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How to enjoy ArmAII to the fullest

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ARMA 2 + MichaelCO + ffur2007slx2_5 + xiaogoufu + Local host + Hamachi + Public TS3/Skype = Good times

I host my own MP COOP games and play with a few others from around the world using Hamachi and it all works fine.

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Darn, I can't speak enough chinese to use Chinavme. Thanks for all the response everyone. @ English speaking AA2 players in China, we should seriously make a server, or get together on Hamachi (snafu's idea). I may even host a small server, I have 2 extra computers lying around, and a good network. I could install linux and just dedicate both computers to full time server work.

My email address is mttdao@gmail.com

Congratulations xiaogoufu on the newborn, good luck!

Edited by MichaelCO

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Filter AEF have a look at what your ping is to Aus.

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Maybe its better to change the title to : How to enjoy ArmAII to the fullest in Asia ...just ha hint!

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ARMA 2 + MichaelCO + ffur2007slx2_5 + xiaogoufu + Local host + Hamachi + Public TS3/Skype = Good times

I host my own MP COOP games and play with a few others from around the world using Hamachi and it all works fine.

This thread is really interesting for so many players from China appeared at the same time.:D

Hey, michaelCO, I guess you are not born in Shanghai, am I right?

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Yeah, I was born in America, my mom is American, and my dad is Chinese. He never spoke much Chinese around the house, so I never learned. My family moved to Shanghai a couple years ago, and I can't seem to get the hang of Chinese.

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I live in SEA, join mostly JPN server and occasionally the Aussie servers. Could get in touch with you guys to play some MP, shouldnt have too much ping for AP folks.

But unfortunately now since after moved to my new house the net is still down. PM me if you guys are up for a MP session.

I speaks Mandarin and English. So both are good for me.

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Hey thanks Micheal babies are hard work, now if I could only change a nappy and drive a tank at the same time.....

I've played with those guys at http://www.samren.cn/ as well and they're pretty friendly but my Chinese just wasn't up to scratch (damn hard language to learn).

Soon we'll have enough people for our own clan!

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Yeah, I was born in America, my mom is American, and my dad is Chinese. He never spoke much Chinese around the house, so I never learned. My family moved to Shanghai a couple years ago, and I can't seem to get the hang of Chinese.

Yeah, it's nearly impossible to find a Shanghainese talking about ArmA2 face to face. I don't know why youngsters in Shanghai, live in such a big metroplis, even haven't heard about Military simulation!

Every time I ask my friends who are military fans about ArmA2, they all look at me with wild open eyes. Like: :eek:

And few of them will consist playing ArmA2 with my recommendation. I feel depressed and I've to join the community, so here, is the place I wanna to go!

I always considering why Chinese youngsters prefer fast food games to complex but more interesting games. Just because they don't know what they really love! I don't mean everyone should play ArmA2 but they should somehow work something belonging to themselves rather than spending all time on playing the game which was designed by others like WOW.

We are lack of those creative players no wonder Chinese cannot design excellent games like foreign countries.

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ffur, I absolutely understand. All my friends think ArmA 2 is too hard, or "not cool". Almost everyone plays WoW or Dota. It's all about mindless clicking and questing rather than ingenuity and creativity.

I think it's a byproduct of the new-generation "little emperors" who believe everything should be done for them and the world revolves around them. The one-child policy has averted for the most part, a massive population crisis, but it has done alot of cultural damage.

You, Muahaha and I (and xiaogoufu when he has time) need to get together for some MP. We should get on skype (or QQ I guess) and create a Hamachi server for local games.

We should create a clan like xiaogoufu said, I'm sure there are more people like us, if we create a clan and advertise we can all gather together and create a community in Shanghai.

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ffur, I absolutely understand. All my friends think ArmA 2 is too hard, or "not cool". Almost everyone plays WoW or Dota. It's all about mindless clicking and questing rather than ingenuity and creativity.

I think it's a byproduct of the new-generation "little emperors" who believe everything should be done for them and the world revolves around them. The one-child policy has averted for the most part, a massive population crisis, but it has done alot of cultural damage.

You, Muahaha and I (and xiaogoufu when he has time) need to get together for some MP. We should get on skype (or QQ I guess) and create a Hamachi server for local games.

We should create a clan like xiaogoufu said, I'm sure there are more people like us, if we create a clan and advertise we can all gather together and create a community in Shanghai.

