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My wishlist.

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1) People are more responsive when they get shot instead of sitting there standing up for a few seconds and then falling dead. And maybe a few new death motions like for if a guy gets blown up or something.


3) Cars, trucks, and other vehicles haing better armor(it is way too low for almost all of them except the big trucks and especially in the trabant)

4) Cars, trucks, and other vehicles having better collision physics. The physics for flat tires and explosions are great, but when they collide, most of the time theyjust go through each other, preventing us from being able to chase down escaping enemies and spin them out or something.

5) Bigger, more visible, and thus more realistic muzzle flashes.

6) Better water(the abilityto swim under water and ses little bubble trails behind bullets taht get shot into the water( know you can do it on your engine, theres always a way around it)

7) Better, more defined vehicle sound effects. The car and vehicle engine sounds fade away sometimes and the horns sond like alarm clocks and are nearly inaudble to other people.

8) Air-to-air missles and SAM missles for both teams(don't forget proximity detonation), and planes with coutner measures, radar warnings, and missle launch warnings. Also, if you include countermeasures, make sure the flares and caff don't work on stingers, because they don't.

9) Area damage effect on planes so you can aim and damae certain areas and components on the planes. Also maybe you could add smoking enginge damage effects.

10) Higher ceiling for the planes(right now it is only about 750 ft at most).

11) CLEARLY MARKED AIRFIELDS ON ALL OF THE ISLANDS. The only ones I've found are in script files.

12) A simpler way to equip guys on the map editor. Just do like Novalogic did and have a list of guys, and then in their characteristics let us just make our own custom loadouts. Also let us do this with vehicles, too(no not giving an A10 and AK47 or something even though a lot of you Russian fanboys would think that would make it the greatest plane in the world, I mean editing the loadouts so that we can go for a mix of bombs and mavericks or have less weapons ad higher manuverability and speed).

13) Let all of the people cary more equipment and ammo. I know I can carry a gun, 6 grenades, and 10 clips, but they highly trained soldiers and black ps can't. #### the SEAL SAW gunners cary 5000-6000 rounds, and the regular troops come close to carrying that much also.

14) Give the Abrams the JTIDS map, the commander-gunner target designator, and the laser range finder.

15) Give ALL of the tanks stabalized barrels.

16) Find another way to aim the TOW and Hellfire missles, they are not a fire-and-forget weapons and I doubt most of the Russian ones are either.

17) DELAYED GRENADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most have a 3 second delay, or at lest the normal ones do.

18) Maybe FLIR goggles(yeah I know its, 1985, but they were pretty close to having it and had some prototypes, and they would be a very good improvement over the light amplification w/o even an IR illuminator crap that is in the game now.



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1) Possible

2) Maybe possible

3) Totally possible

4) Are you nuts? Rescripting the entire physics part...

5) I want to see where Im shooting, not just a big muzzle flash

6) Impossible, water is just a huge polygon, nothing else

7) Definetly!!!

8) OFP is not for air to air combat, thats why all weapons are air to ground

9) Smoking is probably possible, area damaging probably not possible

10) Sure, if you want to fly around in a white sky. I prefer close combat in an urban enviroment

11) Look for the only flat areas without bushes on the islands


13) They dont need more ammo, if the mission is well designed (most arent)

14) The abrams is a killer tank anyway

15) Takes the fun from it

16) There is probably a reason OFP handles missiles the way it does

17) Should be there, but since it isnt, is it impossible?

18) Night missions sucks

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Crispy129 on 6:55 am on Dec. 28, 2001

1)  8)  Air-to-air missles and SAM missles for both teams(don't forget proximity detonation), and planes with coutner measures, radar warnings, and missle launch warnings.  Also, if you include countermeasures, make sure the flares and caff don't work on stingers, because they don't.

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You´re saying that the FIM-92 Stinger, which is a IR homing, thus, like all IR missiles homing for the heat signature of the exhaust gas of planes and helicopters wouldn´t be spoofed by a flare countermeasure?

Even if the homing device is set to a specific radiation pattern specific for exhaust blooms, it´s still susceptible to heat generating countermeasures like flares.....

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"13) Let all of the people cary more equipment and ammo. I know I can carry a gun, 6 grenades, and 10 clips, but they highly trained soldiers and black ps can't. #### the SEAL SAW gunners cary 5000-6000 rounds, and the regular troops come close to carrying that much also. "

"13) They dont need more ammo, if the mission is well designed (most arent) "

No, I must agree with Crispy. I've said it many times before. Nobody goes into battle with 4 clips or 300 rounds with an m60 or 3 m203 grenades as a grenadier. With the loadouts they give in ofp you can't lay down any decent amount of cover or suppressive fire unless you plan to loot the entire battle field after every fire fight.

