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Very slow texture loading

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Has anyone with somewhat recent hardware found settings to reduce or eliminate the slow loading of detailed textures? Theses textures load more slowly than they ever did on my crappy old computer, even with conservative video settings.

i7 920 default clocking, HT disabled, 6GB ram

SLIx2 gtx285 1GB ram

Vista Ultimate 64

SLI disabled/Single GPU for OFP profile

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I've had the same problem for a while. misson loading time for me seems excessively long, especially when you change islands. I had most all of my settings in the prefferences utility maxed out. I set them back to default, but I saw no difference. I started thinking it may have something to do with your addon load...taking up too much reserve memory???

Wish I had an answer, like you said with my older computer it seems like it didin't take as long.

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I'll try without addons, but I expect the same behaviour. I think there is a disconnect about how OFP wants to load textures, and how the GPU wants to do it. There is a bottleneck somewhere, that is for sure.

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I think it has more to do with the HD then the processor or maby its the relation between them. oh and drivers could be another problem.


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I found the "solution". Crank VD down to 500m...

No other adjustments make any difference, including reducing all texture sizes to 64x64.

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Have you tried limiting the lod switching ?

With less lod switching, maybe there would less texture loading, as unfortunately most OFP and BIS models have lots and lots of textures, and even have different textures from a lod to another, that does not help performance and GPU at all.

In your Flashpoint.cfg, try to change






This way you should have no or extremely few lod switching.

If this solve the problem, you can progressively increase






etc... to allow some lods switching and see if at some point there is a certain amount of lod swicthing that lead into the problem you saw.

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I think it's some new optimization feature of video cards themselves or DirectX, because I never saw these "slow" textures in Win98 or WinXP.

mp4 video, 9MB

Win7, Nvidia gtx480 1536MB :D

Note that the forest LOD does not change, only texture.

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I tried playing around with the LOD, but it makes no difference. Pulverizer's vid shows the problem perfectly, though I never noticed it popping in and out of the map screen. I notice it when turning around. Not the end of the world, just an annoyance. Why are the textures are not better cached?

Edited by Mr.Peanut

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