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the problem of The crash costant is the pirated version of the game

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Just go to any site p2p all have the same problem.

Stop spam help,pirat retard.

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Let me rephrase what you said so my brain that speaks english can understand what you wrote:

you said:

the problem of The crash costant is the pirated version of the game

I say:

the problem with constant crashes is because of pirated versions of the game

So I get your point but its not valid on all cases. On another note i dont see the point of your post,

if there was any evidence in a post somewhere that someone was using a pirated version of the game

which any Moderator could tell you we dont tolerate, then the point would apply to a post that is already posted.

In other reguards your post here is spam as again its useless as its not pointing to a post for which it applies, even though you

"said Just go to any site p2p" I can heed the insight but again its not applying to any post specific here in the forum.

You want to stop the spam, then stop posting posts in the ArmA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING section.

Are you haveing crashes? any other trouble with your game?

If not find a post relevent to what you want folks to know about.

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sorry my english is bad.

One my friend has pitat copy of Arma2 OA,and have continue crash.

The problem is the crack.

Easy. Go to any site p2p all have the same problem.

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Yeah, good idea to ask on the official forums for a fixed crack :man3:

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Tell your friend to actually buy the game, and he will stop having crashes.

The game is worth more then its weight in Gold, if people are to cheap to buy

Arma2 and its exansions then theres no place for you here.

I suggest not posting here in BIS forums unless you have the actual game and there are issues with it.

Moderators wont hesistate to ban you from the forums with posts about cracks,

and pirated versions. Buy the game, problems solved.

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We do not provide any support to those who don't pay for the game.

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