I always find myself taking extra clips and less grenades when possible and in my custom missions I always have ammo crates strategically placed around the map. It may not be very realistic to have ammo crates scattered around but it makes the game feel more realistic than having one ammo pouch worth of ammo.

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#10: Only the other night I took my A-10 to a whoping 45,000ft.

Don't ask!!! mad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Crispy129 on 6:55 am on Dec. 28, 2001

5)  Bigger, more visible, and thus more realistic muzzle flashes.

6) Better water(the abilityto swim under water and ses little bubble trails behind bullets taht get shot into the water( know you can do it on your engine, theres always a way around it)

8)  Air-to-air missles and SAM missles for both teams(don't forget proximity detonation), and planes with coutner measures, radar warnings, and missle launch warnings.  Also, if you include countermeasures, make sure the flares and caff don't work on stingers, because they don't.

9)  Area damage effect on planes so you can aim and damae certain areas and components on the planes.  Also maybe you could add smoking enginge damage effects.

13)  Let all of the people cary more equipment and ammo.  I know I can carry a gun, 6 grenades, and 10 clips, but they highly trained soldiers and black ps can't.  #### the SEAL SAW gunners cary 5000-6000 rounds, and the regular troops come close to carrying that much also.

14)  Give the Abrams the JTIDS map, the commander-gunner target designator, and the laser range finder.

18)  Maybe FLIR goggles(yeah I know its, 1985, but they were pretty close to having it and had some prototypes, and they would be a very good improvement over the light amplification w/o even an IR illuminator crap that is in the game now.



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Now, I just quoted the ones that I disagree with...the others are very valid points.

5 - I hate to tell you, but they have it about right. We don't use muzzleloaders anymore....the flash is good.

6 - It sounds like you just got done watching the D-Day assault is "Saving Private Ryan". You're going to swim with 100-150 lbs of equipment on???

8 - This isn't Falcon 4.0...and I hate to tell you...Stingers are IR guided, so flares properly utilized are an effective countermeasure

9 - I agree with the smoking engine, but aim for a specific area on the plane?confused.gif? You are going to target an object hundreds of meters away moving at hundreds of kilometers an hour, and aim for a specific spot?confused.gif

13 - This is the funniest post I have seen.....carry 6000 rounds?confused.gif 1 box of NATO 5.56 ammo(linked machine gun ammo) weighs about 25 pounds...and that is only 400 rounds. SO....that SEAL is going to haul around 375 pounds in combat?confused.gif?? Not to mention the SAW itself(approx 40 more pounds)confused.gif? ROFLMAO

14 - A close ditto on #8 above....this isn't Steel Beasts or M1 Tank Platoon 2....besides, the CITV (what the TC uses to designate targets) wasn't even really around until 1996 or later...

18 - That light amplification/IR illumination "crap" is still used today by 99% of regular Army units....it's actual designation is the AN/PVS 7B....called "nogs" for short.

Good to about 200-250 m....which the game got pretty close too also.

Not trying to tear you completely down...you did have some very valid points...but 6000 rounds??? I'm still laughing about that one :-)

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I agree with #13 , there is no way a real soldier goes to battle with only three clips, then what should he do when he is out of ammo, wait for his teammates to get shot and then pick up their ammo, i don't think so. I think 10 to 16 clips for the m16 or the ak-series are reasenable. wink.gif , don't you think.

By the way Crispy129 i agree with all your point , but some have priority over the others. like #14. Oh and i also don't think the engine can't handle underwater enviroments.


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sgtdwetzel, a slight adjustment on your weight data. But your point is correct. I am a old GPMG gunner. I think a case of 500 5.56 may be less than 25 pounds. As I remember, 400 rounds of 7.62*51 would be around 11-12 pounds, and a standard GPMG is around 21-22 pounds. 7.62 is heavyer than 5.56 and a GPMG is heavyer than a SAW. Which means the total payload of the above mentioned 5000+ rounds and a SAW will be >500 pounds. I know some of those bloody SEALs can carry that weight in march, but in combat situation, they will become sitting ducks. Besides, who need 5000 rounds in 1 gun fight?

