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Too many addons

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with the release of the oxygen tools we will see more and more new models..

in my opinion this is spoiling the game....

why?confused.gif..because already we have starwars men for download

and men from counterstrike(get them at operationflashpoint.cz).

these models have nothing to do with flashpoint and i cant see the point of them.

but how long will it be before someone who has the tools makes a spaceship or something stupid like that.

it just seems like model makers are making more and more aircraft for the game when when the original game was an infantry game...

how can you keep the game realistic when you have starwars men running around a map?confused.gif

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nobody is forcing anyone to download them. let them make what they want. it's worth it for the other mods.

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I keep plugin this one but no one seems to bite.

The OFP engine could be used as a virtual worlds creator.

Any game.

A meeting point for business.

Scenario testing for soldiers but why not fire or rescue services.

Teaching kids geography.

Learning to map read.

There is no problem with what any body wants to make.

You can choose what you want to use OFP for.

It is possibly the most liberating piece of software since they invented windowing operating systems and it is internet capable.

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Let people make what they want. And you should stop downloading what you don't want.

For each 1 irrelevant addon there are 10 amazing, revolutionary addons.

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for me and oxygen.... i still havent DL even one addon made by this tool *even if i support the modeller*:

i think there's like in all time change a period of interrogation.... i dont think the bad or strange models done ll have a great future in OPF *but i encourage the modeller to be inventive*.

Well like the addon/texture fury of the the new year maybe this is another period for OPF to pass.

And i prefer an OPF full of diversity rather than an OPF basic (and diying because of the lack of diversity)

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bullshit, flashpoint engine has severe limitations. It was designed for infantry, not star wars or F-16s or nuclear submarines.

If someone who has Oxygen makes an X-wing fighter instead of making other more important units that many people want then that person shouldn't have been granted Oxygen in the first place.

They are given the official tools because BIS has most likely concluded that they may contribute to the community. Though many seem to be selfish and only pursue developing units they consider cool.

I'm sick of all the F-16s, F-14s, F-15s, F-22s, 747s and other completely illogical, useless units that people spend their time developing.

By the way, there are enough Star Wars games out there already, including Star Wars MODs for just about every other game too. Please don't make yet another Star Wars mod for Flashpoint too. I'm sick and tired of it. Fuck Lucas and Star Wars. All his movies caused are a buncha sick fanatic fans who see Jar Jar wherever the hell they go.

Wanna add a good unit to Flashpoint ? Please do so. Wanna make a light saber or a nuclear submarine ? Great, but don't expect anyone to actually use it more than once.

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Advocatexxx, BIS gives out Oxygen to skilled modellers.  That's the only  requirement.  Not to people that can write the nicest essay saying how much they love OPF.

If a person wants to make a jetplane, then let them.  Like geez, quit knocking their skills.

When you get Oxygen, you do what you want.  But for now, just praise the current modellers in the hopes that they'll continue making models for OPF. Saying that they're "spoiling the game" is motivation in the wrong direction.

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yes i agree, the release of oxygen to modellers has brought a certain buzz about the forums again. I for one like only military addons and models etc, im not much into a starwars mod, but i think a modmaker has to be creative as he/she can, and just becuase i dont like a certain mod, it doesnt mean to say that everyone else doesnt like it either, it will appeal to a good few people i imagine.

It would be nice to know if those who complain about new mods etc, actually contribute to the game like a mod/mission maker does, or do those who complain just play the game and bitch about things. ( and i dont mean anyone here, im talking generally)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ May 08 2002,20:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It would be nice to know if those who complain about new mods etc, actually contribute to the game like a mod/mission maker does, or do those who complain just play the game and bitch about things.  ( and i dont mean anyone here, im talking generally)<span id='postcolor'>

I never knew you had to be a mod or map maker to exspress an opinon.....

im not complaining about modelmakers i just dont think theres a place for spacemen,spaceships and crap like it in op flash

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No I dont think battle in the 1980s cold war needs blasters and light sabers.

