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Warfare BE Takistan+Zargabad A2+OA

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Changed version of Warfare Benny Edition 2.062 Takistan and Zargabad.

Added for East and West jets, technic and some weapons from ARMA2 - need ARMA 2 Combined Operations for playing.

Changed :

West : LAV25_HQ - reason : too fast die East Striker HQ on the rocks.

East : RTR90_HQ - reason : BMP2 have too slow speed on the rocks.

Version 2.0626 Download here

2.0622 : Fixed bug with Mg-Nests.

2.0623 : Based on the today 25.07.2010 fixed by Benny WarfareBE 2.062

2.0624 : Based on the tonight 25.07.2010 fixed by Benny WarfareBE 2.062

2.0625 : Added - bykes from Arma2 for 2 sides, and Cars to central bunkers.

DMR for west

MP5 and MP5SD for west

AAV and AAV squads for bots to west.

Kamaz for east.

T34 squads for bots for east.

Added for east city defence t90 and tunguska - changed shilka to tunguska, t72 in large cities to t90.

Fixed ( changed from ARMA 2) Tow for West.

2.0626 : Only minor fixes :

Changed place of hangar on the Loy-Manaras airfield - reason : if one player create jet in hangar, but second try to fly from airfield - sometimes jet spawn on the airfield - and second player don't have enought time for stop, and 2 jets blow ...

2.0626 MMA :

Added MMA script suite for Takistan and Zargabad Warfare BE 2.0625.

Changed place of hangar on the Loy-Manaras airfield.

2.068 AaD :

Version 2.068 AaD Download here

Changed : All Strikers ( M1126_ICV_M2_EP1-M1135_ATGMV_EP1) moved to light factory, and Motorized Infantry - Motorized Section use M1126_ICV_M2_EP1( Striker with M2 machinegun ), with this ai-s normally covered by own technic at game start.

Russians - have BTR60 in light factory without upgrades, reason - americans have 2 btr-s ( Strikers ) at start. And russian Motorized Infantry - Motorized Infantry Squad use BTR-60 at start, not a light vehicle Kamaz.

Settings :

Suplyes : 4800

Money : 4800

Starting time : 6:00

GroupSize AI : 6

ICBM : Enabled

Arty : Disabled

HighCommand : Disabled.

MMA : Enabled.

From Ricnunes Ricmi24 ( Mi24 Radar fix ) edited addon version 1.1 : added classes for Operation Arrowhed Mi24.

Addon version 1.1 download here

P.S. Thanx to :

Benny - for Warfare BE

Mandoble - for Mando missiles script suite.

Tagma and =WASP= squads - for ideas.

Xerxes-17 - for idea to add MMA.

GossamerS - for help with integrating MMA.

Edited by ALHSLeo

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2.0625 : Based on the 25.07.2010 fixed by Benny WarfareBE 2.062

Added - bykes from Arma2 for 2 sides, and Cars to central bunkers.

DMR for west

MP5 and MP5SD for west

AAV and AAV squads for bots to west.

Kamaz for east.

T34 squads for bots for east.

For adding SMAW - don't see a reason, becouse SMAW=MAAWS

Version 2.0625 Download here

P.S. ready.

P.P.S. Fixed ( changed from ARMA 2) Tow for West.

Edited by ALHSLeo

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EXCELLENT thank you for this, please keep them coming, you have made many people happy!

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So to my understanding East would now have T34, T55, T72 and T90? A full composite of A2 and OA equipment on both sides?

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yes, and at this moment i adding normal city defence - added to east occupied cities t90 and tunguska, reason - american large cities have 4 m1a2 Tusk's , but russians have only t72 and t55 :)

Only i don;t add all weapons from A2 - reason - some american and russian weapons same in the both games A2 and OA, like m16 or smaaw=maaws.

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Ok, good info. How many zones does zarga have? I'd reccomend having plenty of one or two outpost sized points, this would encourage heavy infantry fighting block by block, Stalingrad style :P

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Redownload please who downloaded - i don't wanna change version number, but files changed

added for east city defence t90 and tunguska - changed shilka to tunguska, t72 in large cities to t90.

Version 2.0625 Download here

And - who try to download warfarev2_0625liteoaa2alhs.takistan.7z - this is a same version of Takistan map, only with changed starting parameters, all other - same (i use this version of mission on my server).

I writed - this warfare based on the Benny version, thanx him for nice mission, i only adding some weapons, cars and other changes - writed it on changelog, then zarga have same points like standart Benny version, Zarga - small map, and this is real fight - side to side :)

And - yes, East have all tanks from A2 and OA, West have Lav's, AAV, tanks same m1a1 A2 = m1a1 OA, then i don't see a reason to add it.

P.S. And not only tanks - All jets from A2 added for both sides - West have F35, AV8B, Cobra, East - Su 39, Su34, Mi24D, Mi24P, Mi17 With NUR's, Ka52 - 45200$ if disabled balancing, if balancing enabled - then ka52 - 24000 - but can't shot air targets.

P.P.S. changed mission name in the browser from Warfare Benny Edition V2.0624 A2+OA Lite Takistan ( or Zargabad ) to Warfare BE V2.0625 A2+OA Lite - Takistan ( or Zagrabad ) - reason - too long name , and in mission choser don't see full mission name.

