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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from madmike on 7:24 am on Dec. 25, 2001

I was being sarcastic and acting like ruskiesrule does by faking his past!

everything he has said is highly questionable?confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Sorry, I wasn't referring to your post -- in fact I fully agree with you.

Someone else who is posting in this thread needs to come out of his 'special place' and finally snap out of it.

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Do you mean me or Ruskierules?

Becasue I'm not going back to the nut house :biggrin:

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lol, My uncle lives near a nut house (Not in one!!!!!).

Merry X-mas, all! Now i'm going back downstars with my House mates!!!!! PARTY!!!!! WOOOO!!!

(jump around with his walking stick!!!)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Ruskie on 5:59 pm on Dec. 24, 2001

and given the reputation of the USAF i believe you wholeheartedly

<span id='postcolor'>

"Finaly, that air support."

"HQ, Tell them its the tanks to the east!"

"Whats he doing?"

"He's going in for a drop"

"Buts thats to the west"


"Oh sh..."



"Retreat, we don't stand a chance without them tanks!!!"

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Could people stop posting about A10's hitting the wrong tanks as i asume that you are referring to the gulf war friendly fire incident.If you (Ruskiesrule) are telling the truth then i apologise but to include this in your BS is in extremely bad taste.

Alot of soldiers were killed in this action one of who lived a few miles from me so please think before you post.sad.gif

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I think you mean friendly fire incedents. there where much more than just one

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Hey, in Jurassic Park III, there was this one scene when I think the guys were using Enfields. It was on one of the first scenes where they land their plane on the island, and they start to run away crying like little fags.

ANYWAY... judging from that, I dont like Enfields. If I cant kill a dinosaur with one, why even bother? I see on average three dinosaurs on the way to school everyday, and if one decides to attack my bus one day, then I'm screwed!

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Guest Scooby

Not commenting anything else said here but...

"And a new LAW, much bigger than the pussy assed oneon OFP now:

<a href="http://www.army.mod.uk/equipment/pw/pw_law.htm"

There" target="_blank">http://www.army.mod.uk/equipment/pw/pw_law.htm"

There</a> is a big difference beetween old 66mm LAW and that new LAW you posted link about. Old LAW weights around 3kilos and that new LAW weights 10kilos.

In Finnish army we've got old 66mm law's and 112mm Apilasses. Both have different usages. Other is for lightly armoured vehicles at shorter range and other for more heavily armoured vehicles even at bit longer ranges.

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sorry to disapoint you but jurassic park aint real.

Hardly anything you see on films is done realisticly except in Saving private Ryan and Band of Brothers, but that was because the military advisers were british.

When a granade goes off they dont have massive 20 foot flame balls in realality

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because the military advisers were british? oh yea,i forgot,the brits have the best film advisers as well as the best army. the best everything.

and i thought the advisers were the americans who were depicted in the film.

and yep,films are generally v. unrealistic. in reality,a 7.62mm round could literally blow your arm off.

and one to the head wouldnt just leave a nice neat hole,it would take yer head off.

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Theres no need to get all worked up man, there are always people b*tchin on this forum.

The reason steven spielburg used british military advisors was because much of the film was film in England(except the beach landings and a few other scences). Also the military advisors had seen action in the Falklands and the Gulf. What do you mean the advisors were the armericans who were decepted in the film. An advisor is someone who is behind the scenes saying stuff like 'that wouldnt happen' and do it this way' etc.

I agree about the 7.62mm round though arnie gets hit 3 or 4 times in a film and he can still run and fire a weapon. his wounds also heal in minutes.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from madmike on 11:44 pm on Dec. 29, 2001

sorry to disapoint you but jurassic park aint real.

Hardly anything you see on films is done realisticly except in Saving private Ryan and Band of Brothers, but that was because the military advisers were british.

When a granade goes off they dont have massive 20 foot flame balls in realality

<span id='postcolor'>

 LOL.... no s**t dude, I was just kidding... Jesus Christ...