But using the OFP ENGINE to do star wars is no diferent to using the half life engine to do counter strike.

Counter strike was an advance in gaming at the time.

I dont think a version of Star Wars using the OFP engine would be as good as the official version but the only way to find out is to try.

More important is what new games will result.

Which new mod will be the OFP succesor to the Counter strike concept.

It could be a detective game for all we know.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FetishFool @ May 08 2002,20:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Advocatexxx, BIS gives out Oxygen to skilled modellers.  That's the only  requirement.  Not to people that can write the nicest essay saying how much they love OPF.<span id='postcolor'>

That unfortunally is not the case, and not the criterium for getting Oxygen. You can search for yourself in the addons forum about how some people got their hands on Oxygen, skill is obviously no priority for handing it out.

As for the addons flood; i agree on that you only download what suits you....on the other hand almost everyone that boasts to have oxygen on this board appears to have planes of any sort, not really useful stuff, if you think about that this is the worst portrayed unit in OFP, fast or high flying jets do not go conform with OFP, period. If this is representative for all people that work on freelance basis or small mod groups, we´ll end up having something like a 10:1 ratio in favor of planes- sick, it would turn Flashpoint into a 3rd grade arcade shooter.

This ,mass of planes imho is easy to explain, there are tons of ready made 3D models already available from other games, especially for planes or characters, you just need to ripp them, not much skill required for this. To find good ground vehicles is a bit harder, so people infact need to model their own stuff- what takes skill, effort, time and good sense for the actual vehicle modelled, this is why plane models are keep popping in the addons forum around the clock, but hardly any vehicles.

Many servers will adopt fighter nonsense like Mig29´s, F18´s and such, if you want to play on these servers you too will be required to have these. If your friends think a B2 Bomber in OFP is a good idea on a Lan party, you too will need this addon if you want to play.

Everything regarding addons right now is pretty much all in a tumble, from many different sources patchworked together- no standard, too many small mod projects, too many freelancers.

This wouldn´t be bad if Flashpoint would function just like most other games, but it doesn´t.  

A possible solution:

- Unified mod team bringing out balanced quality Flashpoint addons that really do fit into OFP sense of gameplay, with goal to enhance the current Flashpoint game, improve what we already have and add what is badly missing.

- Scrap the hard presets for weapons and equipment and make them all choosable by the player from the briefing screen, he should be able to choose his player class, weapons and gear. So even if a mission was intended to be solved by a B2 bomber, but you don´t want this addon in your folder, you can choose something else from your list of addons. A point system would be good, where you can spent available equipment points on units, so it stays balanced.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Satchel @ May 08 2002,20:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This ,mass of planes imho is easy to explain, there are tons of ready made 3D models already available from other games, especially for planes or characters, you just need to ripp them, not much skill required for this. To find good ground vehicles is a bit harder, so people infact need to model their own stuff- what takes skill, effort, time and good sense for the actual vehicle modelled, this is why plane models are keep popping in the addons forum around the clock, but hardly any vehicles.<span id='postcolor'>

So true, I have never seen such good reusage of Flight Simulator 2000 models as recently by OFP modellers smile.gif

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I personally welcome mods and models across the whole spectrum of our imaginations. As long as they are done professionally and look and feel good.

Originality and diversity will bring more people to OFP and will keep it alive far longer. If the mods only focused on real world military, how long do you think it would be before people ran out of ideas? Would you be pretty bored after the 5th or 6th vietnam mod? The 20th Gulf War mod?

After a while all vehicles would seem the same and any new releases would likely be shunned. After a while i definately thing the novelty will be lost ie a jet is a jet, a tank is a tank.

Now in this thread theres a lot of Star Wars talk, now OFP simulates ground combat mainly with elements of air and naval. Well I think Star Wars would work perfectly. I mean the tracers already look like lasers as it is smile.gif

But im talking about the scope of the whole thing. Vast areas of land, with infantry,vehicles and aircraft. The Star Wars universe encompasses this more than once in the films.