Edited by ALHSLeo

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Is the balancing still the original benny system for KA? Repalces VIKHRs with 2 sets of 8 Hellfires? If so could you replace this with a system that repalces the VIKHRs with Atka-V's for more rooski goodness in a later version? I feel almost insulted using American Missiles on a Russian chopper...

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i can, but don;t wanna do it - becouse ataka too bad targeting in the enemy technik - 90% miss if you shot from Mi24 in OA, rocket go or higher, or lower on the target, you shot 4 rockets from Mi24 - and only 1 can take a target, all others miss.

Edited by ALHSLeo

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That's because of the terrible (700m or below) lock range of the Mi24. Get the ricmi24 fix and suddenly the Ataka can start hitting well. Hell, possibly include the ricmi24 fix with this if possible?

Edit: hell, while i'm still dreaming if mando missile is integrated into it all missile balance issues are fixed completely.

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ricmi24 fix - this is server-client side addon, not a mission, and only if server haves on his side this addon - then this be fixed.( i maybe mistakes , but addons initialising before mission ).

Give me a link to this addon, and i watxch it, maybe can do anything.

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Here you are droog!


here is the link to the mando missile complex, If you are to fidangle some scripts into a mission to fix the Mi24, then this would probbably be best as it also fixes other balance issues.


Edited by Xerxes-17

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i some time used mando misiles, scripts for mando added in the one map in domnia, but map size with mando scripts 8mb - too large for mp.

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I would also love to see Mando Missilies be included in all available Warfare missions. I think it doesnt matter if the mission is 500k, 1 mb or 8mb, just a few seconds you have to wait more to connect to a server if you havent the mission file already. Or is there a another point you are worried about?

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With mando no problem at all if server have this plugin installed, but for map - more plugins, more modules - more errors on the end players. Mission only mission, but mods and addons - this is serverside things, and if admins wanna install mando, or any other mod - then he can install anything, what he like.

I on own server use modified for OA and A2 armormaster, serverside plugin, and others ( but all plugins serverside only ), no one player don't need to download any addon, and this is right way, becouse if player need to download anything for joiniong to the server - then he join on the another server - without plugins at all. And maps too - 8 mb not so small for players from more coutries, becouse if server high loaded ( but in warfare server always high loaded ) player need to wait not 20-30 seconds, but 3-5 minits for joining.

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Yeah pretty much how I feel. On my go to server trying to get everyone to get mods and such all lined up with even yoma would we like hearding kittens. If it's all in the one map, then they jsut gotta wait a little while longer and it's all good in the hood. Bandwidth is not a problem as it is hosted by an ISP.

Edit: and if it is not too much trouble why not release anyway? Some people would rather use the mod, sxome would rather have integrated map.

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I also would like MMA in its script version to be integrated, as it doesnt require any mods on the clientside.

It is correct that the servers are highly frequented, but mostly by the same crowd, in my experience.

So u have a one time longer DL, for all the time better fun. Sounds like a decent deal to me ;)



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Tryed to add Mando, added it in test version, but only one problem with mando - kill's don't counting, and this is bad, becouse if you bue 45k chopper, kill more peoples, but not got any money and any points for kill....

P.S. I repacked ricmi24 addon ( clientside addon ) - added support for Mi24 from OA, signed file with my key, and inserted my public key for game servers.

Tryed to add this addon in the mission - no luck, or i too bad scripter, or base classes can't change mission load time ( this addon change base classes ).

This addon can download from here

Edited by ALHSLeo

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kill's don't counting

Yeah, Mando has scripted a file that handles that: mando_score.sqf

This one goes after Mando Missisle initialization into initJIPCompatible.sqf:

// Init Score

mando_scorefunc = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "mando_missiles\mando_score.sqf");

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Tryed to add Mando, added it in test version, but only one problem with mando - kill's don't counting, and this is bad, becouse if you bue 45k chopper, kill more peoples, but not got any money and any points for kill....

Weren't you the one that PMed me about this, What I gave you should make it work :)

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not, i don;t pmed any one.

Ginger McAle : your line autoinitialised by mando_missileinit.sqf mission load time (http://subversion.arma-tow.com/subversion/arma/trunks/modules.pbo/mando_missiles/mando_missileinit.sqf ).

tryed different ways today, but all without success - mando don't count kills, standart kills counting, but kills killed by rockets with mando guidance - not.

Edited by ALHSLeo

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not, i don;t pmed any one.

Ginger McAle : your line autoinitialised by mando_missileinit.sqf mission load time (http://subversion.arma-tow.com/subversion/arma/trunks/modules.pbo/mando_missiles/mando_missileinit.sqf ).

tryed different ways today, but all without success - mando don't count kills, standart kills counting, but kills killed by rockets with mando guidance - not.

