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56k dialup

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hello. Just wanting to know if multiplayer is really impossible with 56k . Has anyone had anyluck. from-a noob (not nob) who would really like to try a coop game.

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No its not impossable its just hard work for the host server because you lag (slow everyone down) with your connection speed....

most hosts on gamespy kick 56kers because of this but keep at it ..try getting on a server in your own country this should reduce a bit of the lag.....

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i got adsl i ping at 110 at best when i had 56k ipinged 120 most of the time it had longer dl times and had moreinterputions but was playable, but with adsl and same ping theres a difference you can notice when your taking a ride.

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yeah i had 56k and successfully played online and enjoyed it, like already mentioned, it depends who u go into game with, if a lot of friends etc then u should have no probs, but the lag side of it which can be played through

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thanks. How many players do most usually have in a coop game. is less better for lag.? I get the feeling that most would rather not play with a newbie...kindof like baseball in grade six. Ah.. l guess l could just keep my mouth shut and follow the lead. biggrin.gif

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I find once the pings get over 300, it gets un-playable I normaly get a ping of 70 I dont mind being killed, but when I have put a whole M60 box mag in to them, and they get me, I get unhappy , I say we need more cable DSL only servers , dialup on dialup is fine , but Cable on dialup sux for both sides , and I started on dialup , I know the pain of 56k only to well

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