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i need help on the config file pls what should ido ? hlep

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http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/6927/dcu2.png 223 kb


ive been trying pretty much everything to load this uniform that ive made a days ago on arma 2 .

Ive tried to make a alot of config files bu theres no way

ive tried to copy a config.bin file making my own cfg classes and all this stuff , and sure i had to unpack it to .cpp , but , i got all time an error telling em somethign like end of file input error or something like that ive been working on that a lot of hours i need help

ive used the model sample , BIsoldier , i did use all the textures i have inside the data file

what should i do ? is it working with .cpp or u need to convert it to .bin ? help me pls

---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------

Can somebody give me a example of a single unit config.cpp file with all his textures on the data file pls' ?

Edited by W0lle
Image > 100 kb

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Download some infantry addon and take a look at it's config.You should find out what's wrong with your config this way.

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class CfgPatches {

class PKW_WWIPilot {

units = {"East_pilot", "West_pilot"};

weapons = {};

requiredVersion = 1.000000;

requiredAddons = {"CACharacters", "CAData", "CAWeapons"};



class CfgVehicleClasses {

class PKW_WWIPilot {

displayName = "WWI Pilots";



class CfgVehicles {

/*extern*/ class CDF_Soldier_Base;

class East_pilot: CDF_Soldier_Base {

model = "\PKW_WWIPilot\East_pilot";

side = 0;

vehicleClass = "PKW_WWIPilot";

displayName = "Central Countries Pilot";

camouflage = 0.600000;

canHideBodies = 0;

nameSound = "veh_pilot";

Picture = "\PKW_WWIPilot\ico\e_null_CA.paa";

Icon = "\PKW_WWIPilot\ico\i_pilot_CA.paa";

Portrait = "\PKW_WWIPilot\ico\e_pilot_CA.paa";

cost = 600000;

scope = 2;

accuracy = 3.500000;

sensitivity = 2;

threat = {1, 0.100000, 0.100000};

nightVision = 0;

weapons = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "Throw", "Put"};

magazines = {};

respawnWeapons = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "Throw", "Put"};

respawnMagazines = {};

class Wounds {

tex = {};

mat = {"PKW_WWIPilot\Data\pilot.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_wound1.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_wound2.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_hhl.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_hhl_wound2.rvmat"};



class West_pilot: CDF_Soldier_Base {

model = "\PKW_WWIPilot\West_pilot";

side = 1;

vehicleClass = "PKW_WWIPilot";

displayName = "Entante Pilot";

camouflage = 0.600000;

canHideBodies = 0;

nameSound = "veh_pilot";

Picture = "\PKW_WWIPilot\ico\w_null_CA.paa";

Icon = "\PKW_WWIPilot\ico\i_pilot_CA.paa";

Portrait = "\PKW_WWIPilot\ico\w_pilot_CA.paa";

cost = 600000;

scope = 2;

accuracy = 3.500000;

sensitivity = 2;

threat = {1, 0.100000, 0.100000};

nightVision = 0;

weapons = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "Throw", "Put"};

magazines = {};

respawnWeapons = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "Throw", "Put"};

respawnMagazines = {};

class Wounds {

tex = {};

mat = {"PKW_WWIPilot\Data\pilot.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_wound1.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_wound2.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_hhl.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "PKW_WWIPilot\data\pilot_hhl_wound2.rvmat"};




this is the one that im going to use but " input error after end of file "

and how do you guys make ur uniforms and unit son oxygen 2? u take the bisoldier and then modify it? or:confused:

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class CfgPatches {

class Rebel {
	units = {"SantaSoldier", "SantaSoldierEvil", "SantaSoldier2", "SantaSoldier2Evil"};
	weapons = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.100000;
	requiredAddons = {"CAData", "CACharacters", "CAWeapons"};

class CfgVehicleClasses {

class SantaPack {
	displayName = "Santa Pack";

class CfgSkeletons {

class Head {
	isDiscrete = 0;
	skeletonInherit = "";
	skeletonBones = {"neck", "", "neck1", "neck", "head", "neck1", "lBrow", "head", "mBrow", "head", "rBrow", "head", "lMouth", "head", "mMouth", "head", "rMouth", "head", "eyelids", "head", "LLip", "head"};

