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ca\misc\piskoviste.p3d: house, config class missing

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Only two errors in the RPT:

ca\misc\piskoviste.p3d: house, config class missing 
ca\misc\houpacka.p3d: house, config class missing

I have searched the forums and only found in the FDF Podagorsk thread where the author says he could not find the fix.


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Well, best explanation is that BIS didn't define all objects that they have in their "library/database". Even bunch of A1 stuff isn't properly configured in A2 (remember old_hut02 shadow bug?), for example powgen object is missing its config too. Best idea is to define this in one of your own pbos.

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did you do this for your islands? if i look at your configs will i become enlightened?

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Gold rule: fix them only if you need to have them fixed. For example if they doesnt work properly as you need.

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Basically you need to make a new .pbo containing a config.cpp something like the following: (not tested, just a general guide, not all pieces needed, highlighted important things..)

[color="Green"]class CfgPatches
class [color="DarkRed"]my_objects[/color] [color="DarkOrange"]//My objects pack name ... or whatever[/color]
 units[] = {
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 1.0;
 requiredAddons[] = {"[color="darkred"]my_map[/color]"};

class CfgVehicleClasses { [color="DarkOrange"]//Primarily an editor thing, not required..[/color]
class [color="DarkRed"]my_vehicle_class[/color] {
 displayName = "[color="darkred"]Displayed in Editor[/color]";

class CfgVehicles
class HouseBase;
class House: HouseBase
 class DestructionEffects;

class Static;
class [color="DarkRed"]my_base_class[/color]: Static [color="darkorange"]// Base class for defining different things. Tied to BIS Static class in this case..[/color]
 displayName = "";
 accuracy = 0.1;
 vehicleClass = "[color="darkred"]my_vehicle_class[/color]";
 model = "";
 nameSound = "";
 animated = 0;
 simulation = "house";
 cost = 0;
 armor = 300;
 ladders[] = {};
 placement = "slope";

class [color="darkred"]my_objects_noDes[/color]: [color="darkred"]my_base_class [/color][color="darkorange"]//Sub class for defining the desired destruction effects.[/color]
 destrType = "DestructNo";
 accuracy = 1000;
 placement = "slope";

class [color="DarkRed"]my_classname1[/color]: [color="DarkRed"]my_objects_noDes [/color][color="DarkOrange"]]// Class that defines the .p3d model. Ie, the config reference that is not there and causing errors.[/color]
 scope = 2;
 vehicleClass = "[color="DarkRed"]my_vehicle_class[/color]";
 displayName = "[color="darkred"]Concrete Block (Large)[/color]";
 model = "[color="Blue"]\ca\structures\Misc\Armory\concrete_block\concrete_block.p3d[/color]";

class [color="DarkRed"]my_classname2[/color]: [color="DarkRed"]my_objects_noDes[/color]
 scope = 2;
 vehicleClass = "[color="DarkRed"]my_vehicle_class[/color]";
 displayName = "[color="darkred"]Concrete Block (Hugenormous)[/color]";
 model = "[color="Blue"]\ca\structures\Misc\Armory\concrete_block\concrete_block2.p3d[/color]";


Hope that gives some more detailed insight. It's best practice to actually extract all the .p3d's and related rvmats/paa's into your own pbo (just as they come from CA folder) and fix all the linkage. Then you have your own set of objects with your map, and don't have to worry with conflicts and whatnot.

Edited by Gnome_AS
supreme highlighting!

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