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Servers with voice and team-work.

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Hi all. I admit I'm a noob but I understand strategy. I love this game as a black ops, bc2 replacement. I thought this game was about strategy and teamwork? I have joined a few servers 24p vs Ai and no-one speaks and when I check the map I see people on there own on a quad or 1 person flying a chinhook into an enemy base. I join teamspeak and only 1 or 2 are on it. Yet I spoke and said hi I'm new what's rules and tactics and got kicked? Any recommened a2 or oa servers that use strict teamwork and strategy that will guide me through. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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in serverlist filter enter para and join 3PARA server.

I can highly recomend 3PARA for teamwork and communication, TS open to and encouraged for all publics.

Also 1PARA server is ran in similar way, join them if 3PARA is full ;)

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Could always take a look at the Naked Fanatics server (filter for Naked, and be honest, who doesn't want to secretly filter for that? ;) ). On normal weekdays we are a bit more loose with rules although we still talk (at least when there's regulars on the server whch there normally are), on weekends we tend to try and have more organised games with more communication and teamwork. Check out my youtube channel to get an image of what our server is like: http://www.youtube.com/user/vonlipwig?feature=mhum


But there are loads more servers to be honest. Just take a look in the Squads and Fanpages section to see threads for all kinds of communities out there. You can normally assume that the communities who advertise themselves there are more inclined to have proper communication and teamwork going on. :)

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Yeah, gw01993, you just picked the "wrong" server.

Don't think that they represent the community as a whole - although your experience is not uncommon. Take these recommendations for servers but do realize that much of what Arma2 is is players vs AI - PvP is not the most common game mode (but is very fun when you figure out when/where/how you like it).

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Hello i think you was really unlucky getting in to that server gw01993

And thank you Demonized for those kind words

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15th MEU run great team play servers. They use vent and are testing ts3 with arce mod for that full experience. Great bunch of guys and well organized. I always have a great time there. Filter 15th to join them.

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3Para server is great indeed - played a Domination port to Lingor island on their server the other day. Awesome teamwork!

And awesome map that was btw.

And you could try the bieraig public coop server, too.

For a public they have pretty decent teamwork going - sometimes.

However some regulars there have a little too much of a wannabe elitist attitude and if you run into some of them trying to organize everything down to the way you wear your boots better chill and try again some another day...

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You may be interested in the Mobile Assault Group [MAG] server. We try to run a Tactical based Domination games when not playing organised missions. Team work is the key word. Everyone encouraged to join on TS

Filter on MAG and you'll find it

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