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dragon zen

Limitation of group number? What does it mean?

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Hey guys:

In my mission, I create a new group after a group die, and I meet some bug in late period of my game. I don't know what is the true reason, but I suspect the group number. After create much groups, radio channel doesn't appear those marker, such as A-1-2.

Is there a limitation of group number? If yes, is it possible to meet some trouble when create a new team? And how to deal with this trouble? To use "deletegroup" code? Or to create new soldiers into existing group, which has been emtpy?


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I may have not understood you properly.

Even if all the group members die this doesn't mean that the group itself gets deleted. If you spawn a new team, try to assign them to the previous group, which has been wiped out.

First create the group:

grp = createGroup SIDE
//where SIDE is east/west etc

When you spawn units, make them join the group:

this join grp;

in the init line of every newly created unit.

Of course change the group's behaviour/waypoints etc to whatever you like afterwards.

When spawning is completed, write a script that checks if all units of the group is dead and when true - spawns another meat that will join the group.

In ArmA2 you can only create 144 groups so make sure that groups without units are deleted or assign new team members to them like in the example above. When you try to create 145th group, it won't be created and won't throw an exception.

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OK, thanks for your explanation.

If I have deleted those emtpy groups, they won't employ position in 144, isn't it? Or you mean I can only create 144 groups, no matter whether I delete existing groups?

Another question is: whether can I delete a group in which there are soldiers alive?? I mean, I wonder whether computer ignore the code, for example:

"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _gp;deleteGroup _gp;"

Does this code ensure the group has been deleted?

Edited by Dragon Zen

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If you delete existing groups, they are no longer counted towards the limit. The limit is more '144 active groups per side'.

Your method of deleting will work, but it's usually advisable to give a 10-15s delay before deleting the group (to ensure it's completely empty).

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