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if/else Statements in SQS Files

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Hi, I'm working on my own private version of Warfare right now, and I've been trying to modify kill bounties so that East gets four times the bounty. All I've done is add "if" and "else" statements around the original line that sets the value of the bounty, and added the *4 modifier:

if (_killerSide == "east") then {

_bounty = (unitBounties Select _index) * BOUNTYMODIFIER * 4;

} else { _bounty = (unitBounties Select _index) * BOUNTYMODIFIER;


However, in-game, it always gives me two errors - "Generic error in statement" for the if statement and a syntax error for the else statement.

The _killerSide variable looks strange because it's being set to "east" instead of East, but the variable is initialized as a string, so I'm sure this is correct.

Is there something I'm doing wrong with the if/else statements or is it something else?

Any help would be appreciated.

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In sqs you can not spread an if/else over multiple lines, you have to put all into one line

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Oh the horror

Why not? It works and is simple to write. When actually playing a mission you won't have any idea which suffix the scripts have.

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In sqs you can not spread an if/else over multiple lines, you have to put all into one line

Ah ok, that did the trick. Thanks!

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