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Briefing stops working?

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What can cause a briefing for a mission to not work? I had a working one and all of a sudden, it will not appear in the mission. I even copied a briefing from another mission that does work in that other folder and it still wont show up. And I can not find any reason for this.

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-showscripterrors shows no errors, and I can not find the rpt file on my pc. There is nothing wrong with the briefing file itself, because if I copy into into another mission it works.

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Yes have that. Also discovered that the bug fixed itself after I removed myself from starting in a civi truck. But then after another preview it appeared again. Could it be something is wrong with the PMC units?

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-showscripterrors shows no errors, and I can not find the rpt file on my pc. There is nothing wrong with the briefing file itself, because if I copy into into another mission it works.

You are using -showscripterrors in your shortcut to start the game right?

I learned the hard way to use Notepad++ and restart and test often when editing, you can use the undo in Notepad++ to save your hide sometimes when you have made an error and simply can not find it, Squint can also be helpful at times. Notepad++ wil also save the files you have open at their last location which is real handy when your going to bed, just close it and when you open it again you'll be right where you left off.

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It was not a scripting error. Apparently setcaptive commands make you unable to read your briefing. Even triggers wont fire that would use your side as a condition.

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Even triggers wont fire that would use your side as a condition.

Ref setCaptive description:

A captive is neutral to everyone, and will not trigger "detected by" conditions for its original side.

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