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Making convoy mission.....but I need help!

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So, I am making a convoy mission. There are 2 DSHKM trucks, 1 in the front and 1 in the rear, and in the middle are 2 SUVs filled with mercenaries. Now, I have gotten them to get inside the empty suvs, but I simply do not know how to actually have them move in a 'line' from point A to B. Which they will get attack(which is the easy part).

So how do I set a waypoint to ensure that there is 1 machinegun truck in front, and 1 at the rear, and in the middle are 2 suvs?

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Well you could look for some scripts or just use normal waypoints ? And make sure they are in line with each other ?

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I noticed in a mission someone made with a convoy, that worked fairly well, they had set the speed of the lead vehicle a little bit faster then the followers.

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You didn't try searching too hard did you? :rolleyes:


Okay, I'm sorry, but I am a dumbass. I do not know anything about sqf. Only thing I know is triggers or anything ingame.

1 final question as well, if I got a VIP to walk into the SUV, how do I make sure the convoy only move off after the VIP got in the suv?

Edited by ray243

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Give the convoy a HOLD waypoint directly in front of them. Synch that waypoint to a trigger which checks of the vip is in whichever vehicle you wanted them him.

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Now I have everything done, only left with the convoy moving off to x location in a tight line formation. And this is the point, where I'm clueless.

And of course, vehicle 1 and 2 have the same distance through out the journey

---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

I have gotten the convoy part done! I used waypoints though. Anyone knows how I can keep the distance between all three vehicles the same? And also, I couldn't get the VIP in the middle vehicle, a SUV, since everyone is connected to the first vehicle. How do I get the VIP to get in the middle vehicle?

Edited by ray243

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ray the AI isn't that good that it can keep the same distance throughout a trip, the game that do that essentially have the vehicles travelling on "rails". And also is the middle vehicle a SUV? if it is just tell him to moveInCargo.

I wouldn't say that convoys is a "strong" part of ArmA.

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