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[How To] Transfer gear from one mission to another

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currently im working on a campaign where it is very important that the player has at the beginning of mission 2 the gear/loadout he had as mission 1 ended.

I searched but i only found that command:


It is not good enough explained for me to understand it and im not sure if it does what i need (gear end of mission 1 = gear beginning of mission 2).

Can someone help me ?

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Havn't done this since OFP, but if I remember correctly, it should be something like this.

exit.sqf (Mission 1):

_weap = weapons player;
_mags = magazines player;

for "_i" from 0 to (count _weap - 1) do
   _w = _weap select _i;
   addWeaponPool [_w, 1];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _mags - 1) do
   _m = _mags select _i;
   addMagazinePool [_m, 1];

xx = player saveStatus "01Player";

init.sqf (Mission 2):

xx = player loadStatus "01Player";
fillWeaponsFromPool player;

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Thanks Clayman, i will try it that way !:thumb:

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SaveStatus will might work as well. ;)

That would mean:

End of mission 1

player saveStatus "playerstate"

Beginning of mission 2 (init.sqf)

_ok= [[player]] '''loadStatus''' "playerState"

...ah, it cant be that easy... :D

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