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The Jub-Jub Bird

Alternative endings!!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from expendable on 2:33 pm on Sep. 27, 2001

Have you all completed the game with some update installed? I played it trough with the first version and in the last mission I had to take out that Scud, but there were only a squad of infantry on my command...

I also had the authority to call in M1A1´s and Cobras via radio, but they did no good. I completed the mission by telling the others to wait, then crawling to it with a satchell and destroying it. The mission was a failure even if I had destroyed the scud and then got killed. My survival was critical.

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Expendable, your talking about a different mission, where you have to locate the scud hidden in that d*amn valley, If your stuck there, try going it alone or with just your spec op dudes, go around the big mountain and approach the scud from the north. The mission being discussed in this thread is the last one of the game.

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i equiped all my men with assault rifles, and 2 with AT launchers. I captured the Hind, flew off to find Guba. I found the little man's car just outside a base (guess he had to take a piss) i paradropped my men right over the base, my sniper took down the 2 guards and the officer, my AT guys took out the approaching T80, i landed right inside the base, walked up to (surrounded) Guba, had the little chat, threw him and my men in the chopper, took off. First i headed for friendly territory to drop the guys off (with parachute) and then headed for 2nd scud. Took out a couple of Shilkas, stayed low, noticed the Scud (a white square on radar) and bombed the s**t out of it with missles. Mission complete!!

i found this mission pretty easy...i had a LOT more trouble taking out the 1st Scud (mainly because tanks now actually fire at the choppers, so they pretty much went down in flames smile.gif)

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Actually, this is kind of funny.

I got in the helicopter and destroyed the SCUD.

I then went after Guba.

I laid down some missile fire on the road to slow him down.   He drove off the road and up the hill in to the mountains.  

I landed the helicopter got out and started to run up the hill.  It took me forever so, I got back in the helicopter and tried to land right next to the car.  

Well, the car took off.

So, I followed it again.  And I shot some more missiles in front of it.  

But, this time I ahh, "MISSED"  :-)

The mission end with some thing like

Oh well, he was an evil man anyway.....

or something like that pretty funny..

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