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Test new Defensive Coop Mission : Co50 We will Hold!

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I always wanted a Map where the players have to defend against enemy Attackers in long world war 1 like trench system.

The Map plays in the Desert (even terain to setup the large WW1 Like trench System was needed) and you play as Takistanian Borderguard Soldier.Enemy is the whole Nato-Americans,British,German and Polish Soldiers are in the Attackwaves.

Unfortuneatly there no trenches in Arma2 so i used Sandbags.Alot of Sandbags.

There is 1 Backuptrench connected with the front trench,and from the front trench are many "branches" which leads to forward Weapon Bunkers with Mgs,Spgs and Rockets.I needed hours of finetuning before everything fitted together.

Pictures of the Trench System seen from Air.The Pictures are bad,couldnt find a way to show the whole Trench System.Only bad single Pictures



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I used spawned Compositions and connected them with Fortifications and Weapons in the Editor.It looks great and works good.I also "designed" some new Fortifications like a Towerbunker with MG´s in the Tower.An Observation Tower with AA rockets on its top,little Bunkers with Metis and SPG.The Logistic Script from R3F is added.Players can carry around everything on Feet,in case something must be moved to a new Position.

A Metis Bunker


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A Medium MG Towerbunker


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The Enemy Attack is bottlenecked into a alley which bunkers left and right where also mines are.

The Players must stop them there latest or they will break trough

Of course the Americans used their giant Airforce to kill everything from the sky before their Infantery goes in.So dont wonder about all the burning Wrecks and stuff you find along the Defense Line.I added this to simulate the havoc of the Air and Cruise Missle Attacks.The Players are the only Survivors of this Attack and must use the remaining Vehicles and Planes/Choppers to stop the advancing Enemys.

Players have also a little Base in the backland with Vehicles and Airunits.

I added a Antonov in Divebomber configuration with Yak-b Gatling gun and 2 freefall Bombs.Its realy fun to attack enemys with that slow flying plane

I also modified 1 D30 Howitzers to represent Anti Tank Gun in 8,5cm.They now shoot T34 AP Rounds.3-4 Hits can take out a Abrams.

Players have also 2 Mortars with HE,WP and ILLUM Ammo.With the Artillery Computer they can shoot the advancing Enemys.But take care you not hit the own trenches

The Enemys will Attack with Armored,Mechanised and Motorised Attack Waves.They also will use Airbornes with Parachutes and AirCavalery on Helicopters.

Enemy Airbornes seen from a Medium Machinegun Entrenchment


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This Map is uncomplicated Action without long driving,just hold the Defense Line.

Please Test Map on a ded. Server cause its always different there and i cant Test alone.



Edited by Weedburner

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I think that took a while :)

But somehow its fun to build this Trench Systems.Only when you spawn a Composition and you have to connect it to the Trenchsystem,thats alot of Work.But the Compositions looks too good to dont use them ;)

I hope Balancing is not too bad and Players gets overrun or its too easy and boring.I added all Types of Enemys : Airborne with Parachutes,Air Cavalery with Chopper insertion,motorized and mechanised Infantery and Tanks.

The Attack waves are also supported by Helicopters,most Hunter/Killer Teams of Apache and Wildcat (UK) or Apache and Littlebird-Laser.They work good.

But i also modified the ZSU Quad AA Guns.Normaly they use 60 Round Magazines,but here they are builded in into a static Defense Line so its realistic they have more Ammo.They are now feed from 2000 Round Shilka Magazines so you can fire continuously.

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the idea is nice but the execution lacks a bit

First off,the fences i imagined was massive (H-Barriers) - ingame its only small sandbacks attached to each other easily crossable by the build in obstacle move ... the AI is smarter,they go around it (both ends) :rolleyes:

Secondly,the enemy doesnt attack at all in any way you planned to

All i saw of the enemy when holding the line was 1-2 seperated squads of US guys poorly advancing (most of em stopped 200m in front of the barrier)

Third,none of the enemy armor even tried to advance a few 100m of its intitial position - neither does the infantry or the BHs that are there

Last but not least i did 3 raids on the enemy initial position (MI,SU,T72)

Everytime it was easy to do head on attacks and taking out 120 (!) enemys in 5minutes,the enemy AA does fire on air but cant hit,surprisingly as i came with the T72 they blew me in pieces in 1minute (the AApods)

And if this is a "hold the line" mission i would expect (and the briefing does make the impression too) that none of the available assets/vehicles do respawn - but they do ... making me a happy kamikaze cat knocking the dogs out