class OFP2_ManSkeleton {
	isDiscrete = 0;
	skeletonInherit = "Head";
	skeletonBones = {"weapon", "", "launcher", "", "Camera", "", "Spine", "", "Spine1", "", "Spine2", "", "Spine3", "", "Pelvis", "", "LeftShoulder", "", "LeftArm", "", "LeftArmRoll", "", "LeftForeArm", "", "LeftForeArmRoll", "", "LeftHand", "", "LeftHandRing", "", "LeftHandRing1", "", "LeftHandRing2", "", "LeftHandRing3", "", "LeftHandPinky1", "", "LeftHandPinky2", "", "LeftHandPinky3", "", "LeftHandMiddle1", "", "LeftHandMiddle2", "", "LeftHandMiddle3", "", "LeftHandIndex1", "", "LeftHandIndex2", "", "LeftHandIndex3", "", "LeftHandThumb1", "", "LeftHandThumb2", "", "LeftHandThumb3", "", "RightShoulder", "", "RightArm", "", "RightArmRoll", "", "RightForeArm", "", "RightForeArmRoll", "", "RightHand", "", "RightHandRing", "", "RightHandRing1", "", "RightHandRing2", "", "RightHandRing3", "", "RightHandPinky1", "", "RightHandPinky2", "", "RightHandPinky3", "", "RightHandMiddle1", "", "RightHandMiddle2", "", "RightHandMiddle3", "", "RightHandIndex1", "", "RightHandIndex2", "", "RightHandIndex3", "", "RightHandThumb1", "", "RightHandThumb2", "", "RightHandThumb3", "", "LeftUpLeg", "", "LeftUpLegRoll", "", "LeftLeg", "", "LeftLegRoll", "", "LeftFoot", "", "LeftToeBase", "", "RightUpLeg", "", "RightUpLegRoll", "", "RightLeg", "", "RightLegRoll", "", "RightFoot", "", "RightToeBase", ""};
/*extern*/ class default;

class Flag: default {

class FlagCarrier: default {
	skeletonInherit = "Default";
	skeletonBones = {"stozar", "", "vlajka", ""};

class CfgModels {

class Default {
	sections = {};
	sectionsInherit = "";

class flag_vojak: Default {
	sections = {"latka"};

class Head: Default {
	sections = {"osobnost", "brejle"};
	skeletonName = "Head";

class ArmaMan: Default {
	sections = {"osobnost", "Head_Injury", "Body_Injury", "l_leg_injury", "l_arm_injury", "r_arm_injury", "r_leg_injury", "clan"};
	skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";

class SantaClaus: ArmaMan {

class SantaClaus2: ArmaMan {

class SantaSoldier: ArmaMan {

class SantaSoldierEvil: ArmaMan {

class SantaSoldier2: ArmaMan {

class SantaSoldier2Evil: ArmaMan {

class CfgVehicles {
/*extern*/ class All;
/*extern*/ class AllVehicles;
/*extern*/ class ThingEffect;
/*extern*/ class Land;
/*extern*/ class Man;
/*extern*/ class CAManBase;
/*extern*/ class USMC_Soldier;
/*extern*/ class RU_Soldier;
/*extern*/ class USMC_SoldierS_Sniper;
/*extern*/ class RU_Soldier_Sniper;

class SantaSoldier: USMC_Soldier {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Santa Claus";
	model = "\SantaClaus\SantaClaus.p3d";
	languages = {"EN"};
	weapons = {"Binocular", "Throw", "Put"};
	magazines = {};
	respawnweapons = {"Binocular", "Throw", "Put"};
	respawnmagazines = {};
	vehicleClass = "SantaPack";
	identityTypes = {"FR_Glasses", "Default", "Head_USMC"};
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	icon = "\Ca\characters2\data\icon\i_soldier_CA.paa";

class SantaSoldierEvil: SantaSoldier {
	languages = {"EN"};
	displayName = "Santa Claus (M4)";
	weapons = {"M4A1", "NVGoggles", "Throw", "Put", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};
	magazines = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};
	respawnWeapons = {"M4A1", "NVGoggles", "Throw", "Put", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};
	respawnMagazines = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};

class SantaSoldier2: RU_Soldier {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Ded Moroz";
	model = "\SantaClaus\SantaClaus2.p3d";
	weapons = {"Binocular", "Throw", "Put"};
	magazines = {};
	respawnweapons = {"Binocular", "Throw", "Put"};
	respawnmagazines = {};
	languages = {"RU"};
	vehicleClass = "SantaPack";
	identityTypes = {"Head_RU_CO", "RU_Glasses"};
	picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
	icon = "\Ca\characters2\data\icon\i_soldier_CA.paa";

class SantaSoldier2Evil: SantaSoldier2 {
	languages = {"RU"};
	displayName = "Ded Moroz (AKS)";
	weapons = {"AKS_74_U", "ItemGPS", "NVGoggles", "Binocular", "Throw", "Put", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};
	magazines = {"30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"};
	respawnWeapons = {"AKS_74_U", "ItemGPS", "NVGoggles", "Binocular", "Throw", "Put", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"};
	respawnmagazines = {"30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"};

ive found this one that used the BIsoldier but , the config was .bin so i unbined it to .cpp , then i pboed it , and it gives me the same error , why?

please i need help :S

Edited by deltaGhost
i need help xD

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well NVM objectives has changed , for me xD

i got it by my self with another kind of script but something , i dont know what made this to the soldier ;(


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

what could it be? iits not like on oxygen 2 ;(

maybe i should delete the god damn RV mat files?

Edited by deltaGhost

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