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Visitor crash importing 40960 sat_lco

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when i reimport my hight map xyz/.png i copy all my objects, delete them, import my hight map, and paste absolute.

this is roads/objects/vegetation included, takes abouth 3 minutes on a 20480x20480 terrain.

always works.

Isnt there something about when you do it that way, it wont remember angle(not rotation)/size info?

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well infact it does, even the bridges stay in line (if u didnt change terrain''s overal hight)

i cant count the times i did it this way believe me it works,

ive got several objects rescaled and they stay that way.

i couldnt change my hightmap in any other way cause of the numerous objects on the landscape.

this was the only way for me to get it in and it never failed.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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@ Bushlurker

these days the .png file size limitation of 2gb can be dealt with, i saved a .png of 5gb last night.

today i try to import it into visitor, lets see wat happens.

fingers crossed.

hi PSB is best way to handle larger sizes , i had problems long time ago

see wiki here for more inforamtion , hope it helps


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good find, but i think visitor 3 wont import a psb.

when i download my sat map it is a 5gb .bmp wich i cannot load in PS,

so i convert it to tiff and load it in PS there i cut out my "source image"

and saved it as indeed a psb, a psb of 40960x40960 in my case was 13,5gb... Huuge.

a .png same dimension's is 2,3gb exceeds 300mb, visitor wont accept it.

tried to downgrade to 8bit indexed and could import, but at 99% visitor spits it out.

so maybe if someone could write a plugin for visitor to load a .png over its size limit?.

but i couldnt get it in no matter wat, i cant get my sat under 2gb with a 40960x40960 image.

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Nope visitor doesnt do PSB but its the way to edit them in photoshop :).

above 2.5gb sounds rather large for a final sat_lco though to be honest are you sure you need full colour roads and where buildings and trees go etc , usually when all that is done it will cut size quite a bit, maybe any lakes etc which will also have no need for such high fidelity colours

did you try with a very simple mask_lca of one colour ? just make it white and give one detail texture in layers see if its ok like that ,

maybe its also baselayer ratio are you at 4* cell size or diff ?

Edited by Thromp

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it is not the mask that cause problems the mask's size in this resolution would be 136mb

its the sat_lco wich exceeds the 2gb filesize limit by 300mb, or visitor haves trouble with 2mtrs per pixel sat image.

i would be happy to get the sat image in with 8bit indexed colour this way my sat_lco would only be +- 1,3gb but visitor doesnt like that

first time it imported 99% and crashed, second try it spits it out right away.

i would love to know if someone has a solution to cut the file size of a 8bpp .png by 302mb,

my terrain is 2048x10=20480x20480 tried the sat image 40960x40960 base texture layer 20mtrs wich gave me a satallite segment of 12 = valid.

40mtrs would give me segment 3 =invalid, 10mtr and visitor crashed right away.

20mtrs segment gave me the best result, non the less it crashed.

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it is not the mask that cause problems the mask's size in this resolution would be 136mb

Hi i wasnt suggesting it was the MAIN problem, was wondering if the complecity of surfaces was contributing to the overall cache of visitor being too much whist its producking the resultinf >rvmats and colour mask segments , i have always found a simple mask to help out when testing things , because after all the sat is mereley for distance layers ( unless configged otherwise using nodetaildist)

i would love to know if someone has a solution to cut the file size of a 8bpp .png by 302mb,

did you have any lakes buildings etc that you can simplify the colour in this area ? it would reduce overall size of final size if simplified i`m sure ?

Edited by Thromp

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8bpp i mean 24bits true color just to clarify :)

yes i have a river crossing from north/west to south east.



im just using the same layers file as i usualy do never had problems with it bevore, altough i do understand your statement.

i tought if i use all the configs and settings that work, i can iron out loads of possible errors.

i might try to paint out the river and test again when i manage to get it under 2gb.

first i have to finnish some industrial area's, im running out of idea's to fill that part of the landscape.

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Hey BlackMamba,

Sorry that you are also struggling with the large SAT map image. In my case the 40960 png weighed in at only 1.38GB, but I was still unsuccessful importing into Visitor.

On another note, which may not be applicable in your case since your terrain is 20480 rather than 40960 (what I’m working with), I found that while the higher resolution image looks terrific from the sky, at ground level the color contrast is too strong and I ended up blurring out my (20480) SAT image to make the ground level view more natural.

Good luck with your efforts.


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to come back on the satallite image size limit,

i succesfully imported a satallite image with the size 40960x40960 into visitor 3.

infact visitor 3 is converting them to .paa in buldozer viewer right now.

fingers crossed and hope all go's well when i've exported world and look ingame :)


ill post back if succesfull with a how to.

wow converting .paa's in buldozer viewer took a loong time 85x85 layers.



got it working ingame.

altough i have to look if i did a horible job alligning the sat_lco or something else is the culprit.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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