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ashram 1-1

Converting getpos to map grid reference

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I couldn't find anything in the comref to convert a unit's position to a six or eight figure grid reference and nothing to help here on the forums

so i did some testing, of course it's simple enough maths but it seems the Utes and Chernarus maps are "upside down"

considering 8 figure references, the four digit x component is always the x position divided by ten

e.g. _playermapx = (getpos player select 0) / 10;

2900 -> 0290

for the y component, Takistan and Zargabad are also easy:

_playermapy = (getpos player select 1) / 10;

670 -> 0067

but for utes it has to be:

_playermapy = 512 - (getpos player select 1) / 10;

4820 -> 0030

and chernarus:

_playermapy = 1536 - (getpos player select 1) / 10;

14760 -> 0060

Is there an existing BIS function to do this? seems plausible as reporting-in units say "I'm at grid:..."

Otherwise will i need to work out what map the player is on and calculate myself accordingly?

Would obviously rather avoid that if possible!

Thanks in advance, Sam

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thanks very much, i did search through the comref for "grid", found nothing in there

will save me quite some trouble, cheers :)

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Sometimes you want the other way; send in a grid value and obtain the position. Feel free to rewrite, this is just what I happen to use atm for my own purposes. Have not checked if it works with other islands even. Note that _res is supposed to return a positional array, if it contains a string, it contains information about what went wrong, so you can use that. Goes like:

_ToGrid8 = {
private ["_pos","_posx","_posy","_array","_tmp","_str"];
_pos = _this;
_str = format ["%1",mapGridPosition _pos];
_posx = toArray format ["%1", round (((_pos select 0) % 100) / 11)] select 0;
_posy = toArray format ["%1", round (((_pos select 1) % 100) / 11)] select 0;
_array = toArray _str;
_tmp = [];
{_tmp set [count _tmp, _x]} forEach [_array select 0, _array select 1, _array select 2, _posx, _array select 3, _array select 4, _array select 5, _posy];
_str = toString _tmp;
_tmp = nil;
_posx = nil;
_posy = nil;

_GridStringToPosition = {
private ["_input","_res"];
_input = _this select 0;
_res = [];
if !(typeName _input in ["STRING"]) exitWith {if(d_debug_mode) then {hint "_StringToGrid: Not a string, code error!"}; _res = "Bad grid data due to code error!"; _res};
if (count toArray _input != 6 && count toArray _input != 8) exitWith {if(d_debug_mode) then {hint "_StringToGrid: String not of correct size"}; _res = "Bad grid data"; _res};
_exit = false;
for "_i" from 0 to (count toArray _input) - 1 do {
	_tocheck = (toArray _input) select _i;
	if !(_tocheck in [48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57]) exitWith {_exit = true};
if (_exit) exitWith {if (d_debug_mode) then {hint "_StringToGrid: String contained non numerals"}; _res = "Bad grid data"; _res};
if (count toArray _input == 6) then {
	_res = [
		10000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 0]) +
		1000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 1]) +
		100 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 2]) + 50,
		10000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 3]) +
		1000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 4]) +
		100 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 5]) + 50
} else {
	_res = [
		10000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 0]) +
		1000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 1]) +
		100 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 2]) +
		10 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 3]) + 5,
		10000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 4]) +
		1000 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 5]) +
		100 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 6]) +
		10 * (parseNumber toString [toArray _input select 7]) + 5

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Is there a way to get an 8 to 10 digit grid, these 6 digit grids work but it would be better to have an 8? It would be cool to be playing the game and then having the Takistan map on your desk. :p

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cobra, the values coming from getpos have plenty enough precision for a ten digit grid reference

not sure why you would need it that detailed, unless you want the batallion surgeon to direct an appendectomy by radio? ;)

_mapx = "0"+str(round (getpos player select 0));

_mapy = "0"+str(round (getpos player select 1));

n.b. this only works for the OA maps.

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