But lets not just look at the big obvious thing that is Star Wars. Any original book or film that you can remember, is likely possible to be made in OFP.

So what the hell is my point?

My point is, as far as OFP is concerned, anything goes.


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smile.gif Organized diversity is what I see as a future for all of these addons. For me, having a selection to choose from adds more intrest and dynamics to this game. If you do not like the new plane or robot or space ship or the new volcanic terrane with soliders that control the weather, well, don't host the addon or down load the addon. I think it is quite simple. The more the better.

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this is kinda thing that ppl talked about when BIS said they would release O2 in limited fashion. Back then, ppl went angry and started shouting.

But current state is not that bad. as long as there is one Star Wars addon that we all can agree upon, i''m happy that someone came up with it. The problem would be those UH-1 Huey addons which seems like there are 5 ppl working on it already.

i hope that mission makers include what addons they used from this point on. some ppl might not have required add on for custom missions.

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I think everyone needs to keep a more open mind about this.

Will there be a flood of useless addons? Yeah, but this happened in HalfLife, and its doing fine. Why? Because the cream always rises to the top. If a mod is badly made, it will not be used and consequently will die. It doesnt matter whether it is relevant to the subject matter of the original game or not, as long as it is a quality mod, someone out there is going to enjoy it, and that is reason enough to let people make mods.

I understand why some people are concerned about OFP going in the wrong direction, belive me. It would piss me off to no end if I had to put up with Star Wars maps on my favorite OFP server. But I dont think thatll happen, because people know what OFP is about, and will keep things 'down to Earth' so to speak.

On the other hand, taking single player OFP in new directions is a good idea if you ask me. Star Wars, whatever, if its well made, then you just may find out that you like it.

But, to avoid having OFP go completely out of control, I guess I would ask modmakers exercise a certain amount of judgement when making addons: if its just a new weapon or uniform, release as an addon. But if it is a significant departure from OFPs main theme (a Cold War crisis), then please make it a seperate mod, so as to keep the OFP experience from losing its focus.

And always, always exercise the 'if you dont like it, dont download it' rule

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You see people! Only few people got their hands on Oxygen and they only made about 10 new addons with it! And you already saying how it has spoiled the game!! Imagine if it was available to the public!!!

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I don't think Jets and planes are errelavent models. I won't fly them, but they will add atmosphere to the game. Planes streaking overhead while on a mission (just fluff part of a mission) or spot a airstrike with my spec ops team. Raiding airbases with the tarmac full of planes or a large cargo plane unloading in the background of a cut scene. They all work for me and will add to the game.


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I cringe to think of the zombie/spiderman/xmen/mummies/vampires or dinosaur mods that may come out.

I can bet that someone is going to make something like dinosaur mods.

Speaking of which. I don't know how O2 works. Is it possible to make characters that are not derived from OPF anyways?

I mean like animals or dinosaurs?

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Everything has to use animations already within OFP i believe. So Dinosaurs would walk like the OFP soldiers :/ Or slide along like tanks

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ May 08 2002,17:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Mmm.

I cringe to think of the zombie/spiderman/xmen/mummies/vampires or dinosaur mods that may come out.

I can bet that someone is going to make something like dinosaur mods.

Speaking of which.  I don't know how O2 works.  Is it possible to make characters that are not derived from OPF anyways?

I mean like animals or dinosaurs?<span id='postcolor'>

What's wrong with a dinosaur addon? We all can relieve our Jerassic Park fantasies. I can kick a raptors ass tounge.gif


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Well, for one, like King Beast said, everything is based off of OPF, so it could not be done anyways.

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Yeah I know, I won't want dinosaurs either, just being sarcastic.

But at the same time I will keep an open mind to different addons. Look at DevilChasers mission, forget what it was called, but it was very cinamatic and interesting, but it involved some super spetnaz guys who could kill something by looking at it. They would look at a tank and it would levitate and then blow up. Hocky, but the overall production qualities of the mission were unbelievable.


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