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Anyway to deny airstike until...

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Hello fellas,

I'm a beginner at mission editing (and complete n:(:(b at scripting for that matter) and I'm trying to deny airstrike until 2 targets are destroyed (AAA sites).

I am using the SOM module along with a trigger. Trigger Activation is Radio Alpha and On Act. field has this in it:

[["tactical_airsrtike"], player, [[]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

The airstrike works well and I like the way you need to call in the radio to activate it. What I would like is actually a "negative" answer from command unless the 2 AAA sites are eliminated...

Anyone able to help?


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Create two triggers for the targets that your airstrike trigger depends on?

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Go into the editor and name your AA objects with two unique names (e.g. AA1 AA2)

In the trigger with your radio there should be a condition field (this) change that to

this && (!alive AA1) && (!alive AA2)

That will give you airstrike ability when they hit the radio command AND both sites are down.

This is all untested but in theory it should work.

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Wow thanks a bunch Nashable, it works perfect!

Something else though, anyway to make command sidechat the "denial response" when both objectives are not cleared yet and you send the radio request?

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Wow thanks a bunch Nashable, it works perfect!

Something else though, anyway to make command sidechat the "denial response" when both objectives are not cleared yet and you send the radio request?

you could create a copy of your first trigger but change to the condition to this instead:

this && ((alive AA1) OR (alive AA2))

Then in the 'on act' text box add:

hint "You must destroy the AA sites before calling in an Airstrike"

This will create a hint message rather than side chat. You can use

'nameofunit' sidechat "text you want to appear"

for side chat instead.

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Logical, but is there a way to replace "nameofunit" with something like "Command", or "HQ"? It only sidechats if I set it to player sidechat "bla bla..."

See I've also been messing a bit with sidechat conversations and I can't get "Command" or "HQ" to display the sidechat, only "player" does. Here is an example conversation.sqf:

sleep 2.0;
player sideChat "Command this is Wolf Leader, air defenses neutralized, I repeat, air defenses neutralized. Over";
sleep 3.0;
Command sideChat "Copy Wolf Leader.";

Using the above code "player" sidechats fine, but I get no answer from "Command"

What am I missing?

P.S. Thanks for taking the time, you are of great help Nashable :)

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Bah figured it out, placed an officer on the map with this setIdentity "Command"; in the init and it's all working now! :cool:

Thanks again Nashable


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Glad to see you got it worked out. You can also name the unit command and in its description box call it 'Command' and that would also have the same effect.

Best of luck with your mission.

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Bah figured it out, placed an officer on the map with this setIdentity "Command"; in the init and it's all working now! :cool:

Thanks again Nashable


I'm looking just for that kind of information. How did you find it?

I assume your officer is places somewhere way off the map in a safe area?

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