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Omg why i can't buy arma 2!!!

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Why in italy i can't buy ArmA 2 i know the official producer have blocked the sale of ArmA 2 game copies and... some days last i have order it and now i have spotted what the game isnt buyable... please i want it =S i can't download it by internet!

This is the email that multiplayer.com say arma 2 isnt avaible:

Dear Customer,

to inform you that we are desolate, because of the choice of provider

official to stop the marketing of


there will not be able to restore inventories.

We are therefore in the unfortunate position to inform you that

the order we received from you in any way can not be processed.

Given the apparent uniqueness of the case, however, outside our

responsibility, we hope you can understand how the disruption and the

discomfort caused by not taking our conduct of such


The order will then be deleted, but do not despair that you will find

alternatives in our catalog that we will be glad you took

back into consideration, obviously under the best conditions

possible which we hope you'll want to take advantage.

Some of your kind understanding,

clearly appreciate the time granted us again and we send the

our most sincere apologies.


Gentile Cliente,

siamo desolati di informarti che, a causa della scelta del distributore

ufficiale di interrompere la commercializzazione di


non ci sarà possibile ripristinare le scorte di magazzino.

Ci troviamo quindi nella spiacevole condizione di comunicarti che

l'ordine da te pervenutoci non potrà in alcun modo essere evaso.

Data l'evidente eccezionalità del caso, che comunque esula dalla nostra

responsabilità, speriamo tu possa comprendere come il disservizio e il

fastidio arrecato non siano da prendersi ad esempio della nostra condotta


L'ordine verrà quindi cancellato, ma non disperiamo che potrai trovare

nel nostro catalogo alternative valide che saremmo lieti prendessi

nuovamente in considerazione, ovviamente alle migliori condizioni

possibili delle quali ci auguriamo vorrai approfittare.

Certi della tua cortese comprensione,

distintamente ringraziamo per il tempo concessoci e nuovamente porgiamo le

nostre più sentite scuse.

Edited by Viloresi

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Why in italy i can't buy ArmA 2 i know the official producer have blocked the sale of ArmA 2 game copies

What? Sprocket doesn't work for you? :confused:

This should have been posted under this forum section, by the way. ;)

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No... you don't understand, watch this page > http://www.arma2.com/shops/buy-arma-2_en.html and try the links to Multiplayer.it and Mediaworld.it , its doesn't work beacause the game is removed by the official producer (505 GAMES)

P.s.: If you try Gamestop.it it work but you can't have the cd, only the download... :( i havent paypal and the other methods of payment so i need the cd

Edited by Viloresi

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Just go into a gamestop store and get a retail copy of ArmA Combined operations. I belive that shouldn't be a problem. In case yes use sprocket. For the paypal isssue. Go into your local Post office and get yourself a "Banco Posta carta prepagata" Then you can go with paypal. I had never any issues purchasing things with a prepayed Banco Posta card.

kind regards

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nettrucker non hai capito, io non posso comprare ArmA 2 in un gamestop, solo da internet ordinandolo e con il pagamento alla consegna (CD) e ArmA 2 la 505 Games ha deciso di non venderlo piu... forse solo in italia chissa per quale motivo!

Translation : nettrucker did not understand, I can not buy ArmA 2 in gamestop, just order it from the Internet and with cash on delivery (CD) and ArmA 2 505 Games has decided not to sell ... Perhaps only in Italy for some reason!

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Do you have a bank account? If so then you also can create a paypal account. And as far as I know, paypal is even available in Italian language.

Please check www.paypal.it and see if they allow you to create an account without a credit card but a bank account.

Or do as nettrucker suggested and get that card from the post office.

Once you have the paypal account you can either purchase a digital copy from Sprocket or order a hard copy from a shop via internet which accepts paypal payment.

Alternatively, go to a game shop and see if they can order a copy for you.

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ok... but i know the cd isn't avaible , i read today this from a site where i buy it... they say, the copy of cd ArmA 2 aren't avaible beacause the official producer have stop the production... so in the gamestop ArmA 2 there isn't and i cant download it from internet

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With paypal you can buy from ebay, maybe even amazon......a DVD version. So whats the problem I would say?

If the italian ebay and/or amazon both do not sell arma 2 anymore just check amazon/ebay.com?

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thx foxhound but im 17 and i can't have paypal

Ok, you should ask your bank or post office to deal with the money transfer in question. Explain them your problem and you should find a quick way to purchase ArmA II somewhere. Buy a retail copy of ArmA II combined operations . . . it has everything you need.

kind regards

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ok thx but now how can i give ArmA 2 CD but without paypal or internet payment methods? Pay at delivery... when the courier arrive to my house... beacause on multyplayer.com is avaible and at the other site i have see there isnt this payment method...

nettrucker ti sarei grato se mi dici come posso dirlo correttamente in italiano .. =)


come posso avere ArmA 2 il cd tramite pagamento alla consegna, (cioe arriva il corriere e io gli do i soldi direttamente ) senza paypal o altri metodi di pagamento online, perchè su multiplayer.com c'era la disponibilita del pagamento alla consegna e siccome ArmA 2 non lo vendono + volevo sapere dove posso comprarlo online con il metodo del pagamento alla consegna ty

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mi sa che ci hai ragione col pagamento come dici tu arma2 non si trova più in circolazione in Italia. l'unico che ho trovato al momento su google sembrerebbe questo:


lo spammo solo per info non conosco il negozio e non ho niente a che spartire con loro ma al momento ho trovato solo questo se ne vedo altri te li linko se è consentito

cmq se non proprio non hai modo di usare carte di credito ti consiglio anch'io di andare alla posta e comprare una postepay prepagata e farti un account paypal è molto più semplice comprare così ;)


maybe you're right it seems that no more possible buy arma2 with cc metod the only shop that I've found on google is this:


for admin dunno if it's permitted post this link I linked it only for info I don't have any spam intention if not sorry and remove it tnx ;)

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