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ArmA 2 multiplayer Servers only

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I think BIS should consider ArmA II multiplayer servers for this game only.

1.There are too many technical know hows in this forum and BIS should

seriously consider a multiplayer ArmA II server team.

***For example 6-12 servers online anywhere from 12 to 100 players.

---They should also sponsor a mod enabled server and run votes in this forum

on what mods to actually run from month to month, provide BIS sponsored

instructions on how to install and run the mod on their server.

2.Then the complaints would be genuine and would save a lot of headaches

on problems.

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I think BIS should consider ArmA II multiplayer servers for this game only.

IF you mean BIS hosting servers for the community themselves, that is not gonna happen.

Otherwise, answering your question - in the way you formulated it - all games from OFP to OA have MP servers...Why should there be only for A2?

1.There are too many technical know hows in this forum and BIS should

seriously consider a multiplayer ArmA II server team.

Do you consider all the technical knowledge a bad thing then?

***For example 6-12 servers online anywhere from 12 to 100 players.

already available, hosted by the community...this is how the MP community works :Oo:

---They should also sponsor a mod enabled server and run votes in this forum

on what mods to actually run from month to month, provide BIS sponsored

instructions on how to install and run the mod on their server.

BIS will never get involved in the modding part, giving ranks or sponsoring some of the mods. And i belive it is a good thing that every mod out there has the same respect from BIS (without interfering whatsoever).

BIS doesn't do mods, so asking from them to support in any ways the instalment or the Q&A of those is just plain stupid

2.Then the complaints would be genuine and would save a lot of headaches

on problems.

What complains? Complains are never genuine, besides, complaining to BIS about something they have no reach ever it is weird indeed

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I am not sure if people are following the logic and actual simplicity of my comments.

the way I formulated my comments was statement followed by details to support my statement.

I know for some this could be misleading if only you like to bother the statement with your own details and not the details that are actually written.

In my research this forum has three times as many problems, complaints than any other game.

The easiest way to solve this **multiplayer set of problems is to have BIS set up their own professional servers and actually get at solving problems rather than having a bunch of amateured servers who make up details as they go along.

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In my research this forum has three times as many problems, complaints than any other game.

Really? You did comprehensive research and counted the exact number of unique complaints about ArmA2, and thn did the same thing for every other game out there? Or are you just talking bullshit?

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The easiest way to solve this **multiplayer set of problems is to have BIS set up their own professional servers and actually get at solving problems rather than having a bunch of amateured servers who make up details as they go along.

and i already told you that is NOT gonna happen. What is left to discuss then?

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Why the attitude?

Some other games, even from smaller indie devs, have official servers on multiple continents so it's not like he's asking for something impossible.

I think it could be useful to BI too, in anti-cheat and netcode development.

Edited by Pulverizer

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pufu summed it up well in the first post. ArmA servers are far from as easy to autonomously running as for general 13-in-a-dozen shooters and stuff due to the nature of the game. Unless the official servers are to be as bad as most of the public ones (i.e. no present admins, just making them become a dull, unorganized mess)

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Some other games, even from smaller indie devs, have official servers on multiple

continents so it's not like he's asking for something impossible.

I can see the concept, but already been said its not going to happen, and it costs money to run a server.

it costs money to do what they do, and to add to that cost by putting up a few servers that might have to

be watched detours them to what I think is more important, game development.

Besides we have plenty of servers around to play on,

plus you have your own local server you can create and invite friends.:)

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There is no problem to solution in multiplayer and in my realm of thinking it is unprofessional.

If you really expect people to pay for a game $50 then I would expect professional results? is the next question. Operaton arrowhead has enough hdd space to be considered a different game or maybe 2 at that---

I think solutions have to be resolved or this game is becoming a great concept without any clear direction.

Besides who wouldn't pay for a 200-person multiplayer server if the expansions are so affordable?

Edited by boytitanium

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Why the attitude?

Some other games, even from smaller indie devs, have official servers on multiple continents so it's not like he's asking for something impossible.

What attitude? It has been said before, by BIS, that they are not gonna get involved in how the game is played. That is why this is a sandbox.

Have you ever admined a server of your own? See what that means?

SO before you posted, did you compare A2 with what other games?

I think it could be useful to BI too, in anti-cheat and netcode development.

Really? Anti-cheat protection is something you most likely get from someone like PB or in A2 case, BE. Unlikely to reinvent the wheel yourself, even for BIS

Netcode development, yes, a great thing in perspective, but how will it help by having BIS renting/providing servers to play on? Do you actually think there will be a 24/7 admin on the server like there is in most community hosted servers to watch out for goofs? Unlikely

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Signature checks are an anti-cheat measure programmed by BIS and have been bypassed by cheaters. They have nothing to do with Battleye or Punkbuster.

It would not need a 24/7 admin, except maybe a few designated community moderators (just like the forums, eh) if there was any scheduled events. Kick voting would be enough most of the time.

As to how it would help, you would have a guaranteed correctly set-up server with no addons and only missions everyone knew. Now I know BIS missions aren't that great but it would be nice for the new players to have an "official server" as the easy choice to start playing the game in MP, opposed to community servers each with custom missions tweaked per server-owner discretion, different settings, teamspeaks and server-side tweaking mods, rules etc.

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