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Unlocking Campaign/Missions

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I guess this is a sensitive topic since the last BAF.

I was already very annoyed about the fact, i cant have a look into the scripting techniques the devs used to create their missions.

The community learned since OFP by depbo`ing the missions to develop own scripts an ideas.

Since BAF this feature is just locked.

So my question is ,why to keep the campaigns and misisons locked?

I can understand that BIS want to keep the addons of any DLC locked.

But the campaign and missions are free4all inPMC, so woulnd it be possible to open it to the public, so we can learn form it?

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Your post let me remind a thread I've posted. "Do you think it is necessary for BIS provide lockable BinPBO?"

Maybe you can change your title into "Do you think it is necessary for BIS lock their campaigns?" lol

Those issues have already been argued for too much times......

So I guess BI developer will say that they have provided enough scripting courses and we can learn everything we want without unpacking their work.

Edited by ffur2007slx2_5

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Well it is annoying me each time again,when i wanted to research sth inside the latest BIS missions/Campaigns.

The missions and Campaigns are free for all now,so they could maybe provide a download link to opened versions.

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Maybe BIS staff is afraid of unofficial missions actually becoming better than the official ones and want to keep their scripts a secret from now on, hehe. That's the only reason I can think of.

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I can understand that BIS want to keep the addons of any DLC locked.

But the campaign and missions are free4all inPMC, so woulnd it be possible to open it to the public, so we can learn form it?

Amen! There's a lot of stuff I'd REALLY like to see how they are doing it. Please please with puddipuddigigapuddi on top unlock the missions now. :)

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I can't see the reason or benefit of having it inaccessible, considering everybody got it as part of a patch. For some of us, what's even the point of having a campaign one cannot dissect? The sole point of gaming a campaign is to see what can be done, followed by how it was done. The sensation of feeling creative is the kicker for me, not the actual gaming.

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I think the whole point is that the campaign wasn't supposed to be part of the DVD 1.56 patch, so therefore was protected like BAF is protected.

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If that's the case, I think it's the coolest blooper in BIS' history :p "Whops, sorry about that, we didn't mean to give you a campaign for free" :D

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I am glad you are the same opinion as me.

Imagine where the Com would be or even ArmA/OFP would be if we woldnt have had the chance to depbo the stuff.

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