I would say, a free exchange of mags between team mates will be a good feature in future OFP upgrade. Everyone cary some of those 5000+ rounds will be a more realistic situation.

In fact, that is a common knowledge in army (no matter which country you are in, all team mates help carry ammo for the support weapon, that is why they are team mates!)

And one more important reason, if the gunner get shot, any of the team mates can take his gun and work immediately, not to worry about the ammo.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from luderick on 12:52 am on Dec. 29, 2001

I would say, a free exchange of mags between team mates will be a good feature in future OFP upgrade. Everyone cary some of those 5000+ rounds will be a more realistic situation.

In fact, that is a common knowledge in army (no matter which country you are in, all team mates help carry ammo for the support weapon, that is why they are team mates!)

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Yeah i like that idea, i hope they will implant that someday........It is realistic and it will surely boost team and gameplay.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Soon2B 2nd LT on 8:12 pm on Dec. 28, 2001

"13)  Let all of the people cary more equipment and ammo.  I know I can carry a gun, 6 grenades, and 10 clips, but they highly trained soldiers and black ps can't.  #### the SEAL SAW gunners cary 5000-6000 rounds, and the regular troops come close to carrying that much also. "

"13) They dont need more ammo, if the mission is well designed (most arent) "

No, I must agree with Crispy.  I've said it many times before.  Nobody goes into battle with 4 clips or 300 rounds with an m60 or 3 m203 grenades as a grenadier.  With the loadouts they give in ofp you can't lay down any decent amount of cover or suppressive fire unless you plan to loot the entire battle field after every fire fight.

I always find myself taking extra clips and less grenades when possible and in my custom missions I always have ammo crates strategically placed around the map.  It may not be very realistic to have ammo crates scattered around but it makes the game feel more realistic than having one ammo pouch worth of ammo.

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Why on earth would one need more? On a WELL designed mission (flag distances NOT 10,000m or so) (the CTF on Everon near Gravette is the best mission ever, just as the Fortress mission more to the south) for troop combat, you will have say 30 + 3*30 ammo for an M16/AK if you want to carry grenades and stuff. I never needed more, that amount is good for killing some 10 peeps and laying suppressive fire in between. You will be dead before youll need more. Unless you are a snipercamper or a VERY good player, in which you have some 200m to nearest ammobox. One tactic in war is to CONSERVE AMMO, so that shouldnt happen.

In clan combat games its even better, cause there aint death all that usual since most people are better than just running and dying, itll give you much ammo for suppresive fire.

Btw, I also find myself always grabbing extra clips (like a G36 with 9 clips), but I never use them all. (been down to 5 I think)

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1) I agree with you here, the problem is the characters often have to finish the animation that they are doing before doing the death animation. Which is annoying, but neccessary for a fluid movement.

2) Maybe, don't really have an opinion here.

3) Yes, but the trabant is made out of fiber glass you know, you really can stick a M16 round through the door.

4) I would love to see better collision physics, but without rewriting the entire game this is not possible.

5) They are not too bad as they are actually.

6) Water is not supported by the engine, the sea is just a polygon set at 0m and anything below that is set to die. There is no 'underwater' as such. I love Saving Private Ryan too, but as sgtdwetzel pointed out, you aint going to swim with all that ammo and equipment very easily.

7) Although this doesn't bother me, I realise they could be better.

8) I would like to see them and Chaff/Flare dispenser with proximity warning or lockon warning systems. The chaff could be despensed by pressing one button on the keyboard instead of selecting it as a weapon or action and could (well should) be same key as smoke dispensers in tanks. And Stingers are actually foxed by chaff/flares.

9) mmm, what does it matter when you are shooting it from such a distance that it actually looks like a spec through your Vulcan site in anycase?

10) We don't need it do we?

11) If you still can't find them just switch to auto landing. Personally I look for the big flat bit, although during the night they are a bit of an arse.

12) I suggested custom loadouts for vehicle a while back, I think it should be done the same way as soldiers in the gear section and you should be able to adjust load out when 'rearming' at a ammo truck.

13) Soldiers, interms of realism, should carry way more ammo. But I never have a problem, I am a one shot one kill kinda guy and very rarely run out biggrin.gif. Machine gunners have enough to lay down effective supressive fire in my opinion. The only guy that should carry more is the grenadier who would in reality carry about 14 HE grenade rounds...not 3. Oh and sgtdwetzel, the SAW (M249) actually only weighs 15lb 2 oz (but I still see you point), which is lighter than the preceeding M60 which weighs 23lb 3oz.

