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cone[] = {...}, what does it mean?

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With sound definition for vehicles (especially aircraft, with same sound as high to artificially boost the sound when viewing from behind the airplane), you'll sometimes see something like:


I've tried messing with the numbers, but I don't understand what's happening. I've searched the forums and biki without success.

Can anyone shed light on what those numbers actually mean?

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You are creating a cone so you will need a radius and a height or length in our case as the cone of sound fans out from the rear of the aircraft. The other two are possibly an x and y offset from model centre for the cone or one of them may even be the value to multiply the sound by within the cone.

Which is which though, only a BIS dev could say for sure.

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I think it's something like this:

cone[] = {Angle1, Angle2, Volume1, Volume2};

So if you reverse Volume1 and Volume2, you would get the louder part in the front.

And if you have Angle1 and Angle2 very close, you get a quick transition.

If you have one volume at 0, be sure to have Angle1 less than Angle2, or you'll get a sudden transition.

I'll use this for my AN2 config to have propeller sounds with different characteristics in front and behind the plane.

Arrghh! Apparently you can only use cone once! :(

Thanks BIS for the mergeConfigFile command. What a life saver!


3.1,3.2,0.0,0.7 - From angle 3.1 to 3.2 (approx 90° to the side, radians?), transitions volume from 0.0 to 0.7 (0.7 in front of plane)

2.5,3.8,0.7,0.0 - From angle 2.5 to 3.8 (now a much smoother transition), transitions volume from 0.7 to 0.0 (0.0 in front of plane)

5.0,6.28,0.7,0.0 - From angle 5.0 to 6.28 (only tip of the nose), transitions volume from 0.7 to 0.0 (0.0 in front of plane)

The last example is hard to verify on an AN2 as the axis is tilted (due taildragger). But you'll get 0.7 in volume (angle 0 seems to be behind the plane) all the way until you reach the nose.

As for the "small maths" question, remember in Arma1 how choppers (in particular) generated rotor noise from an abandoned chopper, due to rotor speed not being updated? I'm guessing that rotorSpeed-0.1 takes care of that problem, since you might not want to multiply with engineOn. Other than that I guess "small maths" are used to control amplitude and speed of the ramp you're calculating.

But there are problems within the mixing somewhere. I have to put a small delay at the start of my AN2 flap sound (soundServo[]) in order to get rid of a massive and utterly destroying click at the start. Similarly, I can have two different ramps that works well on their own, but fails when they work together.

My problem is, where do I find information about what parameters can be used for what? In car sound configs I find surfaces like grass and gravel, but I'm not able to use those for planes (roll sounds).

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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