissionName: Co18 PDB Convoy Hell not found"
["PASS: _player: ",S1]
["PASS: _puid: ","78003718"]
["PASS: _pname: ","norsk22771"]
["PASS: _playerSide: ",WEST]
"SERVER MSG: Mission ID (ARRAY) is <null>"
"SERVER MSG: Player connected norsk22771, puid 78003718"
"SERVER MSG: Adding score 0 to norsk22771, playerObject:S1, puid:78003718"
["PersistentDB: SERVER PV - PDB_ACTIVATEPLAYER: ",[s1,"norsk22771",false]]

and now i testet with another database and i get

Info: 21:19:21 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
Info: 21:19:21 - Version number:
Info: 21:19:21 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:
Info: 21:19:21 - Loading databases...
Info: 21:19:21 - Type: mysql Database: test IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: arma Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons
Error: 21:19:22 - The number and/or format of the arguments passed in doesn't match.

it looks like the problem is not with the script file! it look like the problem are in the mysql!

Edited by norsk2277

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btw: is it normal that i dont get any errors if i dont open the arma2net explorer and type

Still not working! i have to open the arma2net explorer and write "arma2netmysql" without the "" to get the error log files!

Here is arma2net log

10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.269
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Loaded into process Arma2NetExplorer
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Loading addins
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Domain                        Name                Version   Publisher           Description
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQL   firefly2442         Runs MySQL procedure commands.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQLCommand0.1.0.0   firefly2442         Runs raw MySQL/SQLite commands
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           CompareVersion   Scott_NZ            Compares two version strings and returns an integer indicating how they compare.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           ClrVersion   Scott_NZ            Retrieves the version of the Common Language Runtime.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           Version      Scott_NZ            Returns the version of Arma2NET.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info CommandLinePlugin             CommandLine   Scott_NZ            Returns the command line used to start the application.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info DateTimePlugin                DateTime     Scott_NZ            Returns the current date and time.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.2985159
10/27/2012 22:54:19 Error Caught exception of type System.ArgumentException
System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
10/27/2012 22:54:19 Error function: arma2netmysql
10/27/2012 22:54:19 Error maxResultSize: 4095

and here is arma2netmysql log

Info: 22:54:18 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
Info: 22:54:18 - Version number:
Info: 22:54:18 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:
Info: 22:54:18 - Loading databases...
Info: 22:54:18 - Type: mysql Database: arma IPAddress: localhost Port: 3306 Username: root Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons
Error: 22:54:19 - The number and/or format of the arguments passed in doesn't match.

I can probely get help over teamviewer? or something?

and when i run the arma2net explorer and type arma2netmysql i got this error

throw "System.ArgumentException"

Edited by norsk2277

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btw: is it normal that i dont get any errors if i dont open the arma2net explorer and type

Still not working! i have to open the arma2net explorer and write "arma2netmysql" without the "" to get the error log files!

Here is arma2net log

10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.269
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Loaded into process Arma2NetExplorer
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Loading addins
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Domain                        Name                Version   Publisher           Description
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQL   firefly2442         Runs MySQL procedure commands.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQLCommand0.1.0.0   firefly2442         Runs raw MySQL/SQLite commands
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           CompareVersion   Scott_NZ            Compares two version strings and returns an integer indicating how they compare.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           ClrVersion   Scott_NZ            Retrieves the version of the Common Language Runtime.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           Version      Scott_NZ            Returns the version of Arma2NET.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info CommandLinePlugin             CommandLine   Scott_NZ            Returns the command line used to start the application.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info DateTimePlugin                DateTime     Scott_NZ            Returns the current date and time.
10/27/2012 22:54:18 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.2985159
10/27/2012 22:54:19 Error Caught exception of type System.ArgumentException
System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
10/27/2012 22:54:19 Error function: arma2netmysql
10/27/2012 22:54:19 Error maxResultSize: 4095

and here is arma2netmysql log

Info: 22:54:18 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
Info: 22:54:18 - Version number:
Info: 22:54:18 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:
Info: 22:54:18 - Loading databases...
Info: 22:54:18 - Type: mysql Database: arma IPAddress: localhost Port: 3306 Username: root Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons
Error: 22:54:19 - The number and/or format of the arguments passed in doesn't match.

I can probely get help over teamviewer? or something?

and when i run the arma2net explorer and type arma2netmysql i got this error

throw "System.ArgumentException"

I think it a problem with database! i think i still have files in my localhost that not are deleted when i created new one! localhost:8080 is up but how do i delete it? for create all on new

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So you are getting these errors when running the Arma2NET explorer or when running an example mission?

I would like to release a tutorial video explaining how to set all this up but I'm still working on the example mission. It may be a little longer, sorry. I want to ensure it works with both database types first.

