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mark turner

six updater- how to use?

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I have installed this, ( no mods as yet) as recommended by one of you kindly gents as a good way to manage my mods etc.

However, i dont seem able to figure out how to use it. I am new to the game and have zero knowledge of the file structure etc, so its all a bit confusing. The web site FAQ did not help me either, can someone give me some simple newby oriented useage instructions? I have downloaded ACE and zues, but also cannot see how to easily install them either..

Thank you for your patience!

Cheers, Mark

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why is this in the general thread? BIS has nothing to do with six updater.

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OOps !! beg your pardon...please feel free to move to the appropriate section. I have looked at the web link you gave, but that was the same site I had been searching in vain for any instructions on. I guess you need a degree of knowledge of the game structure and mods in general greater than i currently have........

Edited by mark turner

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Big problem. Helping a guy over ts3 in our clan to get his newly installed sixupdater to arma oa/2 to work for him. Every thing loads fine til it comes to the browser window. its nothing showing up, with other words its not loading any thing. No firewall, no antivirus, tryed the

Web-client doesn't start / chcp errors.

Now, what shall we do about this?

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You should ask either in the ACE or Six updater discussion threads, no need to start a totally new thread.


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