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Hamburger hill at ofpec!

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They gave it 7/10  wow.gif  biggrin.gif

Read about it here: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/Command_HQ/mission_detail.asp?id=215

Here's the review by Intar:

After several failed US Marine assaults on a heavily fortified position on Hill 937 the US Airborne Division has been called to finish what the Marines could not. Lead your squad up a murderous deathtrap through the enemy line and onto Hill 937, dubbed "Hamburger Hill".


Mission Overview: Now here is a mission that really is right out of a movie. If anyone out there is familiar with the 80’s hit movie by the same name, a real feeling of nostalgia will definitely hit before the artillery does. In this mission, Ex-RoNiN introduces Hill 937, a.k.a, “Hamburger Hillâ€, which has survived several assaults by the US Marine Corps, and now faces the deadly precision of the dreaded US Airborne Division. Lead your squad of fighters up the entrenched enemy positions, overcoming the Reds with sweat, blood, and mortar fire, as you literally crawl your way to the peak of the hill to complete your objective. This mission really hits home the horrifying realization of the utter futility of war.

The objective is simple: take the hill as you lead your grunts up a murderous barrage of machinegun fire and grenade blasts. This is a mission that pretty much plays out entirely in prone position. If you stand, you will die! Slowly crawl up, taking every opportunity to pick off the enemy, literally one by one, as you watch your own compatriots die all around you.


Simple and to the point, but what I prefer to see is verbose and detailed. For the most part, the overview is simplistic and adds little tone to the overall mission. The briefing suffers from this same flaw. The objectives are laid out with an almost unenthusiastic “take this objective†which merely links to a point on the map. No additional Intel is added, which really detracts from the reality of the mission itself. However, there is a letter from the player added to the briefing, which adds to the overall story. All of the links work too, but the markings on the maps are not entirely clear; for example, I did not realize there was an ammo dump behind the start position until my second attempt at the mission. I guess it does pay off to take a moment to look around tounge.gif


This is Ex-Ronin’s best strength in this mission. A very long scene begins with you and your team travelling en route to Hill 937. All the while, the story unfolds with fading text as the camera spins around continuously. The spinning, although nice, was overly redundant and unimaginative. Different camera angles could have been used for this five minute sequence, instead of spinning around and around until the camera script ended.

All is not lost, however. This mission is very memorable to me, especially since I from the US, and if you are too, you are graciously rewarded with a very patriotic movie at the end of the mission. But, I won’t spoil it for you, you will have to survive the hill on your own first wink.gif


Ex-Ronin’s clear strength is in scripting. All great mission masters must have almost wizard like skills in the archaic program code of the OFP engine, and Ex-Ronin certainly has a good grasp of it’s mystic workings. The cinematics are nice, and add to the story, the weapon availability is good, and the enemy AI is almost hauntingly realistic. A smart AI is something I personally struggle with at times tounge.gif


The mission is, however, almost ridiculously difficult. But, this was obviously on purpose. For those who are familiar with the movie of the same name, this mission does capture the horrific reality of the Vietnam war, set in a soviet setting.

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Some cable must be broken between me and OFPEc...

File size: 58 KB

Download time: 5 minutes and "running"


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might make a nice nam feeling on jungle everon *hint hint* hard too i suck at forest combat biggrin.gif

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LauryThorn, OFPEC frequently has problems with bandwidth. Best would be to try after 30 mins again, or some other day. However, you can also get it from @War, just do a quick search smile.gif

LordZach, someone is doing that already smile.gif

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This is a nice mission, especially if you like being killed.  biggrin.gif

I think I'll play it again.

BTW, I too had problems downloading from OFPEC last week. Don't know about right now.

I would like to suggest that you cut down the initial cutscene a bit and make the storyline messages more serious and to the point. I was getting carsick watching the camera going around and around the truck in circles as it's driving down the road.

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yep cool mission pal, damn hard tho but off to try again

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LOL! Is that a cereal? Looks yummy biggrin.gif

Sorry about making you carsick, it was my first ever intro movie and I thought the more camera moves the merrier tounge.gif

As for your suggestions, thanks very much smile.gif I don't think I'll make a new version of it though, I have started on something else (even though I'm supposed to be studying for exams rolleyes.gif

However, I will keep your criticism in mind smile.gif

And saying you will play it again is a HUGE compliment, thanks VERY much smile.gif

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The only real problem I had with it was the AI just staying behind the sand bags prone never poping up to kill anyone like they would in real life. They would stay prone and wait until I went around. Could you please use the setuntipos "up" command confused.gif  Good mission BTW just some minor improvements needed

(Sorry if I sounded rude)

!?: Just remembered what Hand Grenades are for

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Fun mission, I beat it the first time though, I went to the right perimeter and killed the guy with the grenade launcher, I picked it up and in 2 clips killed all the guys in the middle and left perimeter. Only 2 of my guys died too smile.gif Guess I got lucky.

Something like this would be fun on Koljugev, with that large hill in the middle.

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Fuck that hill is hard to get up man. Also the intro made me dizzy. Howcome u didnt do different angles? It bored me man. No offence.

Nice mission.

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