(Edited by Aaron Kane at 6:21 am on Dec. 30, 2001)

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i know what advisers do,and i thought that those old veterans who were talking at the start of every episode were the advisers. dunno,maybe im wrong.

but if they werent,they should have been. they were the ones who had been there and worn the t-shirt.

SPR and BoB werent totally realistic anyway.....i dont think that soldiers sprinting through a hail of machine-gun bullets and coming out unscathed is very realistic,and this happenened a few times in both.

but thats not a complaint,i guess they have to dramatise it to a certain extent to make it entertaining.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FCATrooper on 6:58 pm on Dec. 30, 2001

i dont think that soldiers sprinting through a hail of machine-gun bullets and coming out unscathed is very realistic,and this happenened a few times in both.<span id='postcolor'>

From the WWII history books I've read it happened more than a few times in the real world too; just far less often than soldiers sprinting through a hail of machine-gun bullets and coming out seriously dead...

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Band Of Brothers is a true story FCATrooper, the bit you are referring to when that guy ran through the town and the Germands watched him and didn't fire really did happen in real life.

Of course a 7.62mm bullet would do more than leave a neat whole...but how are you going to depict that realistically on set? The budget would have to be bumped up astronomically for computer effects (but BoB is already the most expensive TV series to date and SPR is amoungst the most expensive films ever made) or you use crappy fake dummies and blow their heads off.

The military advisors in Band Of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan were Brits because for one, both were filmed on the same set in Herefordshire, because there is more American hardware from the period in Britain than the US (you left it here) and the atmosphere is better (more European). Two it was seen as inappropiate to get the real guys (or at least who was still alive) to bring up very painful memories for the sake of filming 'what it was like'.

Finally (this isn't a direct assault at you by any means FCATrooper, it goes for the Brits also) for God sakes people can we stop squabling? this is the worst forum I have ever used in terms of civil conversations and suggestions breaking down in to meaningless aguements and xenophobic flame wars. I mean it solves nothing and takes the fun aspect out of it completely.

If somebody says something you don't agree with or is wrong thne correct thme by all means if you can prove it or put up a decent arguemnt, but by abusing the poor guy only then ruins the thread and adds nothing to the descusion.

The Jub-Jub Bird

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The bit in SPR when Tom HAnks is on the beach rolling around saying 'whats your company' and then he get to that one bloke who's got a massive hole in his head. I think that looks realistic it was made out of silicon along with most of the other highly realistic dummies.

The artilary fire on the beach is good as well, they used giant compresed air tanks that were burried in the sand nad they were radio controled.

Steven Spielburg also wnted British troops to be in the background of the beach landing but the MOD refused and they ended up using the Irish Army

One thing I never understand is why they show flames when granades go off. what should be seen is a cloud of shrapnel and dust.

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I agree, I was watching a film the other night when one grenade landed in a truck the truck exploded with one huge f**k off explosion and flames were everywhere...doesn't happen.

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I would love another film about the SAS the only one i know of is Bravo 2 0, which is bloody briliant.I want to get it on DVD as well as apocalypse now(only watched half of it on C4 and fell asleep).

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Did they have proper ex-SAS people advising on the Bravo 2-0 film?

SAS Advisors + Sean Bean = Ordering right now smile.gif

SA80? Yeah.

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I dont know.

There aint much about that film. *starts to weep*

Also is the film 'the one that got away a true story because I am tampted to buy it

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from ACT SMILEY on 1:06 am on Dec. 31, 2001

Did they have proper ex-SAS people advising on the Bravo 2-0 film?

<span id='postcolor'>

Well, they had the bloke who wrote the book, if that counts; from what I remember of the documentary on the DVD the actors were trained by South African soldiers.

Otherwise it's a good movie, and the battle scenes are impressive even though there are very few people involved.

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Andy McNab is his name...yes, as in the main character, and yes, it is a true story.

He did work as a military advisor on that film I belive, he was also worked on Project IGI...little bit of useless information for you there.

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ive seen that film and it rules

i cant remember the quote exactly but anyway "a group of medics does not leave 300 soldiers dead behind them"

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