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Headlight bug

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Just noticed something. Not sure if it's a bug in Arma2 vanilla, or in the lightingFX mod I just put in...

If I'm in a vehicle, and turn off the engine, then the lights, then leave the vehicle, the lights are on in the external view of the vehicle... as if the lights get switched on as I exit.

Sorry, I don't recall the name of the lightingFX mod, but it's the popular one that improves the street lamps and military headlights.

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I know if I leave AI in any position in the vehicle in vanilla if I get out they somehow turn the lights on.

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Never noticed any problems with the light in vanilla or with the "light mod". You are probably using : Night lighting effects by Sakura chan http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85283 ? this has not been updated sinds forever but maybe it never needed to update? Have you tested without the mod? Have you asked the same question on the Night lighting effects mod creator's topic? This would be solved quickly if you ask the people that made and or use this mod (and does not belong in general but in the troubleshooting section.....)

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@HyperU2: Yup, I just noticed that right now. It's only if there's other guys still in the vehicle.

@larsiano: I was going to put it in the Troubleshooting section, but it says it's only for major bugs, which I figured this wasn't. Wasnt' sure where else to put it. Ya, I believe it's the Sakura mod. I'll follow the link you provided, and mention it there. Thanks.

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Actually I think it happens if there is AI occupying commanders position in the vehicle. I remember trying it with a tank, and found out that if I switched to commanders position before getting out, light would remain on.

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I was testing it with a Humvee (1 guy in passenger + 1 gunner, and me in the driver's seat)... so I don't think it's exclusively an AI in commander position thing.

When I have time, I'll try taking various AI guys out of the vehical, and see if that does anything.

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I noticed the same when i had an AI gunner in my TOW Humvee and left the driver position

Same with an AH64 with an AI gunner and also in a LAV25 with AI commander or gunner (can't remember exactly)

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I think for vehicles without a commander station, the gunner station is considered commanding station. I do wish it was the drivers station that mattered though, or at least that they would follow orders, and/or remain in whatever light mode they were in when player exited the vehicle.

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There is always an effective commander if a vehicle is occupied. If you leave a vehicle as the commander then the next crew member becomes the effective commander, and the AI likes to leave the lights on. Maybe try putting him into combat or stealth mode.

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Interesting... Ya, I suppose there's always a 'commander', even when it's not literal.

I take it that having the headlights on decreases stealth, eh? That would be the main reason that bug is worth mentioning.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a list of all the factors/variables that affect your visibility to the enemy. I was worried it was all pretty simple, so doing things like hiding in bushes or long grass, or moving your head rather than turning your body, etc actually have an effect.

I'm assuming light and shadows also have an affect, but I'm not sure.

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headlights on full power in the night... you get instantly seen by everybody that can draw a line-of-sight to you, no matter if with NVG or without. Not sure how AI handles that. In Warfare it's very dangerous as you can easily give away the position of your base if someone buys an AI vehicle without driver.

i've also seen units with AO rifles with flashlights in BE Warfare, and they run around with it enabled all the time.

Edited by Fennek

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