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NEW mission making / IED ...

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Hmm. I was thinking some sort of pipebomb with wires or something like that. I can see how an innocent backpack by the side of the road would not only look believeable but would also cause some stickybeak to walk up to it. * evil grin *

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ok done with parajump.

@Cougs get the ied pack from armaholic there is 1 with bombs cars dogs ...


@kylania that stuff wih sqs where i wanted that with mi8 is not that.

i search a command like this

if (fuel truck1 != 1) then


hint "Truck1 has less than a full tank of fuel.";


but insted of fuel there sould be like when mi8 get destroyed.

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if (getDamage truck1 > 0) then
hint "Truck1 has been damaged.";

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dont work says missing ) berween Damage and truck like this

if (getDamage )truck1 > 0) then

this must be in tigger right ??? but where and i need somethign else beacuse this says error

Edited by Konrad1

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It's suppose to be damage. Not getDammage I believe. If you intend to use the code above in a working trigger it should be set up like this:

Condition: damage truck1 > 0

On Activation: hint "Truck1 has been damaged."

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how to use ID with this damage stuff? beacuse want to destoy marihuana =)

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guys pls help how to inboud ID with triggers

---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------

ok got this with id ?= now i can make a mission with drug destruction =)

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If I set an IED to an object using attachto, how do I make sure it disappears after my trigger is activated?

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If I set an IED to an object using attachto, how do I make sure it disappears after my trigger is activated?

If your referring to the object the it's deletevehicle objectsname placed in the code just after the bomb has exploded

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I will help you with the mobile respawn once i get my arma 2 working again i have one that i built into my mission "Operation Phalanx" i'le sen you the scripts sometime :).

---------- Post added at 11:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 AM ----------

how to make like when heli exlpoede 1 task i completed ??

If this has not been answered yet !alive heli objStatus ""DONE""; tskhelisetTaskState ""SUCCEEDED"";

Something along those lines i can't remember exactly might need to remove some of those " and alittle bit of edditing :P I would get it exactly for you but that's from the mission.sqm and i can't get arma 2 working at the moment :).

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how to make the air reinforcment in the editor that is in the trening mission.

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but a sound i did myself PLS HELP.

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Hi guys, doing a little mission where theres an IED, and after it blows i want the VIPs on board the 2nd vehicle to board the Helo that comes to pick them up.

I have done it so when the Trigger for the IED go's off a Helo comes and hovers nearby, but I cant work out a way to make JUST the VIP's bail, not everybody... any ideas?

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Outright kill everyone else, possibly even heal or allowDamage false the VIPs. Or just kill everyone and spawn new VIPs there.

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Yeah, I i was hoping to be more of a case of 'oh shit, the vip's have been compromised, get them out of here, we will defend this position'.

Perhaps kill them all, spawn new squad and let the VIPs get out of there. And now, to work out how to do that!

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