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some do-ability questions

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Hi there

i'm planning for a scifi mod where i could need some stuff that wouldn't be necessary in an almost-simulator game. I'd like to know if it is possible to:

1- Give the vehicle driver a turreted weapon (think of Tanks in Battlefield games, where the driver can drive with WASD and look around with mouse and shoot)

2- Make Weaponsponsons left and right of a vehicle (imagine a WW1 Mark I), controlled by one person while one side won't shoot if the sponson can't aim at the target

3- Switch Optics and view-position for a single operator-seat when cycling through different weaponsystems with different positions

4- Make a mech-walker vehicle

5- Prevent a specific unittype to do specific actions (for example to go prone)

6- Giving helicopter type vehicles a forward thruster (on/off via actionmenu) [for use in antigrav-style vehicles]

7- Prevent a passenger in a specific vehicle position to exit the vehicle (only entering, no disembarking)

8- Create passenger seats on a vehicle where they can still use their handweapons

9- Create an action-menu option to open a top hatch, whilst switching passengers to different locations (for example a top hatch of a M113, leader opens it, leader+ 2 passengers "leave" their seat and switch to a standing position)

Thanks in advance.

If you don't mind it would also help me if you could say a word to the efford it would require to make the wanted functions. ("easily doable" or "requires complex scripts and new animations" or "not doable at all", like that)

Edited by Fennek

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From what I know of the game engine;

1- No

2- No

3- No

4- Yes (been done before, pretty hard, not my skills)

5- I dont think so (dont know detail)

6- Probably only via scripts (turbo scripts already exist)

7- Yes. Use an OnExit Event Handler plus a script to put the unit back. But if its AI, then you may have problems, they are pretty single minded.

8- No

9- Yes, in combination with scripts. Probably pretty tricky to do. The action would trigger a script to exit the player/crew, then place them back in the unit in the new positions.

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oh dear, that's more "no" than i expected...

regarding 2 and 3

Can a gunner/commander have a periskop at one point, a weapon station at another point, both rotating around their own pivot? Could i place some props (without relevant function, like a tracking radar) that always points in the direction the gunner/commander looks?

i have a vehicle that should have 2 seats and 3 independant weaponstations (a sponson left, right and one 360° platform in the middle) + passenger compartment . One crewman is the driver.

If i would make 4 seats for the crewman (each weaponstation + driverstation), could i limit the active crew to 2 persons somehow? The gunner switches to 1 weaponstation , driver drives, weaponstation 2 and 3 are empty but locked for any further persons?

Could passengers still enter/exit somehow?

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If it is for q number 1 it's not necessarily a "no". Have u tried the "gdtmod_helicopter_weapons" addon? It gives u, as a driver, ability to use gunners optic and his turreted weapon such as nose gun. Also gives u ability to manually guide ATGM's on targets using your optics.

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Can a gunner/commander have a periskop at one point, a weapon station at another point, both rotating around their own pivot?

hmmmm .... a "maybe"

Could i place some props (without relevant function, like a tracking radar) that always points in the direction the gunner/commander looks?

Yes, I've done that before.

If i would make 4 seats for the crewman (each weaponstation + driverstation), could i limit the active crew to 2 persons somehow? The gunner switches to 1 weaponstation , driver drives, weaponstation 2 and 3 are empty but locked for any further persons?

Could passengers still enter/exit somehow?

Hmmm probably, but using a tricky script you'd have to lock-out seats by filling them with non-AI "game logics". This would mean the seats are considered filled.

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5- Prevent a specific unittype to do specific actions (for example to go prone)

This is actually possible, at least for foot units, by changing the anim configs. It would be a bitch though.

Check out CfgMovesBasic.hpp, which governs which anim state is entered from a given anim state, based on which control is invoked. You'd have to change out all entry points to all the prone animations, which... would be time-consuming to say the least.

If you want to prevent a unit going prone via a script (much easier but not necessarily what you're looking for), check out setUnitPos.

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