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i have 2 questions to the PDB devs :

1. Is it possible to use databases.txt from arma2 root folder like in older builds ? (on rented gameserver i don't have access to appdata, and the hosting company wont link it to my server root, therefore i cant use PDB)

2. is it possible to use SQLlite in exchange of standard MySQL ? i dont have any experience with SQLite so i dont know what sort of limitations it has vs MySQL.

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Here is the log from Arma2oa server! but if i need to get log of the arma2net and arma2netmysql i have to open the arma2net explorer and type "Arma2netmysql" without the ""


== C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== arma2oaserver.exe  -config=server.cfg  -arma2netdev mod=expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@Arma2NET
Exe timestamp: 2012/10/18 20:30:10
Current time:  2012/11/02 22:53:45

Version 1.62.95251
Server error: Player without identity norsk2277 (id 1228111978)
Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
Client: Nonnetwork object 1aa62040.
Client: Nonnetwork object 18acc080.
Error in expression <s = _this select 2;
_spawndelay = _this select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error position: <select 3;

_vehicle = false;
_sim = get>
 Error Zero divisor
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\mxr_scripts\spawn_groups\third_group.sqf, line 47
Unit not created: Subgroup 0:0 not found
Cannot create object 3:1
"UPSMON started"
"PDB-0 Mission Parameters"
"PDB-0    StartDate = 0"
"PDB-0    StartTime = 12"
"PDB-0    Lives = 6"
"PDB-0    MDifficulty = 2"
"PDB-0    MAircraft = 1"
"PDB-0    persistentDBHeader = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_server = 600"
"PDB-0    mpdb_save_delay_player = 300"
"PDB-0    mpdb_date_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_weapons_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_landvehicles_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_objects_contents_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_locations_enabled = 0"
"PDB-0    mpdb_persistentScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_globalScores_enabled = 1"
"PDB-0    mpdb_log_enabled = 1"
Server: Object 2:970 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:971 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:986 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:987 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:988 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1003 not found (message 221)
Server: Object 2:1004 not found (message 221)
["PersistentDB: pdb settings loaded"]
"############################# Starting PDB for Co18 PDB Convoy Hell #############################"
Server: Object 2:1206 not found (message 132)
Server: Object 2:1252 not found (message 132)
"SERVER MSG: MissionName: Co18 PDB Convoy Hell not found"
["PASS: _player: ",S1]
["PASS: _puid: ","78003718"]
["PASS: _pname: ","norsk2277"]
["PASS: _playerSide: ",WEST]
"SERVER MSG: Mission ID (ARRAY) is <null>"
"SERVER MSG: Player connected norsk2277, puid 78003718"
"SERVER MSG: Adding score 0 to norsk2277, playerObject:S1, puid:78003718"
["PersistentDB: SERVER PV - PDB_ACTIVATEPLAYER: ",[s1,"norsk2277",false]]
"SERVER MSG: Player norsk2277, is either leaving the server or auto-saving, frame Number: 7648, Tick: 164.904, Time: 61.377"
"SERVER MSG: Loop. 78003718"
"SERVER MSG: Loop break. 78003718"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: [8035.55,1941.26,0.00143433]"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 27.5935"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: Stand"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: WEST"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: any"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: "
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: US_Soldier_TL_EP1"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 3500"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 1600"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: CAPTAIN"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: ALIVE"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 0"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: 60.277"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: "
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: "
"SERVER MSG: SQL output: tsc=0,tpos=[8035.55,1941.26,0.00143433],tdam=0,tdhe=0,tdbo=0,tdha=0,tdle=0,tdir=27.5935,tsta=Stand,tsid=WEST,tveh=any,tsea=,ttyp=US_Soldier_TL_EP1,trat=3500,tvd=1600,ttd=0,tran=CAPTAIN,tfir=0,tek=0,tck=0,tfk=0,tsui=0,tlif=ALIVE,tdea=0,ttp=60.277,tlc=,tld=,tpid=78003718,tna=norsk2277,tmid=<null>"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO","NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","ItemGPS"]"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","IR_Strobe_Target","SmokeShellRed","HandGrenade_West","HandGrenade_West","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203"]"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: "
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: [[],[]]"
"SERVER MSG: Got norsk2277 - data: [[],[]]"
"SERVER MSG: SQL output: twea=["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO","NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","ItemGPS"],tmag=["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","IR_Strobe_Target","SmokeShellRed","HandGrenade_West","HandGrenade_West","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203"],trck=,trwe=[[],[]],trma=[[],[]],tpid=78003718,tna=norsk2277,tmid=<null>"
Client: Remote object 2:1111 not found
Client: Remote object 2:1112 not found
Client: Remote object 2:1113 not found
WARNING: Function 'name' - S1 has no unit
- network id 2:297
- person Joshua Wilson
- dead
"SERVER MSG: Player __SERVER__, is either leaving the server or auto-saving, frame Number: 7657, Tick: 166.007, Time: 62.197"
"SERVER MSG: SQL output: [tda=[2012,7,2,11,31],tmid=<null>]"
"SERVER MSG: __SERVER__ exiting/saving, frame Number: 7657, Tick: 166.007, Time: 62.197"
Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:297 not found

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i have 2 questions to the PDB devs :

1. Is it possible to use databases.txt from arma2 root folder like in older builds ? (on rented gameserver i don't have access to appdata, and the hosting company wont link it to my server root, therefore i cant use PDB)

2. is it possible to use SQLlite in exchange of standard MySQL ? i dont have any experience with SQLite so i dont know what sort of limitations it has vs MySQL.

