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I need your help proving OA is legit!!

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I was posting screenies of OA from our screenshot thread over at mp.net's game screenshot thread (sorry for stealing :P).

Some dude is bashing the game and I want to defend the game but am not the greatest advocate for it.

See this post http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?64840-Screenshots-of-games-you-play&p=5111941&viewfull=1#post5111941

I don't know the details to answer his accusations but I want to shed a good light on the game for all the users at mp.net. Their user base is Massive.

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There's no sense in trying to defend against ignorance like that. Nor is this forum here for that kind of thing.

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You don´t talk to people who don´t recognize they´re posting BS, &/or have absolutely no clue what they´re talking about in the first way.


2. Singleplayer: Someone must have taken 5 days in the editor to get this scene workingly together so that this will actually work out. Which I do not believe. With the monkey ass AI this seems to be impossible.

3. PR Picture: This is what actually happened: They put a few AI's on a map which do not move at all, and then a player pilot hovers next to the building while another player takes a screenshot. Looks brilliant but has absolute nothing to do with the actual gameplay.

I don´t see a difference in the two points, also im pretty sure that BI Forum rules have something about not carrying over discussions from other message boards.

On the other hand a guy with over 20k posts seems to have some sort of no-see trustworthyness over at mp.net as the post after his shows. Nonetheless, you cannot cure someone who knowingly chooses to talk BS - anything you say against it will just be fanboyism in their opinion.

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Hi RogueBlade

You are approaching it from the wrong direction ask him to repeat his lies/idiocy on the BIS forums.

Some one who had not the courage to repeat his claim here, might be considered yellow otherwise.

Kind Regards walker

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Two suggestions:

1) Let him talk, it's obvious that he's just another one bashing the game

2) Please do not make him come here, we have enough whiners and complainers already. :)

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He's a troll, ignore him. He is trying to get a emotional response from you. Ignore him and he'll go away.

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@ RogueBlade:

/b/istudio isn't your personal army, you do realize that the thread in question is a few posts shy of twelve thousand long and almost five years old ?

Not sure what you want to accomplish with that "POAST MOAR ON TEH ZOMBEI TRHEAD" call...

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I recommend setting his house on fire/killing his cat.

oh come on, what did his poor cat do to deserve that? Kill him instead.


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My advice is:


People will never agree on everything, trying is pointless, if he doesn't like A2/OA then just leave him alone, he's clearly inferior and not worth the effort ;)

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