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AI Orderes explained?

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Hii guys, Ive been searching the forums for any information about this but without luck.

Is there somewhere where i can read about all the commands i can give to my AI soldiers in the campaign. For example there is engage and engage at will. And fire and open fire. I dont know what all of these do.

Another question: Im on a stealth mission and we jumped a patrol in the forrest and the first thing one of my teammembers do is bring out the big guns and fires of a rocket towards the enemy. Its supposed to be STEALTH thats why we have silenced guns. Is there a way to prevent him from doing this?

Thank you

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You could try reading through this thread (comes with a PDF file as well)

Controlling AI

I'm sure there's probably a WiKi site out there somewhere too if you can find it :rolleyes:

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Sounds like you want "Disengage", which I would have assumed meant "quit fighting" not "don't leave formation no matter what." Hmm, maybe you want "Hold Fire" too. According to that guide I'm not seeing a command that tells them "don't fire no matter what."

One tip, if you tell the AI "Danger", they will go prone and be stealthy. But if you then try to order them to move somewhere or board a vehicle (especially) after combat, you have to tell them "Safe" first or they will be very slow.

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