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Cargo-> Eject-> HALO-> Steerable Chute-> help!

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Hey fellas,

I wanted to create a mission for a C-130 + (me=Soldier unarmed on board)+ steerable parachute.

Pilot AI for C-130

me in backseat of C-130

me create a trigger zone for the C-130 to land and await my radio call to pickup ( usually an airfield) with

LOAD WPT ON ACT:/ doStop C-130; C-130 land "airfield"

{ that "airfield is an invisible H} and

Transport Unload WPT ON ACT: C-130 land "airfield";

((!Alive me) OR (me in C-130)

is the condition for pickup from selected airfield;

Now I want to paradrop short right outside the airstrip, steer the chute and land outside the trigger area, while C-130 lands so I can hike it all the way to the airstrip, re-enter the C-130 and do it all again..

My question is, how to use the steerable parachute for a specific unit (say a marksman) more importantly, how to deploy a steerable parachute right after I end my HALO.sqs?

your help is indeed appreciated:bounce3:

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