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[SP/Co/Vs [1-100+]] Fight extension

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Thanks gents for your comments,

Azroul =>

1. FE has some very huge script loops, but it seems to be ok (can be played almost everywhere in Chernarus with middle end PC) since I take care of killing scripts as soon as they're useless.

2. Faction sizes. It's up to you! FE is already completly moddable, meaning you can easily tailor forces like you want. For example, for my tests in Chernarus, I'm using for OPFOR 3 groups of tanks (3 units each), 2 groups of mech. inf., 3 groups of infantry, 2 groups of scouts (2 uaz each), 2 snipers with their spotters, and of course HQ and commander. half of the troops can be played by humans, but it can be set too. I made a demo in Isla Duala where forces were different, ... etc.

3. Mount/unmount (right click on checkpoints) seems to be working quite nicely since the last patch, but I didn't check it very far atm. My main concern, about this point, was when the AI wasn't commanded by human player : I had to set some "safety distance" from detected enemies and objectives to order scripted dismount. I lost some hair while working on this.


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I hope noone gets angry if I bump this one in the hope of some info on progression...

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I'd love to have a bit of follow-up on this one also

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