Replace your mando_score.sqf with this:

// Air 5, Car 2, Tank 3, Boat 3, Static 3

// Code that is executed by missile warhead scripts to add score to players firing missiles.
Sleep 2;
_var = false;
if ((damage _target > 0.9) || (isNull _target)) then
  if (!isNull _target) then
     _var = _target getVariable "mando_kill_scored";

  if ((isNil "_var") || (isNull _target)) then

     if (!isNull _target) then
        [_target] spawn
           Sleep 5;
           (_this select 0) setVariable ["mando_kill_scored", true, true];

     if (typeName _cost == "SCALAR") then
        _rating = 100 + _cost / 1000;
        _rating = 100;

     if (_classtarget isKindOf "Air") then
        _score = 5;
        if (_classtarget isKindOf "Car") then
           _score = 2;
           if (_classtarget isKindOf "Tank") then
              _score = 3;
              if (_classtarget isKindOf "Boat") then
                 _score = 3;
                 if (_classtarget isKindOf "BigShip") then
                    _score = 25;
                    if (_classtarget isKindOf "SmallShip") then
                       _score = 15;
                       if (_classtarget isKindOf "Ship") then
                          _score = 10;
                          if (_classtarget isKindOf "Static") then
                             _score = 3;
                             _score = 1;

     if (({!alive _x} count _crewt) > 0) then
        _score = _score + ({!alive _x} count _crewt);

     if (_side == (side _launcher)) then
        _rating = -_rating;
        _score = -_score;

     _crew = crew _launcher;
  _unit = _crew select 0;
  if (local _target) then {
	[_target, _unit, _side] execVM "Common\Functions\Common_UnitKilled.sqf";

     for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _crew)},{_i=_i+1}] do
        _unit = _crew select _i;
        if (alive _unit) then
           if (isPlayer _unit) then 
              if (isServer) then
                 _unit addScore _score;

           if ((local _unit) && (isPlayer _unit)) then
             _unit addRating _rating;

Then mando kills will work.

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i watched your code in your misson, and inserted this 5 lines in my version ( thanx for it ), and added more checks in the if (typeName _cost == "SCALAR") then... becouse Benny in last version implement mysql score tables, and this advanced checks needed (with proper - from Benny - points for kills).

this is my version of mando_score.sqf :

// Air 5, Car 2, Tank 3, Boat 3, Static 3

// Code that is executed by missile warhead scripts to add score to players firing missiles.
Sleep 2;
_var = false;
if ((damage _target > 0.9) || (isNull _target)) then
  if (!isNull _target) then
     _var = _target getVariable "mando_kill_scored";

  if ((isNil "_var") || (isNull _target)) then

     if (!isNull _target) then
        [_target] spawn
           Sleep 5;
           (_this select 0) setVariable ["mando_kill_scored", true, true];

   if (typeName _cost == "SCALAR") then
       _rating = 100 + _cost / 1000;
        _rating = 100;

	if (_classtarget isKindOf "Plane") then
	_score = 8;
		if (_classtarget isKindOf "Car") then
		_score = 2;
			if (_classtarget isKindOf "Tank") then
			_score = 4;
				if (_classtarget isKindOf "Boat") then
				_score = 3;
					if (_classtarget isKindOf "BigShip") then
					_score = 25;
						if (_classtarget isKindOf "SmallShip") then
						_score = 15;
							if (_classtarget isKindOf "Ship") then
							_score = 10;
								if (_classtarget isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then
								_score = 3;
									if (_classtarget isKindOf "Helicopter") then
									_score = 6;
										if (_classtarget isKindOf "Building") then
										_score = 3;
											if (_classtarget isKindOf "Infantry") then
											_score = 1;
											_score = 1;

     if (({!alive _x} count _crewt) > 0) then
        _score = _score + ({!alive _x} count _crewt);

     if (_side == (side _launcher)) then
        _rating = -_rating;
        _score = -_score;

     _crew = crew _launcher;
  _unit = _crew select 0;
  if (local _target) then {
	[_target, _unit, _side] execVM "Common\Functions\Common_UnitKilled.sqf";

     for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _crew)},{_i=_i+1}] do
        _unit = _crew select _i;
        if (alive _unit) then
           if (isPlayer _unit) then 
              if (isServer) then
                 _unit addScore _score;

           if ((local _unit) && (isPlayer _unit)) then
             _unit addRating _rating;

but with this mando_score changes ( your 5 lines ) player get money for killed technic, but if he kill soldiers with guided misiles - then he got only points, but not money, and don't got in the counter how much he killed tanks, cars, and other..

Edited by ALHSLeo

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but with this mando_score changes ( your 5 lines ) player get money for killed technic, but if he kill soldiers with guided misiles - then he got only points, but not money, and don't got in the counter how much he killed tanks, cars, and other..

thanks for pointing that out, I'm going to have to look into that further.

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2.0626 : Only minor fixes :

Changed place of hangar on the Loy-Manaras airfield - reason : if one player create jet in hangar, but second try to fly from airfield - sometimes jet spawn on the airfield - and second player don't have enought time for stop, and 2 jets blow ...

2.0626 MMA :

Added MMA script suite for Takistan and Zargabad Warfare BE 2.0625.

Changed place of hangar on the Loy-Manaras airfield.

Version 2.0626 Download here

P.S. Updated first my post, writed all changelog in it.

Edited by ALHSLeo

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