14) and 15) I don't really see the need, they are good enough as they are.

16) Just sit in the pilots seat and imagine that the gunner is taking care of the designator. I think actually having to 'lase' the target like in reality would cause no end of problems with AI and slow the game down since you would not be able to react quick enough to a threat such as a Shilka who may suddenly appear if you are too busy following a target for a missile.

17) Yep yep yep yep, but since nothing bounces in OFP world correctly it wouldn't work and this is why BIS made them the way they are.

18) I don't think so...would be nice...but uneccessary and a whole load of work that would have to be done on the engine to give units IR signitures.

I'm done

The Jub-Jub Bird

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First off, I saw a documentary on the navy seals and yes their standard loadout for SAW gunners is 5000-6000 rnds(belt fed). Also, theres got to be some way around the whole water thing, and I didn't say I wanted a guy with 200lbs of equipment to be swimming, i'm talking about a light ammo loadout(like the ones we have now LOL) being able to swim. You could just make everything under the surface of it light blue colored and let us kind of swim around a little, you don't have to have full-on hydrodynamics like Camanche 4, just at least let us see, or hold our breath longer than 5 seconds before we die, I've eject and land 5 feet away from shore and drown. Also, I'd like to add a few more, 1) maybe a few very large buildings that are enterable for some awsome close quarters battles, and 2) also have doors to open for some awsome close quarters effects, and maybe with that some breaching charges. 3) I'd also like to see some fire, even if your engine, again, doesn't support it, you cna do a better job then the lightly colored, almost hidden puffs. 4) SDK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is about it, and don't think that I'm BIS bashing, I think they've done an excellent job on this game, these are just thinks I'd want to make this game d*amn near perfect.



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Let me a a few more things(sorry).

1) Realistc shotguns instead of 7 round burst machine guns.

2) A better grenade aiming system, just have the reticle normal like the otehr guns, instead of having the thing up in the air, it makes it much easier to use in close quarters(when most grnades are used).

3) More controlability in close quarters. Add a walk-type mode where the player walks with the weaon shouldered(yeah, they hve it, but the character bounces his weapon sights ALL OVER THE PLACE as if he had no coordination or ability to adjust for is fet hitting the ground, I play paintball and can do that little stealth walk with very steady aim, and I'm not a trained soldier or anything.

Again, I'm just trying to make this game be more realistic, it appers that is what BIS is going for.


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I agree, the game does go to crap in close quarters.  But you have to keep in mind that this game wasn't made for that.  The whole close quarters thing has been done several times before.  If you're looking for that kind of game go buy Rogue Spear or SWAT 3.  OFP is supposed to be an outdoor game.  That's what makes it original and what makes me love it.  

You can't have it all.

(Edited by Soon2B 2nd LT at 6:33 am on Dec. 30, 2001)

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Yeah, but it would be much more fun as a black op and as a whole if they got the whole cqb thing down pat. The grenade aiming thing needs to be redone a little and just have a normal reticle that doesn't account for drop, or give us a choice whether we get a normal one or one like they have now that shows where the grenade will go. I prefer accounting for drop myself, and I can be much more accurate when throwing them into small spaces. Also 3 sec delays on the grenades would make cqb much better.


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what i want is more fibua, because its really fun. There are very few levels where you are in tyhe villaegs fighting but they are really cool, running from house to house, sniping from windows etc

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Hmmmm I have another idea for my wishlit smile.gif. How about inflatable rafts to drop down when a pilot ejects, like in real life. Most of the time I pilot gets shot down in or near water and ends up in it, but since the graphics engine supposedly doesn't support it, we drown 5 feet from shore, so why not let us have an inflatable raft to land on/inflatunder us so we can paddle to shore, or get picked up by a helicopter? Maybe with that, have a rope or rope ladder that operatees just like a normal ladder retty much, that you lower down from a helicopter for rescues and extractions, or rapeling.



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What about giving ammoclips to teammembers during combat? In germany there's always a soldier carrying a 2nd barrel and rounds for the machinegun (MG 3)! I think its the same as in another countrys army!

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in france when i've served and where i've served , it was like that but only in support teams , because in the normal platoons every man has it own weapon and he is the only to use , clean , repair his weapon

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Still, I doubt even 2 soldiers combined in flashpoint would have the realistic carrying capcity of one realistic/real life soldier, 3 mags is ridiculous.


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more realistic wounds! like if u get run over by a tank, you see track marks rather than a huge hole in your helmet with a red face smile.gif

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