I agree with you. 845630590 is my QQ and what is yours? I'll join you asap and try to make my ArmA2 CD-key done to join the multiplayer.(I used to changed my ArmA2 CD-key and there's something wrong with it that I cannot connect the server.)

Btw, maybe I'll not be able to be on QQ quite often, but i never stop my processing on scenario editing. So, I'll shall my SP mission with you soon after I finish it!

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Bah, I'm in Shanghai 25mil population, but nobody plays ArmA

I've been to Shanghai and I agree with you!!

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Hey what a lucky find! I'm from singapore and its hard to get a half decent ping to any server anywhere, and locals don't play this game as well... :P

I'm currently in a gaming community "TAW", at www.taw.net and we have twice a week gatherings to play operation arrowhead as a big group. But the timings are mostly nighttime for americans and europeans, as most of the members are from that region.

If enough people are interested to, we could form a team of asian players in TAW and have some rocking good times!

What do u guys think?

Here are some details of what we do: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77606. i know the thread is kind of outdated.

We currently have 2 servers, based in US and europe.

Hope i'm not sounding too much like a recruiter here...

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Sounds great, but I've been having dreams recently of creating a clan for our kind open to everyone in our situation. We could be a very public beacon to ArmA 2 players in remote areas. I was thinking since we wouldn't have enough people for a large clan we could act as a finely tuned SF unit that can work with other clans. Thats just me fantasizing, but if that is doable it would be pretty awesome. Otherwise, the TAW asia team is viable.

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Sorry to bump, but before I let this thread die, I'd like to ask the asians that posted here:

Would you like to form a clan, or take TAW's offer?

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Hey @ guys looking to game in China,

You can all pitch in for a VPS (Dedicated server) located in Hong Kong. That way you could all get semi-decent pings and have a place to start building a community!

I found a site here -> http://www.vpshosting.com.hk/win-vps-web-hosting-plans-no-cp.html

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Sorry to bump, but before I let this thread die, I'd like to ask the asians that posted here:

Would you like to form a clan, or take TAW's offer?

Best to create a clan, as the ping will kill most of us in AP to join Euro/US based server.

If you guys decided to create a clan, count me in.

Might want to do a simple count here.... Who is located within China/HK/Taiwan/JPN/South East Asia (SEA)...

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Best to create a clan, as the ping will kill most of us in AP to join Euro/US based server.

If you guys decided to create a clan, count me in.

Might want to do a simple count here.... Who is located within China/HK/Taiwan/JPN/South East Asia (SEA)...

Hi guys,

Judging from the thread, it seems we have 5 guys in the region + me would be 6?




baerchen <--maybe not sure



I would say that if u play missions against AI, ping wouldn't be a big problem, i get a 250ping to my clan's server and its perfectly playable, considering Arma is a "slower" game not a fast paced "low ping owns" game.

How about u guys hop on to some servers in US or something and have a test run to see?

Sometimes starting a clan is good if u have enough dedicated players who stick around and lead, and remember you need to have $$$ if u want to keep a server up and running...

Hmmm i have an idea. Would anyone of you be free during one of TAW's practice times on sunday 7pm eastern US time or tuesday 9pm eastern and maybe have a feel of how the TAW practices are like and the ping? Could give u guys a better feel? Let me know thanks. :D

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I can do tuesday next week, or maybe 8 on sunday. Sounds good, the clan thing is a good point, I'll try the training, I can do tuesday next week, or maybe 8 on sunday.

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Hi guys,

Judging from the thread, it seems we have 5 guys in the region + me would be 6?




baerchen <--maybe not sure



I would say that if u play missions against AI, ping wouldn't be a big problem, i get a 250ping to my clan's server and its perfectly playable, considering Arma is a "slower" game not a fast paced "low ping owns" game.

How about u guys hop on to some servers in US or something and have a test run to see?

Sometimes starting a clan is good if u have enough dedicated players who stick around and lead, and remember you need to have $$$ if u want to keep a server up and running...

Hmmm i have an idea. Would anyone of you be free during one of TAW's practice times on sunday 7pm eastern US time or tuesday 9pm eastern and maybe have a feel of how the TAW practices are like and the ping? Could give u guys a better feel? Let me know thanks. :D

It's doable as I joined Charlie Foxtrot as well, but the time difference might be a factor for some of us.

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Well, I hate to break it to you guys, but I'm 13 and can't really chip in for a server on short notice. I definitely think it would be best to start a clan though. Is there a way we could all get together on a server somewhere and get acquainted before we make a decision about a clan?

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