Oh yea,the amount of mines you put in is ridicoulous,i ll take any bet 3-4 tanks detonate em all up when they drive on em (vehicle ragdoll,flip,roll over)

Lots of stuff to fix :eek:

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the idea is nice but the execution lacks a bit

First off,the fences i imagined was massive (H-Barriers) - ingame its only small sandbacks attached to each other easily crossable by the build in obstacle move ... the AI is smarter,they go around it (both ends) :rolleyes:

Secondly,the enemy doesnt attack at all in any way you planned to

All i saw of the enemy when holding the line was 1-2 seperated squads of US guys poorly advancing (most of em stopped 200m in front of the barrier)

Third,none of the enemy armor even tried to advance a few 100m of its intitial position - neither does the infantry or the BHs that are there

Last but not least i did 3 raids on the enemy initial position (MI,SU,T72)

Everytime it was easy to do head on attacks and taking out 120 (!) enemys in 5minutes,the enemy AA does fire on air but cant hit,surprisingly as i came with the T72 they blew me in pieces in 1minute (the AApods)

And if this is a "hold the line" mission i would expect (and the briefing does make the impression too) that none of the available assets/vehicles do respawn - but they do ... making me a happy kamikaze cat knocking the dogs out

Oh yea,the amount of mines you put in is ridicoulous,i ll take any bet 3-4 tanks detonate em all up when they drive on em (vehicle ragdoll,flip,roll over)

Lots of stuff to fix :eek:

1 of the Triggers was still set to Radio Activation from Testing.This is why they not attacked.Now once the Attack started more Attackers are send in after different Countdowns.

I also changed some of the Weaponbunkers so the Weapons "fits in" like on the Metis Bunker Picture.I also added more ATGM Missiles,i used Metis as Ingamemodell but they shoot AT-5 and AT-6 (weaker than the AT13 Metis) Rockets now.

The Taki L39 Plane is also changed to a Fighter-Configuration with GSH301 3cm Gun and R73 Air to Air Rockets.It should be a usefull Interceptor now.

Since the AA-Rocket Batterys over the American Ready-Position didnt worked,i added a Deathzone.Now everyone who passes the "Saudi Arabian Border" marker will die.So its no longer possible to attack the Americans in the Ready-Position.

I also removed the Mines.The Players can use the Crates with IED´s to setup Traps if they like too.Unfortunately all mines detonate in a domino-effect when 1 Mine detonates.This is also a big Danger for Players near,they can get hurt or killed by this large Detonation so i removed the Mines.It also seemed that the US Vehicles dont like to drive into the Minefield.Most time they stopped and dont drived in.Its better without Mines atm.

Also some more Barbwire added so the Enemy Infantery moves where they shall move,right into the bottleneck death zone ;)

Download Link from 1.Post is updated too:



Edited by Weedburner

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Just fired up the mission. I sat there for 15 RL minutes and the only thing that happened was the C130's flew over. I then rode the SPG9 off road out there and could see the Bradley's and soldiers over the no mans land, but they were just sitting there with no movement.

I am sure its quite cool when the battle starts, but so far no dice.

This on latest 1.54 patch with local network dedicated server.

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Just fired up the mission. I sat there for 15 RL minutes and the only thing that happened was the C130's flew over. I then rode the SPG9 off road out there and could see the Bradley's and soldiers over the no mans land, but they were just sitting there with no movement.

I am sure its quite cool when the battle starts, but so far no dice.

This on latest 1.54 patch with local network dedicated server.

I dont understand that.The First Attackerrs have no triggers,no switches nothing.Only Move and Search and Destory waypoints.They should start moving as soon as the game starts.

When i test in Editor they do so.I dont know why they dont on dedicated.

I think i will add the UPSMON Script for better AI.Perhaps it works better then.

PS:Anyone have a Idea why they dont move on .ded server?

It works like this

First Attackers move directly without triggers or switchers,only miove and S&D Waypoints.When they reach the Defenseline the waypoint has on activation "wave1=true;PublicVariable "wave1"

The 2nd Attack wave has first a move waypoint to its spawn position,and 2nd waypoint is a HOLD waypoint.That HOLD WP is syncronized with a Switch-Trigger which reacts to !isnil "wave1"

3 and 4 Wave has this waypoints too,they react on Wave1 too,but first start moving after Waypoint Countdowns runned out.

I dont know why this dont works.not even the first Attack wave,which only has normal Waypoints are not moving?!?

Edited by Weedburner

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