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DLC protest for BI Tools update!

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I am so much looking forward to the BAF DLC, It's too bad I wont be purchasing it until the updated BI Tools suite is released, I guess that would make this a



Please BIS help us out.

I've had three middle east map projects on hold since the release of arrowhead.

I would really like to finish them.

Tools please.

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or at least give us the capabilty to import sat_lca's properly to have 6 surface types, please...

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Please give us visitor 4 :)

Ok... Updated v3 could be something waiting for visitor 4 :D

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We do not allow any protests, especially not for no apparent reason.

Who promised you a new toolsuite? As far as I know no one.

And for the last time: Visitor4 is part of the VBS2 developer tools. It won't be available for non-VBS2 customers anytime soon.

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