1) Not at the moment, however, that's functionality that I could add. I will put it on the list.

2) Right now, Arma2NETMySQL has full support for SQLite. It's much more user friendly in terms of setup. I'm not sure about current or planned support of SQLite in PDB.

---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:29 ----------

@norsk2277: It wasn't clear from your other post. Did you get a chance to try this mission?


The reason I bring it up is this may be a better "minimal test case" to see if your setup is working properly. Also, when you run the Arma2NET Explorer program, you'll need to pass in the appropriate parameters for the commands. If you just type Arma2NETMySQL, it won't actually do anything.

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1) Not at the moment, however, that's functionality that I could add. I will put it on the list.

2) Right now, Arma2NETMySQL has full support for SQLite. It's much more user friendly in terms of setup. I'm not sure about current or planned support of SQLite in PDB.

---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 22:29 ----------

@norsk2277: It wasn't clear from your other post. Did you get a chance to try this mission?


The reason I bring it up is this may be a better "minimal test case" to see if your setup is working properly. Also, when you run the Arma2NET Explorer program, you'll need to pass in the appropriate parameters for the commands. If you just type Arma2NETMySQL, it won't actually do anything.

it just say "wait for host" and nothing happends! no popuperrors either

but to the real point! do i need to go in the expansion and run the oaserver beta?

Edited by norsk2277

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1) Not at the moment, however, that's functionality that I could add. I will put it on the list.

2) Right now, Arma2NETMySQL has full support for SQLite. It's much more user friendly in terms of setup. I'm not sure about current or planned support of SQLite in PDB.

ad 1 - thanks a lot that would be fantastic.

ad2 - ok thanks for reply , i was asking because domdatabase is working on the server im renting and that is using SQLite therefore if PDB would be able to use it , it would allow easy installation of the MSO and other similar missions, not to mention it would make everything much easier to setup and more accessible for people unable to rent the whole dedicated box.

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it just say "wait for host" and nothing happends! no popuperrors either

but to the real point! do i need to go in the expansion and run the oaserver beta?

Try loading up the Arma2NET explorer tool and typing in something like the following:

Arma2NETMySQLCommand ['weapons', 'SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1']

Change "weapons" and "users" to the appropriate database and table name.

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Arma2net explorer

> Arma2NETMYSQLCommand ['arma', 'SELECT * FROM missions LIMIT 1']


Info: 04:05:52 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
Info: 04:05:52 - Version number:
Info: 04:05:52 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version:
Info: 04:05:52 - Loading databases...
Info: 04:05:52 - Type: mysql Database: arma IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: norsk2277 Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons
Info: 04:05:52 - Received - Database: arma MySQL Command: SELECT * FROM missions LIMIT 1


11/04/2012 04:05:51 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.269
11/04/2012 04:05:51 Info Loaded into process Arma2NetExplorer
11/04/2012 04:05:51 Info Loading addins
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info Domain                        Name                Version   Publisher           Description
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQL   firefly2442         Runs MySQL procedure commands.
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info Arma2NETMySQLPlugin           Arma2NETMySQLCommand0.1.0.0   firefly2442         Runs raw MySQL/SQLite commands
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           CompareVersion   Scott_NZ            Compares two version strings and returns an integer indicating how they compare.
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           ClrVersion   Scott_NZ            Retrieves the version of the Common Language Runtime.
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info BaseFunctionsPlugin           Version      Scott_NZ            Returns the version of Arma2NET.
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info CommandLinePlugin             CommandLine   Scott_NZ            Returns the command line used to start the application.
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info DateTimePlugin                DateTime     Scott_NZ            Returns the current date and time.
11/04/2012 04:05:52 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.3034555

so what is the problem?

Edited by norsk2277

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Well, kind of old, but it should work. I'm just worried that there may be a bug in the PDB mission. Based on the Arma2NET explorer, I think you have everything setup correctly.

---------- Post added at 23:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:55 ----------

@BrainCrush: See here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?128795-Arma2MySQL&p=2248922&viewfull=1#post2248922

Added support for Arma2 root directory loading in files.

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Well. When will you release a new update? i have the newest arma 2 update! and i will run persistentDB for arma 2 operation overhead

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I would like to finish the example loadout mission, and make an example video to show how this is all setup. Then I can take a look at PDB.

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